

单词 生儿
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARPKD〕Thirty to fifty per cent of newborns with ARPKD die at birth or shortly after.患有常染色体隐性遗传多囊肾病的新生儿有30%到50%在出生时或出生不久死亡。剑桥高阶〔BABY〕It is normal for newborns to have very large heads. 新生儿的头非常大,这是正常现象。朗文写作活用〔BABY〕The average weight of a newborn baby is about seven pounds. 新生儿的平均体重大约为7磅。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕A newborn baby needs constant care and attention. 新生儿每时每刻都需要关心和爱护。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕The twins are identical - even their parents can't always tell them apart. 这对孪生儿一模一样的—甚至他们的父母也不一定总是能够区分出来。朗文写作活用〔Dioscuri〕Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Leda and brothers of Helen and Clytemnestra, who were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini.狄奥斯库里的:卡斯托耳与帕洛克斯,勒达的孪生儿子,海伦和克莱特姆内斯特拉的兄弟。它们被宙斯变成双子星座美国传统〔EAT〕Most new babies will want to feed every few hours. 大部分新生儿每隔几小时就需喂哺一次。朗文写作活用〔FATHER〕Bill was told he would never be able to father children. 比尔被告知他永远不能生儿育女。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕A new-born baby will gain weight at around one ounce per day. 新生儿的体重每天增加约一盎司。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕The twins were joined together at birth and had to be separated in a very delicate operation. 这两个孪生儿出生时身体相连,不得不进行相当精细的手术把他们分开。朗文写作活用〔Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome〕Dark stains on the skin are often the only visible sign of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome on the newborn.新生儿皮肤上的黑斑往往是先天性血管畸形—骨肥大综合症的唯一表征。剑桥高阶〔LOOK AFTER〕She had brought him up as if he were her own son. 她把他当成自己的亲生儿子抚养成人。朗文写作活用〔MOTHER〕Women weren't expected to work in those days. The accepted pattern was marriage and motherhood. 那时候女性是不该出去工作的。普遍被接受的模式就是结婚和生儿育女。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕The booklet offers practical advice to new parents. 小册子向新生儿的父母提供有用的建议。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕A new-born baby was found abandoned on the steps of a hospital yesterday. 昨天,有人发现一个新生儿被人遗弃在医院的台阶上。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕Everything was laid out on the bed, in readiness for the new baby. 所有东西都摆在床上,准备迎接新生儿。朗文写作活用〔arrival〕Her father was besotted with the new arrival.她的父亲完全沉浸在新生儿带来的喜悦中。外研社新世纪〔arrival〕Her father was besotted with the new arrival.她的父亲完全沉浸在新生儿带来的喜悦中。柯林斯高阶〔baby〕How do you recognize pain in a newborn baby ? 你如何知道新生儿有疼痛?朗文当代〔baby〕They would like to adopt a newborn baby.他们想收养个新生儿。牛津搭配〔band〕All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists.医院里所有新生儿手腕上都套着写有名字的手箍。牛津高阶〔bearer〕The bearer of children remains a child herself.这个生儿育女的母亲自己还是一个孩子。英汉大词典〔bond〕A newborn is ready to bond to its parents.新生儿很容易对其父母产生亲情。21世纪英汉〔bred〕They did not breed.他们不生儿育女。21世纪英汉〔breed〕That family breeds like rabbits.那家子像兔子繁殖般地生儿育女。英汉大词典〔complete〕The new baby completed their family.这个新生儿使他们这个家圆满了。韦氏高阶〔confuse〕Even the family confused the twins.甚至家里人也分不清那对孪生儿。英汉大词典〔constancy〕Constancy of temperature is essential for newborn babies.恒温对新生儿来说是必要的。英汉大词典〔cope〕She was struggling to cope with the demands of a new baby.她在努力应付新生儿的需要。牛津搭配〔cut〕Having a new baby can cut a young mother off from the adult world.有了一个新生儿会使年轻的母亲和成人世界相隔离。麦克米伦高阶〔death〕The most common cause of neonatal death is birth defects.新生儿死亡最常见的原因是先天缺陷。牛津搭配〔defect〕The drug has been shown to cause birth defects.那种药物已被证明可导致新生儿先天性缺陷。剑桥高阶〔detail〕You left out an important detail about their new baby: is it a girl or boy? 你漏掉了他们的新生儿的一个重要信息:男孩还是女孩?韦氏高阶〔discriminate〕Newborn babies can discriminate between a man's and a woman's voice.新生儿会辨别男人和女人的声音。朗文当代〔distinction〕There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.那对孪生儿之间没有明显的不相像处。英汉大词典〔distinguish〕It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.很难分辨出一对孪生儿谁是谁。牛津高阶〔do〕Both the new mother and her baby are doing very well.产妇和新生儿目前都状况良好。剑桥高阶〔do〕I wouldn't know what to do with a newborn baby.我又不懂怎么带新生儿。朗文当代〔entail〕The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby.姑娘们学的是怎样照看新生儿。牛津高阶〔expectation〕There is still a general expectation that married couples will have children.一般仍认为已婚人士应生儿育女。牛津搭配〔external〕Low birth weight may be caused by external factors, such as smoking during pregnancy.新生儿体重不足可能是外在因素造成的,如怀孕期间吸烟等。朗文当代〔fable〕He is fabled to be the national son of a king.他编造自己是国王的亲生儿子。21世纪英汉〔family〕They decided to start a family.他们决定开始生儿育女。外研社新世纪〔fuss〕Everyone made a fuss over the new baby.每个人都为新生儿瞎操心美国传统〔fuss〕Everyone was fussing over the new baby.大家对新生儿都倍加呵护。麦克米伦高阶〔hands〕She had her hands full with two new babies to look after.她要照顾两个新生儿, 忙得要死。外研社新世纪〔immediate〕A more obvious and immediate influence on the newborn child was that of his own family.对新生儿更明显和直接的影响来自其家人。外研社新世纪〔isolate〕New-born babies must be isolated from possible contamination.新生儿必须隔离,以免受感染。朗文当代〔layette〕Clothing and other equipment for a newborn child.新生儿的全套用品:新生婴儿的衣物和其他装备美国传统〔lead〕The newspaper led with the royal birth.这家报纸把皇家新生儿诞生作为头条新闻刊登。英汉大词典〔liberated〕She's chosen career advancement instead of having children - does that make her a liberated woman? 她没有去生儿育女,而是选择了走职业道路——她这样做是否就成了一位思想解放的女性?剑桥高阶〔maternity ward〕The department of a hospital that provides care for women during pregnancy and childbirth as well as for newborn infants.产科病房:对怀孕期及生产的孕妇和新生儿进行护理的病房美国传统〔meditation〕In fact, the entire novel is a long meditation on childbearing and mortality.实际上,整部小说就是一部关于生儿育女与道德伦理的长篇沉思录。柯林斯高阶〔mirror〕We were almost mirror twins.我们俩几乎是一模一样的孪生儿。英汉大词典〔mothering〕The reality of mothering is frequently very different from the romantic ideal.生儿育女的现实经常与浪漫的理想大相径庭。外研社新世纪〔neonatal〕Their baby is still in the hospital's neonatal unit.他们的宝宝还在医院的新生儿科。剑桥高阶〔neonate〕A newborn infant, especially one less than four weeks old.新生儿:新生的婴儿,尤指不满四星期的美国传统〔neonatology〕The branch of pediatrics that deals with the diseases and care of newborn infants.新生儿学:儿科学的一个分支,研究新生儿疾病和护理美国传统〔newborn〕Breast-feeding is extremely beneficial to the health of newborn babies.母乳喂养对新生儿的健康极有益处。剑桥高阶〔newborn〕Mild jaundice in the newborn is common and often clears without treatment.新生儿身上轻微的黄疸是很普遍的, 通常不用治疗就会消失。外研社新世纪〔newborn〕This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children.这套设备已经挽救了许多新生儿的生命。柯林斯高阶〔newborn〕This equipment has saved the lives of a number of newborn children.这种设备已经挽救了多名新生儿的生命。外研社新世纪〔octuplet〕One of eight offspring delivered at a single birth.八胞胎:一次产下的八个新生儿之一美国传统〔on the whole〕On the whole, new parents reported that they were adapting very well to parenthood.基本上,新生儿父母都说自己能很好地适应家长角色。韦氏高阶〔only〕When the new baby comes along it is only too easy to shut out the others.新生儿出世后,其他孩子极容易受到冷落。柯林斯高阶〔perinatal〕Premature birth is the main cause of perinatal mortality.早产是围生儿死亡的主要原因。外研社新世纪〔pounder〕The newborn baby was an eight-pounder.新生儿重8磅。英汉大词典〔predictor〕The child's reaction to the arrival of the new baby was a very good predictor of how they would get on during the year that followed.通过观察孩子对新生儿到来的反应能很好预测在接下来的一年中他们会不会相处融洽。柯林斯高阶〔procreate〕Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。柯林斯高阶〔procreate〕Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。外研社新世纪〔produce〕All our friends seem to be busy producing offspring at the moment.我们所有的朋友现在似乎都忙着生儿育女。剑桥高阶〔raise〕It was time for Dean to settle down and raise a family .该是迪安安顿下来生儿育女的时候了。朗文当代〔register〕Births must be registered within 42 days.新生儿必须在出生后的42天内进行登记。麦克米伦高阶〔resemblance〕Twins often show great resemblance.孪生儿常显示出酷肖的相貌。英汉大词典〔revolve〕The whole household revolved about the baby.全家围着新生儿忙得团团转。英汉大词典〔run〕Twins run in the family.这一家族中历来多孪生儿。英汉大词典〔sacred〕She saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling.她认为生儿育女是女性备受尊崇的使命。外研社新世纪〔settle down〕Eventually I'd like to settle down and have a family, but not yet.最终我想安定下来生儿育女,但现在还不是时候。剑桥高阶〔settle〕They'd like to see their daughter settle down, get married, and have kids.他们希望女儿安顿下来,结婚成家,生儿育女。朗文当代〔she〕Very early in life when the baby feels the pangs of hunger, she learns to scream.当新生儿感到饥饿时,就学会了喊叫。柯林斯高阶〔singleton〕An offspring born alone.单生儿:单独降生的一个子女美国传统〔singleton〕The sample we studied comprises singletons (we excluded 390 multiple births).我们研究的样本包括单生儿(已将390对多胞胎排除在外)。外研社新世纪〔snatch〕A newborn baby was snatched from a hospital ward.一个新生儿被人从医院病房掳走了。麦克米伦高阶〔soleprint〕Some hospitals take the soleprints of newborn babies.有些医院给新生儿取足底印。英汉大词典〔sprang或sprung〕He was sprung from my loins.他是我的亲生儿子。21世纪英汉〔stroke〕She stroked my head as if I were her son.她温柔地抚摸着我的头,就像是在抚摸她亲生儿子一样。21世纪英汉〔swaddling clothes〕Strips of cloth wrapped around a newborn infant to hold its legs and arms still.襁褓布:包住新生儿固定其腿和手的长布条美国传统〔tag〕A hospital is to fit newborn babies with electronic tags to foil kidnappers.一家医院计划在新生儿身上安置电子追踪器,防止婴儿被拐卖。柯林斯高阶〔tag〕Newborn babies will be fitted with electronic tags.新生儿身上会安放电子追踪器。外研社新世纪〔think〕A generation ago, it was thought that babies born this small could not survive.20多年前,人们认为这么大点儿的新生儿是活不下来的。柯林斯高阶〔tire〕Most mothers tire easily with a newborn baby.大多数妈妈在带新生儿时很容易感到疲倦。外研社新世纪〔viable〕Capable of living outside the uterus. Used of a fetus or newborn.能生存的:在子宫外能存活的。用于胎儿或者新生儿美国传统〔womanly〕She referred in a positive way to the "traditional womanly goals of marriage and motherhood" several times in her talk.她在讲话中数次以赞同的口吻谈到“结婚和生儿育女这些传统的女性目标”。剑桥高阶〔wonder〕It's hard not to wonder at the miracle of a newborn baby.很难不对新生儿这个奇迹感到惊讶。麦克米伦高阶In many European countries children are increasingly being born out of wedlock.在许多欧洲国家,越来越多的孩子为私生儿。剑桥国际Newborn babies begin their life with a wail. 新生儿痛哭一声便开始了他们的生命。译典通The even tenor of their lives was shattered by the arrival of a new baby.新生儿的到来打破了他们生活的平静状态。剑桥国际Their baby is still in the hospital's neonatal unit but the doctors expect him to make a complete recovery.他们的婴儿还在医院的新生儿护理室里,医生希望他完全康复。剑桥国际Their new arrival was keeping them busy.他们的新生儿使他们忙个不停。剑桥国际They are the parents of four-year-old twins.他们是四岁孪生儿的父母。剑桥国际




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