

单词 监护人的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOK AFTER〕The court must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian. 法院必须征得孩子父母中的一方或监护人的同意。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕You have to get the signature of the child's parent or guardian. 你必须取得小孩父母或者监护人的签名。朗文写作活用〔accompanying〕Children under twelve require an accompanying parent or guardian to see this movie.12岁以下的儿童看这部电影必须要有父母或监护人的陪同。剑桥高阶〔capacity〕The Princess was there in her capacity as patron of the charity.公主是以慈善机构监护人的身份到场的。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕Your parent or guardian will be asked for their consent to your examination or treatment.你的检查或治疗都要征得父母或监护人的同意。外研社新世纪〔guardian〕The child's parents or guardians must give their consent before she has the operation.在给这个孩子动手术前,一定要得到她父母或其监护人的同意。剑桥高阶〔precipitate〕Ward membership may easily precipitate itself into many visible forms of behaviour.监护人的资格很容易以许多显而易见的行为方式体现出来。21世纪英汉〔pupillary〕Of or relating to a student or ward.属于或有关学生或受监护人的美国传统〔reverse〕Our roles as child and guardian had now been reversed.我们身为孩子和监护人的角色现在对换了。朗文当代〔tutelary〕Of or relating to a guardian or guardianship.监护的,监护人的:属于或关于监护人或监护的美国传统〔tutorial〕Of or relating to tutors or a tutor.家庭教师的,辅导老师的,大学导师的:属于或关于家庭教师、辅导老师或大学导师;监护人的美国传统〔wardship〕The state of being in the charge of a guardian.监护人的身份:负有监护人的职责的状态美国传统




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