

单词 破坏者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deface〕Vandals defaced the statue.破坏者损坏了雕像的外观。牛津同义词〔despoiler〕He sees human beings as despoilers of nature.他认为人类是大自然的破坏者。韦氏高阶〔destroyer〕The pamphlet describes alcohol as a destroyer of families.这本小册子把酒说成家庭的破坏者。韦氏高阶〔diversionist〕One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities.背离既定路线者;阴谋破坏者:采用不同路线,进行分裂或从事破坏活动的人美国传统〔hack〕The saboteurs had demanded money in return for revealing how they hacked into the systems.那些故意破坏者索要钱财,以作为透露自己是如何非法进入该电脑系统的交换条件。柯林斯高阶〔lease〕A jet on lease to a rock group has been wrecked by vandals.租给一支摇滚乐队的喷气式飞机被恶意破坏者严重毁坏了。外研社新世纪〔saboteur〕One that commits sabotage.蓄意破坏者美国传统〔saboteur〕The lorries were wrecked by saboteurs.大卡车被蓄意破坏者给严重毁坏了。朗文当代〔scab〕An employee who works while others are on strike; a strikebreaker.破坏罢工者:别人罢工而他工作的人;罢工破坏者美国传统〔screwup〕One that makes a mess of an undertaking; a bungler.破坏者:把事情弄糟的人;破坏者美国传统〔spoiler〕One who seizes spoils or booty.破坏者:宠坏他人者,搞坏东西的人美国传统〔stake out〕The police staked out the building until they caught the vandals.警方一直监视那座建筑物,直到他们抓到破坏者为止。韦氏高阶〔vandal〕The station is plagued by vandals.车站常遭故意破坏者袭扰。牛津搭配〔violate〕Vandals had violated the graveyard.破坏者亵渎了墓园。朗文当代〔wrecker〕He saw Libby as a marriage wrecker.他把利比看作婚姻的破坏者。外研社新世纪Hunt saboteurs try to disrupt fox hunts because they disapprove of fox-hunting.狩猎破坏者因为对猎杀狐狸持反对意见而破坏猎狐。剑桥国际It cost me $300 to remove the paint that some vandal had smeared over my car.我花了300美元除去破坏者涂抹在我的汽车上的涂料。剑桥国际Many of the strikebreakers have been subjected to verbal and physical attacks.许多罢工破坏者都已遭到口头和身体攻击。剑桥国际Saboteurs are being sent across the border to cause destruction in enemy towns.他们将破坏者遣送过边界去毁坏敌人的城镇。剑桥国际Vandals have covered the church with daubs of red paint.破坏者们把教堂涂抹得尽是红漆。剑桥国际




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