

单词 生人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-hearted〕They are now realising just how much they owe to kind-hearted strangers.他们现在开始意识到那些心地善良的陌生人帮了他们多大的忙。柯林斯高阶〔ASK〕I hate it when strangers ask me questions about my private life. 我讨厌陌生人问我私生活方面的问题。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The university is planning to expand the number of students to over 20,000. 该大学计划把学生人数增加到20,000以上。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕She was beginning to suspect that the handsome stranger was up to no good. 她开始怀疑那个英俊的陌生人不怀好意。朗文写作活用〔DRIVE〕Never accept lifts from strangers. 千万别搭乘陌生人的车。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕After assuming office, he was reluctant to use the existing speech writers because they were strangers to him. 上任后,他不愿意用原有的几个撰写演讲辞的人,因为对他来说他们都是陌生人。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕There is concern about the growing number of school exclusions in the area. 这地区被开除的学生人数日渐增多引起了关注。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕Births exceeded deaths by a ratio of 3 to 1. 出生人数以3:1的比率超出死亡人数。朗文写作活用〔Osiris〕The ancient Egyptian god whose annual death and resurrection personified the self-renewing vitality and fertility of nature.奥西里斯:古埃及冥神,其每年一次的死亡与复生人格化了大自然自我更新的生命力和多产的特点美国传统〔SENSIBLE〕Laura's a pretty sensible girl. I don't think she'd talk to strangers. 劳拉是个十分懂事的女孩,我想她不会跟陌生人说话。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕The new law reduces the number of pupils per class in the first four years of schooling. 新的法律减少了头四年学校教育每个班级的学生人数。朗文写作活用〔account〕On no account must strangers be let in.决不可以让陌生人进来。外研社新世纪〔alert〕Several neighbors alerted the authorities/police when they noticed strangers acting suspiciously.几个邻居注意到一些鬼鬼祟祟的陌生人,立即报告了当局/警方。韦氏高阶〔annoyance〕To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走。柯林斯高阶〔awkward〕He feels awkward with/around strangers.他在陌生人面前感到局促不安。韦氏高阶〔bark〕That dog always barks at strangers.那条狗总是对陌生人吠叫。文馨英汉〔bionic〕My children used to call me the bionic woman.我的孩子们过去都叫我“仿生人”。外研社新世纪〔bosom〕We welcomed the stranger into the bosom of our family.我们以家庭的关怀来欢迎陌生人美国传统〔come〕He decided to give the money to the first stranger who came along.他决定把钱给第一个出现的陌生人。麦克米伦高阶〔company〕He never sought the company of strangers and did not have friends his age.他从不和陌生人来往, 也没有年龄相仿的朋友。外研社新世纪〔constitute〕Women constitute 70 percent of the student population at the college.女生占这所学院学生人数的70%。韦氏高阶〔contact〕We avoid physical contact with strangers.我们避免与陌生人有身体接触。外研社新世纪〔cotton to〕That dog doesn't cotton to strangers.那只狗不喜欢陌生人。21世纪英汉〔decrease〕The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year.今年新生人数从 210 减少到 160。牛津高阶〔drill〕Mother had drilled it into me not to talk to strangers.妈妈讲了一遍又一遍,叫我不要和陌生人说话。朗文当代〔expand〕Student numbers are expanding rapidly.学生人数在迅速增加。牛津高阶〔face〕Look out for a couple of new faces in the team.新面孔;陌生人麦克米伦高阶〔fine〕Mr Huddlestone was a very fine man.赫德尔斯通先生人很好。麦克米伦高阶〔glower〕The boy glowered at the stranger.那男孩虎视眈眈地看着陌生人。英汉大词典〔glut〕The current glut of graduates means that many of them will not be able to find jobs.现在大学毕业生人数过多,这就意味着他们当中许多人无法找到工作。剑桥高阶〔good〕You did a good thing/deed when you helped that stranger.你帮助了那个陌生人,就是做了件好事。韦氏高阶〔graduate〕In 1986, American universities graduated a record number of students with degrees in computer science.1986年,美国大学计算机专业的毕业生人数创下了历史纪录。柯林斯高阶〔growl〕The dog growled at the stranger.狗朝着那生人狂吠。英汉大词典〔grow〕The number of students at the college has grown from 200 to over 500.该学院的学生人数从 200 名增加到了 500 多名。朗文当代〔hesitantly〕He hesitantly asked a stranger for directions.他犹犹豫豫地向一个陌生人问了问路。韦氏高阶〔identify〕A stranger identified himself as Mr. Cooper.一个陌生人自称是库珀先生。英汉大词典〔impertinent〕I don't like strangers who ask impertinent questions.我不喜欢提出不礼貌问题的陌生人。外研社新世纪〔ingenuous〕She gave ingenuous answers to all the stranger's questions.对那陌生人所有的问题,她都老老实实地一一作了回答。英汉大词典〔inhibited〕The presence of strangers made her feel inhibited.陌生人在场使她感到拘谨。剑桥高阶〔inhospitable〕It's very inhospitable of him to be so rude to strangers.他对陌生人如此粗鲁,太不友好了。韦氏高阶〔insecure〕He always felt insecure in a group of strangers.他在陌生人中间总感到局促不安。英汉大词典〔intake〕The college has increased its intake of students by 50 percent this year.这所学院今年的招生人数增加了一半。剑桥高阶〔intake〕The government should be promoting a balanced intake of students for every school.政府应当促进各学校招生人数的平衡。牛津搭配〔intake〕The school's intake of students has increased in recent years.近年来,这所学校的招生人数有所增加。韦氏高阶〔keep out〕The little girl has never seen him before and so she keeps the stranger out.那个小女孩以前从未见过这位陌生人,所以她将他拒之门外。21世纪英汉〔make〕Women make up 56% of the student numbers.女生占学生人数的 56%。牛津高阶〔measure〕A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university.一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。柯林斯高阶〔movingly〕It is very moving to see how much strangers can care for each other.看到陌生人之间这般彼此关照,实在令人感动。柯林斯高阶〔nearness〕Jane put one foot in the near stirrup and turned to look at the stranger.简一只脚就近蹬上马镫,转脸看着陌生人。柯林斯高阶〔nerve〕It takes a bit of nerve to approach a stranger.与陌生人打交道需要一点勇气。外研社新世纪〔nose〕We don't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs.我们不喜欢陌生人干预我们的事务。柯林斯高阶〔nose〕We don't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs.我们不喜欢陌生人来干涉我们的事。外研社新世纪〔nudge〕Whenever strangers saw him they were sure to nudge each other and say, “That's Mark Twain!” 每当陌生人看到他的时候,他们总是要彼此轻推一下说:“那就是马克·吐温啊!” 英汉大词典〔perfect〕I don't know him—he's a perfect stranger.我不认识他,他是百分之百的陌生人。牛津高阶〔policy〕The college will be expanding in line with the government's policy to increase student numbers.这所大学将依照政府增加学生人数的政策进行扩招。麦克米伦高阶〔politely〕It's not polite to point or talk about strangers in public.在公共场合对陌生人指指点点或议论纷纷都不礼貌。柯林斯高阶〔presence〕No one was aware of the stranger's presence.没有人注意到那个陌生人的出现。韦氏高阶〔projection〕The image that we have of strangers is often just a projection of our own fears and desires.我们对陌生人的印象往往只是我们自身的恐惧和愿望合成的臆想。韦氏高阶〔purdah〕A curtain or screen, used mainly in India to keep women separate from men or strangers.帘,帷幕:主要用来使妇女与男子或陌生人分离开来的窗帘或屏幕美国传统〔quadruple〕The number of students at the college has quadrupled in the last ten years.在过去10年内,该大学的学生人数增加了3倍。剑桥高阶〔render〕The islanders do not render up their knowledge easily to strangers.岛民们不轻易向陌生人说出他们所知道的情况。英汉大词典〔safety〕For your own safety, never accept a lift from a stranger.为了你自身的安全,决不要搭陌生人的车。麦克米伦高阶〔scare〕Meeting new people scares me stiff/to death (= makes me extremely nervous and worried).与陌生人见面我会感到很紧张,手足无措。剑桥高阶〔shot〕I thought about meeting a handsome stranger but it seemed a bit of a long shot.我想象着能遇到一个英俊的陌生人,不过这似乎希望不大。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕Student numbers have sunk considerably this year.今年的学生人数大幅减少。剑桥高阶〔sore〕Any stranger to the town sticks out like a sore thumb.镇上来了任何陌生人都很显眼。麦克米伦高阶〔speak to〕Don't speak to anyone who never speaks to you.别和陌生人说话。21世纪英汉〔staff〕There are two students to every member of staff.师生人数之比为一名教师对两名学生。英汉大词典〔stranger〕Children are taught not to talk to strangers.小孩子被教育不要和陌生人说话。韦氏高阶〔stranger〕She said that I would meet a tall dark stranger.她说我将会遇见一位高个子、黑皮肤的陌生人。牛津搭配〔stranger〕Sometimes I feel like I'm living with a stranger.有时我觉得自己和一个陌生人生活在一起。柯林斯高阶〔stranger〕There was a complete stranger sitting at my desk.我书桌前坐着一个从未见过的陌生人。牛津高阶〔stranger〕We've told our daughter not to speak to strangers.我们告诉女儿不要和陌生人讲话。牛津高阶〔strange〕Don't talk to any strange men.不要和任何陌生人说话。外研社新世纪〔strange〕I don't like strange people coming into my house.我不喜欢陌生人来我家。外研社新世纪〔take〕The children cried and took on something terrible at the sight of the stranger.看到那个陌生人,孩子们大哭大叫。英汉大词典〔timid〕She's very timid and shy when meeting strangers.她见陌生人时很胆怯害羞。韦氏高阶〔traumatized〕Traumatising a child with an abnormal fear of strangers probably won't do much good.给小孩造成心理阴影,让他对陌生人产生异常的恐惧,这可能不会有什么好处。柯林斯高阶〔tremulous〕He was shy and tremulous in the presence of strangers.他在陌生人面前腼腆害羞。英汉大词典〔trick〕It's a fool's trick to trust a stranger too far.对陌生人过分信任是蠢人的轻率之举。英汉大词典〔uncomfortable〕He feels uncomfortable with strangers.与陌生人在一起他感到不自在。英汉大词典〔undesirable〕A large group of undesirable strangers crashed her party.一大群不受欢迎的陌生人不请自来,搅了她的聚会。柯林斯高阶〔uneasy〕She's uneasy among strangers.与陌生人在一起她感到拘束。韦氏高阶〔unfamiliar〕Once she's built up her confidence, she may be less shy with unfamiliar people.她一旦建立起了自信, 在陌生人面前也许就不会那么害羞了。外研社新世纪〔wary〕They taught her to be wary of strangers.他们教育她要提防陌生人。外研社新世纪〔winnow〕The fan produces an artificial wind to winnow the grain.风扇能产生人造风来扬谷。英汉大词典〔worm〕A stranger wormed his way into the paraders.一个陌生人悄悄混入了游行队伍。21世纪英汉〔xenophobe〕A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.恐外者:对于外来事物,尤对陌生人或外国人特别恐惧或憎恨的人美国传统He usually stammers when he meets someone for the first time because it makes him nervous.他通常在第一次遇见生人时会结结巴巴,因为这使他很紧张。剑桥国际He's got the confidence to walk into a room of strangers and immediately start a conversation.他有信心步入一间满是陌生人的房间并马上和人聊天。剑桥国际I'd never met anyone at the party before--they were complete strangers.我从未见过这晚会上的任何人----他们完全是陌生人。剑桥国际In the film‘Strangers on a Train’, the climax is set in a fairground.在电影“火车上的陌生人”中,高潮部分被安排在一个集市里。剑桥国际It is inhospitable to turn a stranger away. 把陌生人拒之门外不是好客的表现。译典通Schools nationwide report increasing numbers of pupils staying on at school after they are 16.全国各学校报告: 16岁后继续在校深造的学生人数有所增加。剑桥国际Some children are wary of strangers. 有些小孩怕陌生人。译典通The boy barricaded the door to keep the stranger out. 男孩挡住门不让那个陌生人进去。译典通The dog sniffed at the stranger. 狗闻闻那个陌生人。译典通The doorman kept a wary eye on strangers. 门房密切注意陌生人译典通The increase in student numbers poses many problems for the schools. 学生人数增加给学校造成许多问题。译典通When he meets a stranger for the first time, he always wears a toupee to cover his baldness. 他第一次见陌生人时,总会戴一顶假发遮掩他的秃头。译典通




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