

单词 监狱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔admin〕the prison's admin staff. 监狱的管理人员柯林斯高阶〔bound〕a high wall that bounded the prison yard; lives that were bounded by poverty. 圈住监狱的高墙;为贫困所禁锢的生活美国传统〔brutality〕the brutalities of a prison 监狱中的暴行韦氏高阶〔clap〕clapped the purse snatcher in jail; clapped a lid on the box. 将偷钱包者投入监狱;将盖子盖到盒子上美国传统〔commit〕commit sb. to prison 把某人关进监狱英汉大词典〔consign sb/sth to sth〕to be consigned to prison 被投入监狱剑桥高阶〔correction〕jails and other parts of the correction system. 监狱和其他惩治改造机构柯林斯高阶〔deprivation〕the deprivations of prison life 监狱生活的不自由麦克米伦高阶〔disgrace〕suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison. 忍受着被送入监狱的羞耻行为的煎熬。美国传统〔escapee〕an escapee from the local jail 从当地监狱越狱的逃犯韦氏高阶〔euphemistically〕political prisons, called euphemistically 're-education camps'. 被委婉称作“再教育营”的政治监狱柯林斯高阶〔governor〕a prison governor 监狱长牛津高阶〔guard〕a prison guard.监狱看守。牛津同义词〔high〕the high walls of the prison监狱的高墙外研社新世纪〔humane〕a humane prison guard 仁慈的监狱看守韦氏高阶〔in-and-out〕an in-and-out man 几进几出监狱的人英汉大词典〔juvenile〕a scheme to lock up persistent juvenile offenders. 将青少年惯犯关入监狱的计划柯林斯高阶〔keep〕keep a prisoner in jail 把囚犯关在监狱里韦氏高阶〔lock-up〕the 450 inmates at the maximum-security lock-up in Lucasville. 被关在卢卡斯维尔一级警戒监狱的450名囚犯柯林斯高阶〔march〕march the prisoners directly from jails to the boats 把犯人从监狱直接押送上船英汉大词典〔model〕a model prison 模范监狱麦克米伦高阶〔mutiny〕a prison mutiny 监狱叛乱麦克米伦高阶〔officer〕a cust oms/prison/welfare officer 海关╱监狱╱福利官员牛津高阶〔opaque〕the opaque windows of the jail监狱的不透明窗户外研社新世纪〔overcrowded〕overcrowded cities/prisons 拥挤不堪的城市╱监狱牛津高阶〔overcrowded〕overcrowded cities/prisons/schools 拥挤不堪的城市/监狱/学校剑桥高阶〔overcrowding〕the prison's chronic overcrowding problem 监狱中长期存在的过度拥挤的问题朗文当代〔prison〕a maximum-security prison 最高度戒备的监狱牛津高阶〔prison〕the Mexican prison system墨西哥监狱体制外研社新世纪〔prison〕the gas chamber at San Quentin Prison. 圣昆廷监狱的毒气室柯林斯高阶〔prison〕the prison service 监狱管理机构朗文当代〔rash〕a rash of movies about life in prison 大量关于监狱生活的电影牛津高阶〔rehabilitate〕women who had been imprisoned or rehabilitated 曾被投入监狱或经改造重生的女犯英汉大词典〔safe〕a criminal safe behind bars 关在监狱里不能作恶的罪犯英汉大词典〔sanitary〕a prison with no proper sanitary facilities (=toilets) 一座缺少应有的卫生设施的监狱朗文当代〔scouring〕the scourings of the jail and hulks 监狱和囚船中的社会渣滓英汉大词典〔smuggle〕smuggle letters into (out of) prison 把信件偷偷带进(带出)监狱英汉大词典〔suppression〕people who were imprisoned after the violent suppression of the pro-democracy movement protests. 在拥护民主的抗议活动遭到暴力镇压后被投入监狱的人们柯林斯高阶〔tinderbox〕referred to the crowded prison as a tinderbox of suppressed violence. 把拥挤的监狱称作一个装满了被压制的暴力的火药筒美国传统〔torture〕prisons where the inmates were tortured犯人遭受拷打的监狱外研社新世纪




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