

单词 生出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕How did two people like Sara and Rob have such beautiful children? 像萨拉和罗布两个这样的人怎么会生出这么漂亮的孩子?朗文写作活用〔EXPRESS〕And then, to her almost inexpressible joy, she saw the familiar tall, broad-shouldered figure across the station. 随后,她在车站那边看到了那个高个子、宽肩膀的熟悉身影,心中油然生出一种几乎是难以言传的喜悦。朗文写作活用〔Josephson junction〕An insulating barrier separating two superconducting materials and producing the Josephson effect.约瑟夫森结:将两个超导材料分隔开的绝缘势垒,它产生出约瑟夫森效应美国传统〔SHAPE〕The drug was shown to cause deformity in a high proportion of babies born to mothers taking it. 经证明,服用这种药物的母亲生出的孩子有很大的比率是畸形的。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕The doctor came out, looking drawn and exhausted. 医生出来了,面容憔悴,显得筋疲力尽。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕He will stand in for Mr Goh when he is abroad.吴先生出国时由他代替。柯林斯高阶〔appear〕Mr. Smith appeared for the plaintiff.史密斯先生出庭为原告当律师。21世纪英汉〔basket weave〕A textile weave consisting of double threads interlaced to produce a checkered pattern similar to that of a woven basket.篮状编织:一种织物编织法,用双层线彼此交叉绕制,产生出和编篮的图案相似的式样美国传统〔bean sprouts〕The tender, edible seedlings of certain bean plants, especially those of the mung bean.豆芽:某些豆类植物种子生出的嫩的、可食用的芽,尤指绿豆芽美国传统〔bid〕I wanted to buy the house but Mr. Smith is bidding against me.我想买这所房子,可是史密斯先生出更高的价钱和我竞争。英汉大词典〔black bag〕A bag in which physicians traditionally carry instruments and a stock of drugs, as on a house call.黑手提包:传统上医生携带的装有医疗器具和常备药剂的袋子,如医生出诊时携带的袋子美国传统〔born〕With a courage born of necessity, she seized the gun and ran at him.迫于情势,她平生出一股勇气,拿起枪向他冲去。剑桥高阶〔breed〕Reminding all concerned that violence breeds violence, they repeat their appeal for calm and restraint.他们提醒所有相关人士暴力会滋生出更多的暴力, 并重申了对冷静和克制的诉求。外研社新世纪〔bring〕To produce, yield, or earn (profits or income).生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)美国传统〔burl〕A large, rounded outgrowth on the trunk or branch of a tree.树瘤:树干或枝上生出的大的圆形突出物美国传统〔by-product〕When burnt, plastic produces dangerous by-products.塑料燃烧时产生出危险的副产品。牛津高阶〔c.ross〕They crossed a tiger with a lion and bred a tiglon.他们将一只老虎与一只狮子杂交,结果生出一只虎狮。21世纪英汉〔call away〕The doctor was called away to a patient's house.医生出诊到病人家里去了。21世纪英汉〔callus〕Heavy work callused his hands.繁重的劳动使他的双手生出茧子来。21世纪英汉〔caudex〕The thickened, usually underground base of the stem of many perennial herbaceous plants, from which new leaves and flowering stems arise.茎基:多年生草本植物的,通常在地下的粗大茎基,从中生出新叶和花茎美国传统〔cauliflory〕The production of flowers and fruits on the older branches or trunks of woody plants, such as the redbud, and many mostly tropical plants, including cacao.茎生花果:木本植物,如紫荆以及包括可可在内的许多热带植物,其老枝或树干上生出的花朵或果实美国传统〔cauline〕Of, having, or growing on a stem. Used especially of leaves arising from the upper part of a stem.茎的:属于茎的、有茎的或长在茎上的。特指茎上部生出的叶子美国传统〔cell〕Those cells divide and give many other different types of cells.那些细胞分裂,产生出许多不同种类的细胞。柯林斯高阶〔clog〕Dirt clogs the pores, causing spots.灰尘堵塞毛孔,从而生出粉刺。柯林斯高阶〔constriction〕A general anxiousness developed, leading to a constriction of her normal activities.一种普遍的焦虑滋生出来, 这影响了她的正常活动。外研社新世纪〔constrict〕A general anxiousness developed and increased, leading to a constriction of her normal activities.一种普遍的焦虑情绪滋生出来并且不断加剧,导致她正常的活动都束手束脚。柯林斯高阶〔depart〕In the morning Mr McDonald departs for Sydney.早上麦克唐纳先生出发去悉尼。外研社新世纪〔descendant〕The Italian language is one of Latin's descendants.意大利语是由拉丁语派生出的语言之一。韦氏高阶〔differentiate〕That genus of plants differentiates into three species.那个属种的植物衍生出三个变种。21世纪英汉〔established〕The plants quickly produce new roots and become established.植物很快生出新根并开始茁壮成长。麦克米伦高阶〔follicle〕Botany A dry, single-chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds, as in larkspur and milkweed.【植物学】 骨突:干燥、单心皮的果实,仅沿着一个生出种子的合缝裂开,如飞燕草和马利筋美国传统〔forelock〕A lock of hair that grows from or falls on the forehead, especially the part of a horse's mane that falls forward between the ears.额发,前发,额毛:由额头生出或披在额头上的毛发,尤指垂在马耳之间的那部分马鬃美国传统〔fraternal〕Biology Of, relating to, or being a twin developed from two separately fertilized ova; dizygotic.【生物学】 异卵双生的:由两个分别受精的卵子生出的双胞胎的;由两个卵生出来的相象的人或物美国传统〔generator〕She was a constant generator of story ideas.她脑子里不断产生出故事构思。英汉大词典〔grandfather〕Computer Science A stored file of data from which two successive files have been derived, used for comparison with or as a backup copy for the newer files.【计算机科学】 原始文件,原始数据组,祖父:一个已衍生出两个连续文件的数据储存文件, 用于和新文件作比较或作为更新文件的备份美国传统〔house call〕Does your doctor make house calls? 你的医生出诊吗?韦氏高阶〔house〕In the morning, the doctor makes house calls.上午医生出诊。牛津搭配〔increment〕Every day the patient felt tiny new increments of strength come to him.病人每天都感到有小股小股的力量在身体里产生出来。英汉大词典〔inductance〕The property of an electric circuit by which an electromotive force is induced in it or in a nearby circuit by a change of current in either circuit.感应器:电圈仪器,若电圈的磁流有变化,则会在此电圈里或旁边的电圈里感生出电动势美国传统〔law〕The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene.政府对食物衞生出台了一些强硬的新法规。牛津高阶〔leaf primordium〕A lateral outgrowth from the apical meristem that develops into a leaf.叶基:从顶端分生组织中生出的侧部突起,最终发育成叶子美国传统〔lucky stroke〕Her idea for the design for the interior was a stroke of inspiration.她关于室内设计的想法是突然产生出来的灵感。韦氏高阶〔mark〕Each morning the teacher marks the pupils present, absent, or late.每天清晨教师记下学生出席、缺席或迟到的情况。英汉大词典〔mate〕Mating a horse with a donkey produces a mule.马和驴交配后生出骡子。剑桥高阶〔matter〕There are a number of matters arising out of this.这件事又生出一些事来。朗文当代〔miliary tuberculosis〕An acute form of tuberculosis characterized by very small tubercles in various body organs, caused by the spread of tubercle bacilli through the bloodstream.粟粒性结核病:一种急性结核病,以身体的各器官上生出很小的结核为特征,由血液中携带的结核杆菌扩散而引起美国传统〔ovum〕If two ova are fertilized at the same time, the mother will have twins.如果两个卵子同时受精,母亲就会生出双胞胎。剑桥高阶〔primitive〕Linguistics A word or word element from which another word is derived by morphological or historical processes or from which inflected forms are derived.【语言学】 原词,根词:通过词法或历史过程派生出另一个词或词的屈折变化的词或词素美国传统〔punctual〕This student's attendance and punctuality have not been good.这名学生出勤情况不好,也不准时。麦克米伦高阶〔pyrimidine〕Any of several basic compounds derived from or structurally related to pyrimidine, especially the nucleic acid constituents uracil, cytosine, and thymine.嘧啶类:由嘧啶衍生出来或在结构上与嘧啶有关的一种基本混合物尤指核酸组成的尿嘧啶,胞嘧啶和胸腺嘧啶美国传统〔ramify〕To send out branches or subordinate branchlike parts.分枝:生出枝杈或象枝杈一样的次级部分的美国传统〔ramus〕Anatomy A bony process extending like a branch from a larger bone, especially the ascending part of the lower jaw that makes a joint at the temple.【解剖学】 岔枝:从大骨生出的象树枝一样的骨质隆起,尤指在太阳穴形成的一个关节的下颌骨的上升部位美国传统〔rebel〕Her very soul rebelled at (the thought of) going back.一想到要回去,她从内心生出反感。英汉大词典〔reckon without〕There were thirty students present,reckoning without the girlstudents.不算女生,有三十个学生出席。21世纪英汉〔rent〕She rented rooms to university students.她向大学生出租房屋。外研社新世纪〔reproduce〕Lobsters can reproduce a lost limb.龙虾能使失去的肢体重新再生出来。21世纪英汉〔rise〕Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one? 在旧政党的灰烬中会诞生出一个新的政党吗?牛津高阶〔rise〕Protests rose in my heart.我心中一次次生出反对的念头。英汉大词典〔rotund〕A rotund, smiling, red-faced gentleman appeared.一位身材圆胖、面带笑容、满脸通红的先生出现了。柯林斯高阶〔round〕I'm sorry. The doctor is out on her rounds.对不起,医生出去巡诊了。朗文当代〔rub〕We tried to make a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together.我们用两块木头相互摩擦,试图生出火来。朗文当代〔secondary growth〕Growth in vascular plants from production of secondary tissues by a lateral meristem, usually resulting in wider branches and stems.次生生长:维管植物藉侧旁的分生组织于次生组织中的生长,通常能生出较宽的枝干美国传统〔shrub〕A woody plant of relatively low height, having several stems arising from the base and lacking a single trunk; a bush.灌木:一种比较而言较矮小的木质植物,长有从基部生出的多重枝干,无单一主干;矮树美国传统〔sibling species〕Any of two or more related species that are morphologically nearly identical but are incapable of producing fertile hybrids.两似种:任何两种或更多在形态上几乎相同的有亲缘关系的物种,但是不能产生出有生育能力的杂交后代美国传统〔spawn〕A person who is the issue of a parent or family.子女:父母或家庭产生出的人美国传统〔spawn〕The computer revolution has spawned many devices.计算机革命催生出了许多设备。外研社新世纪〔spin off from〕Deadly tornadoes that spun off from Hurricane Ivan killed several people.飓风“伊万”衍生出的可怕龙卷风夺去了好几个人的生命。外研社新世纪〔spin off〕The cartoon has spun off dolls and other merchandise.这部动画片已经衍生出了玩具娃娃及其他商品。韦氏高阶〔spin sth off〕The American space program has spun off new commercial technologies.美国的太空计划衍生出了新的商业技术。剑桥高阶〔spin〕To derive (a company or product, for example) from something larger.分割:从更大的实体中派生出(如公司或产品)美国传统〔stem〕Banana plants produce one stem at a time.芭蕉属植物一次生出一根蕉头。外研社新世纪〔stem〕From the stem "sav-" you get "saves", "saved", "saving", and "saver".由词干 sav- 可以衍生出 saves,saved,saving 和 saver。剑桥高阶〔stolon〕Botany A shoot that bends to the ground or that grows horizontally above the ground and produces roots and shoots at the nodes.【植物学】 匍匐茎:贴着地面生长的枝茎或离开地面水平生长并于节瘤处生出根和枝茎的茎干美国传统〔stool〕Botany To send up shoots or suckers.【植物学】 生出新枝或新芽美国传统〔subject〕They quickly developed a hatred for a society which subjected them to ridicule.他们很快对这个令他们遭到嘲弄的社会生出一种恨意。外研社新世纪〔surge〕With a surge of pity, I picked the child up.我油然生出怜悯之情, 便把那孩子抱了起来。外研社新世纪〔take ... up〕She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.当学生出现口误时,她立刻打断他。21世纪英汉〔tiller〕A shoot, especially one that sprouts from the base of a grass.分蘖:尤指从草的根部生出的幼芽美国传统〔tiller〕To send forth shoots from the base. Used of a grass.从根部生出幼芽。用于指草美国传统〔valid〕It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill, from which all others derive.我们有理由认为记忆是最原始的心智技能,所有其他技能都在此基础上衍生出来。柯林斯高阶〔warble〕A hard lump of tissue on a riding horse's back caused by rubbing of the saddle.马背上的硬瘤:由于马鞍摩擦引起的供骑乘的马的背部生出的硬瘤组织美国传统〔x-ray diffraction〕The scattering of x-rays by crystal atoms, producing a diffraction pattern that yields information about the structure of the crystal.X射线衍射:由晶体原子散射X射线后产生出的衍射模式,能带来有关该晶体结构的信息美国传统〔xenogenesis〕The supposed production of offspring markedly different from either parent.异种生殖:生出与父母体完全不同的机体的假想美国传统A pattern is beginning to emerge from our analysis of the accident data.从我们对车祸数据的分析中产生出一种模式。剑桥国际A regional election in Spain's Basque country failed to produce an outright winner.在西班牙巴斯克地区举行的地方性选举没能产生出一位绝对的赢家。剑桥国际Computer graphics can produce images on a video screen or directly onto film.电脑制图能在电视荧屏上产生出图像,或直接将图像录制在胶卷上。剑桥国际If you are absent for more than 5 days you need a note from your doctor.如果缺勤超过 5 天,必须提供一份医生出具的病假证明。牛津商务Meteors produce streaks of light as they burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.流星在地球大气层中燃烧时,会产生出一道光迹。剑桥国际Mothers who took the drug Thalidomide in the 1960s gave birth to babies with terrible deformities, such as hands without fingers, or feet without legs. [C] 20 世纪60 年代,服用“反应停”催眠镇静药的母亲生出的婴儿严重畸形,如没有手指的手或没腿的脚。剑桥国际Mr. Green paid me an unexpected visit. 格林先生出乎意料地前来看我。译典通My husband is out of town just now. 我先生出门到外地去了。译典通The American space program has spun off new commercial technologies.美国太空计划派生出了新的商业技术。剑桥国际The Hon. Angus Ogilvy was present at the dinner.尊敬的安格斯·奥吉尔维先生出席了晚宴。剑桥国际The black crows had interbred with a lighter subspecies, producing birds with grey feathers.黑乌鸦与颜色较浅的亚种乌鸦杂交生出灰毛乌鸦。剑桥国际The camera produces sharp, high-resolution images.这种照相机产生出清晰、高解析度的影像。牛津商务The doctor's out on his rounds (= visiting ill people).医生出诊去了。剑桥国际The teacher set his pupils a difficult problem. 老师给学生出了一道难题。译典通They argue that inconsistencies in the way results are collected prevent any reliable national picture emerging.他们争论说,(选举)结果的集中手段各地不一致,就无法产生出一个可靠的全国统计数。剑桥国际We put the bowl of water on the fire and soon it was producing lots of steam.我们把这碗水放在火上,很快它产生出许多蒸汽。剑桥国际When a woman is in labour, her cervix opens up to allow the baby to be born.当妇女分娩时,子宫颈张开让婴儿生出来。剑桥国际




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