

单词 短途
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TRAVEL〕a short journey 短途旅行朗文写作活用〔bag〕an overnight bag 短途旅行包韦氏高阶〔bag〕an overnight bag 短途旅行用的旅行袋麦克米伦高阶〔bay〕a short ferry ride across the bay. 乘渡船横渡海湾的短途旅行柯林斯高阶〔effectiveness〕a restructuring that would have resulted in an effective increase on one of their most popular excursion fares. 原本会使他们最热门的一条短途旅游线路的费用出现实质性上涨的调整柯林斯高阶〔excursion〕a fishing excursion 去垂钓的短途旅行韦氏高阶〔fairy tale〕an excursion to the fairy-tale castle of Neuschwanstein. 到童话般的新天鹅堡的短途旅行柯林斯高阶〔flight〕a short flight in a hot air balloon 乘坐热气球的短途飞行朗文当代〔free-form〕a free-form excursion 别出心裁的短途旅行英汉大词典〔go〕to go on a journey/a tour/a trip/a cruise 去旅行╱观光游览╱短途旅行╱乘船旅游牛津高阶〔haul〕a short-haul passenger plane 短途客机牛津搭配〔hop〕a hop down to Philadelphia 去往费城的短途飞行韦氏高阶〔jaunt〕a four-day jaunt to the mountains 为期四天的短途登山之旅韦氏高阶〔jaunt〕a weekend jaunt 周末短途旅游朗文当代〔jaunt〕to go on a pleasure jaunt.作愉快的短途游览。牛津同义词〔jump〕a plane jump 乘坐飞机的短途旅行 英汉大词典〔little〕a little trip 短途旅行英汉大词典〔onboard〕abolish onboard food service on short domestic flights 取消国内短途飞行的机上食品供应英汉大词典〔outing〕a family/school outing 家庭/学校短途旅行韦氏高阶〔outing〕an outing to the beach 去海滩的短途旅游朗文当代〔pack〕pack an overnight bag 把衣物装进短途旅行包英汉大词典〔short-haul〕short-haul flights 短途飞行剑桥高阶〔short-haul〕short-haul flights短途航班外研社新世纪〔short-haul〕short-haul routes within the UK 英国国内短途航线朗文当代〔touristic〕touristic excursions 短途游览剑桥高阶〔tripper〕when the shops shut and the trippers go home当商店关门、这些短途游客回家的时候外研社新世纪a short-haul airline/flight 短途航空公司/航班牛津商务short-haul trucking 短途货运牛津商务




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