

单词 看管
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HONEST〕I knew I could trust Neil to look after the money. 我知道我可以相信尼尔,让他看管这笔钱。朗文写作活用〔HONEST〕People who look after other people's money should be above suspicion. 看管他人钱财的人必须是绝对可靠的。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Staff at the hostel were accused of neglecting and abusing children in their care. 收容所里的工作人员被指责忽视并虐待他们看管的孩子。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕The miniature railway is looked after by local volunteers. 这微型铁路由当地的义工负责看管。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Tom went into the library while I kept an eye on the bikes. 汤姆进图书馆了,我则看管自行车。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕I think I'd be pushing my luck if I asked him to babysit again on such short notice. 我想我要是再临时请他看管孩子,那真是心存侥幸。朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕Stay here and watch our bags while I go and buy some food. 你留在这里看管我们的包,我去买些吃的。朗文写作活用〔attend〕The prisoners were attended by the guards.犯人由看守看管着。英汉大词典〔baby sitter〕A person who cares for or watches someone or something that needs constant attention and guidance.看管人,照料者:照顾或看管那些需要不断注意和指导的人或物的人美国传统〔batboy〕A boy who is employed by a baseball team to look after its equipment, especially the bats.棒球球童:棒球队雇来看管器械(尤其是球棒)的男孩美国传统〔battered child〕A child upon whom multiple, continuing, often serious nonaccidental injuries have been inflicted usually by parents, guardians, or other caregivers.受虐儿童:遭受多次的连续性伤害的儿童,通常为严重的非意外伤害,由其父母、监护人或其他看管者加诸给他们美国传统〔beady〕The chairman keeps a beady eye on things.主席小心地看管着这些东西。柯林斯高阶〔caretaker〕One that is employed to look after or take charge of goods, property, or a person; a custodian.照顾者,看管人:被雇来照料或看管货物、财产或人的人;保管人美国传统〔caretaker〕We have a caretaker who watches the place for us while we are away.我们不在的期间会有看守人来看管这个地方。韦氏高阶〔charge〕He was charged with taking care of the premises.他被吩咐去看管那些房屋。剑桥高阶〔charge〕I left the boys in Mary's charge.我把男孩子们交给玛丽看管。外研社新世纪〔close〕Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on the kids.别担心,我会小心看管孩子们的。朗文当代〔confinement〕The animals are kept in close confinement.动物被关起来并受到严密看管。牛津搭配〔control〕Dogs are allowed on the trails if they are kept under control .狗在受到看管的情况下可以允许在小径上走。朗文当代〔custodian〕Farmers are custodians of the land for the next generation.农民是为子孙后代看管土地的监护人。朗文当代〔custodian〕The National Trust is looking for a custodian for John Lennon's former house.全国托管协会正在为约翰•列侬的故居寻找看管人。外研社新世纪〔day nursery〕A facility for the supervision of preschool children, especially during the hours that their parents are at work.日间托儿所:为学龄前儿童提供看管的设备,尤其是当他们的父母出去工作时美国传统〔den mother〕A woman who supervises a den of Cub Scouts.看管一小队幼年童子军的妇女美国传统〔dragon〕Her mother is a real dragon.她母亲把她看管得真够严的。英汉大词典〔fob off〕The child's father was always fobbing her off on relatives and babysitters.这孩子的父亲总是把她推给亲戚或保姆看管。韦氏高阶〔greenskeeper〕One who is responsible for the maintenance of a golf course.高尔夫球场看管员:负责看护高尔夫球场的人美国传统〔groundskeeper〕One who maintains grounds, as of an estate, a park, or an athletic field.场地管理员;看管人:负责维护场地,如庄园、公园或运动场场地的人美国传统〔guard〕He was taken to hospital, where he is now under police guard.他被送进了医院,现在由警方看管。朗文当代〔guard〕The soldiers guarded the prisoners.士兵看管着囚犯。21世纪英汉〔guard〕The terrorist was kept under police guard.这名恐怖分子当时在警方的看管之下。牛津高阶〔hand-out〕Soldiers oversee the food hand-outs.士兵们看管着救济食品。外研社新世纪〔handout〕Soldiers oversee the food handouts.士兵们看管着救济食品。柯林斯高阶〔herd〕Dogs are often trained to herd sheep.狗常被训练来看管羊群。英汉大词典〔herd〕Every summer he worked on his uncle's farm, herding sheep.每年夏天他在叔叔的农场里看管羊群。麦克米伦高阶〔herd〕They were herded together under guard.他们被集中在一处看管了起来。英汉大词典〔jailer〕One whose responsibility is keeping a jail.狱卒:负责看管囚犯的人美国传统〔lie around〕People should be careful about their possessions and not leave them lying around.人们应该看管好自己的物品, 不要随便乱放。外研社新世纪〔luggage〕Never leave your luggage unattended.决不要把行李放在没人看管的地方。剑桥高阶〔man〕Barricades were erected against the advancing government troops and they were manned throughout the night.设置路障以阻挡政府军的前进,并且整夜有人看管。剑桥高阶〔mayhem〕With 20 kids running around and only two adults to supervise, it was complete mayhem.20个孩子到处乱跑却只有两个大人看管,局面完全是一片混乱。剑桥高阶〔mind〕To take care or charge of; look after.看管:看管或管理;照料美国传统〔must〕Luggage must not be left unattended (= it is against the rules).行李不能无人看管。剑桥高阶〔neglect〕The building has been badly neglected.这栋大楼一直无人看管。朗文当代〔neglect〕The building has been neglected for years.这幢楼已多年无人看管了。韦氏高阶〔neglect〕The buildings had been neglected for years.这些大楼多年来一直无人看管。牛津高阶〔neglect〕The house is in a state of neglect.这房子处于无人看管的状态。韦氏高阶〔neuter〕We ask the public to have their dogs neutered and keep them under close supervision.我们要求公众为自家的狗做绝育手术,并严格看管。柯林斯高阶〔neuter〕We ask the public to have their dogs neutered and keep them under close supervision.我们要求公众带自己的狗去做绝育手术并且严加看管。外研社新世纪〔never〕Never ever leave your kids alone.千万不要让孩子没人看管。外研社新世纪〔night-time〕They wanted someone responsible to look after the place at night-time.他们想找一个负责任的人在夜间看管这个地方。外研社新世纪〔off-screen〕Off-screen, Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry.生活中的凯茜受到父亲特里的严格看管。柯林斯高阶〔on standing orders〕They were on standing orders never to leave the prisoner unattended.依照惯例,他们从不让犯人脱离看管。韦氏高阶〔owner〕Dog-owners have been warned to keep their animals under control.狗的主人已被告诫要看管好自己的狗。朗文当代〔probation〕The caretaker will be on probation.那位看管人将经过试用。英汉大词典〔rack〕The house had been left to go to rack and ruin.房子已无人看管,日渐破败。朗文当代〔release〕On completing his prison sentence Smith will serve three years of supervised release.服刑期满后,史密斯将接受 3 年的监外看管。牛津搭配〔remove〕Unattended luggage will be removed and may be destroyed.无人看管行李将被移走, 而且可能被销毁。外研社新世纪〔remuneration〕In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free apartment and a small remuneration.我们会为看管者提供免费住宿的公寓和一小笔酬金,以示回报。剑桥高阶〔responsible〕Each child is responsible for his or her own belongings.每个孩子都要看管好自己的个人物品。韦氏高阶〔ride〕To keep watch or control over.管束,严密看管美国传统〔risk〕Valuables are left at their owner's risk(= on a notice).贵重物品须看管,否则风险自负。牛津高阶〔run〕Never leave your car unattended while the engine is running.发动机还在运转时,千万不要让车无人看管。韦氏高阶〔security risk〕Any package left unattended will be deemed a security risk.任何无人看管的包裹都将被视为安全隐患。韦氏高阶〔stand〕You must stand guard over him at all times.你必须随时看管着他。朗文当代〔supervision〕Parental supervision is recommended.建议父母应加强看管自己的孩子。韦氏高阶〔take〕To accept and place under one's care or keeping.接受,安置:接受对…的看护或保管或把…置于某人的看管或保护之下美国传统〔themselves〕Young children should not be left by themselves.年龄小的孩子不应该没人看管。剑桥高阶〔think〕To think I left you alone in a place with a madman at large!.想想看,我竟然把你一个人抛在那儿,让你和一个无人看管的疯子呆在一起!柯林斯高阶〔turn〕Customs officials turned the man over to the police.海关官员把那个男子移交给警方看管。牛津高阶〔unattended〕Never leave young children unattended.对幼儿切不可疏于看管。牛津高阶〔unattended〕The campfire was left unattended.那堆营火留在那儿无人看管。韦氏高阶〔unattended〕The mob broke into the family house while it was unattended and started four fires.暴徒在这家房子无人看管时闯了进去, 并在四个地方点了火。外研社新世纪〔unattended〕The mob broke into the family house while it was unattended and started four fires.这群匪徒闯进了那所无人看管的民宅,在4个地方放了火。柯林斯高阶〔unattended〕Unattended luggage will be confiscated.无人看管的行李将予以没收。韦氏高阶〔unguarded〕I should not leave my briefcase and camera bag unguarded.我不该把公文包和相机包丢在那儿无人看管。外研社新世纪〔unguarded〕I should not leave my briefcase and camera bag unguarded.我不该把我的公文包和相机包留在那儿无人看管。柯林斯高阶〔unsupervised〕The kids were left unsupervised while their parents were out.父母外出时,这几个孩子无人看管了。韦氏高阶〔untended〕Three untended horses grazed in the field.三匹无人看管的马在地里吃草。韦氏高阶〔warrener〕A gamekeeper.猎物看管人美国传统〔warrener〕One who owns or keeps a rabbit warren.养兔场主,养兔场看管人美国传统〔watch over〕The shepherds watched over their sheep.牧羊人看管着他们的羊。韦氏高阶Her ex-husband has charge of the children during the week and she has them at the weekend.她的前夫在周日看管孩子,而她在周末和他们在一起。剑桥国际I shouldn't leave your bag unguarded in a pub like this.我不应该把你的包像这样放在酒馆里无人看管。剑桥国际Owners should not abandon their dogs when they become awkwardly large.当狗长大到难以看管时,狗主不应将狗遗弃。剑桥国际She was charged with taking care of/with the care of the premises.她被吩咐去看管那些房屋。剑桥国际Small children should not be left alone without supervision (= being watched to make certain that they behave correctly and are safe).小孩子必须有人看管,不能没有人陪。剑桥国际The caretaker of the warehouse was trustworthy. 那个看管仓库的人是很可靠的。译典通The stolen car is now in police custody. 那辆被盗的车现由警方所看管。译典通The urge to steal is very strong in many of the young men we look after here.我们这里看管的年轻人当中,许多都有很强的偷窃欲望。剑桥国际Their house was little cared for during the war.他们的房子战争时无人看管。剑桥国际Two guards looked after the security of the property. 两个警卫看管财产的安全。译典通We were welcomed by a homely lady who said she was the caretaker.一位朴实的妇女上来迎接我们,她说她是看管人。剑桥国际




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