

单词 破浪前进
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔astern〕The ship surged through the waves with the wind astern.船乘风破浪前进。英汉大词典〔breast〕The ship breasted the turbulent seas.船顶着汹涌的海浪前进。(或:船破浪前进。)21世纪英汉〔cleave〕The luxurious liner is cleaving through the waves.这艘豪华的邮轮正在破浪前进。21世纪英汉〔cleave〕The vessel cleft the billowing sea at record speed.船以创记录速度破浪前进。英汉大词典〔cut through〕The ship cut her way through the waves.船破浪前进。21世纪英汉〔forge〕The great ship forged ahead through the waves.巨轮稳稳地破浪前进。英汉大词典〔knife〕A ship is knifing through the surging waves.一条船正在汹涌的波涛中破浪前进。21世纪英汉〔knife〕The boat knifed through the water.船破浪前进。英汉大词典〔knife〕The boat knifed through the waves.船只破浪前进美国传统〔plough through〕The ship ploughed through the waves.那艘船破浪前进。柯林斯高阶〔plough〕The ship ploughed through the waves.船破浪前进。英汉大词典〔pound〕The ship pounded through heavy seas.船在汹涌的海面上破浪前进。英汉大词典〔ride〕The small boat rode the waves.小船破浪前进。英汉大词典〔rip〕Informal To move quickly or violently.【非正式用语】 破浪前进:迅速或猛烈地移动美国传统〔slice through〕The ship sliced through the water.轮船破浪前进。外研社新世纪〔slice〕The ship sliced the water.船破浪前进。牛津高阶〔slice〕The speeding boat sliced through the waves.快艇破浪前进。英汉大词典〔surge〕My boat was surged through the huge waves.我的小船颠簸着破浪前进。21世纪英汉




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