

单词 生产出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAR〕There are fears that the country has produced long-range missiles capable of reaching across the border. 人们担心该国已生产出能打过国界的远程导弹。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Within a year, the company expects to have a prototype for military use. 一年不到,该公司期望生产出一种供军用的样品。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕I am surprised that a company with your good reputation would produce such poor quality goods. 贵公司有着如此良好的声誉竟然生产出这么劣质的产品,真是让我吃惊。朗文写作活用〔bash out〕Their ambitions are to bash out good grub with minimal fuss.他们的雄心是用最省事的办法快速生产出上好的食物。外研社新世纪〔bearing〕The quantity produced; yield.产量:生产出的数量;产量美国传统〔come out with〕The company came out with three new models.该公司生产出三种新型产品。21世纪英汉〔consumer durable〕Consumer durables such as refrigerators, television sets, bicycles and so on were produced in large quantities.冰箱、电视、自行车等耐用消费品被大批量地生产出来。柯林斯高阶〔cotton〕Thread or cloth manufactured from the fiber of these plants.棉线,棉布:由这种植物的纤维生产出的线或布美国传统〔encaustic〕A painting produced with the use of this substance.蜡画:使用这种物质生产出的绘画美国传统〔fermentation〕To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.为了满足面包店主的需要,制造商让酵母发酵,以生产出浓度更高的产品。柯林斯高阶〔ferment〕Manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.制造商让酵母发酵以生产出浓度更高的产品。外研社新世纪〔gland〕A cell, a group of cells, or an organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body or in a body cavity or for elimination from the body.腺:一个或一群细胞或一器官,它们能生产出供身体或体腔使用的分泌液或为了从体内排除出去美国传统〔herringbone〕To produce a herringbone pattern.生产出人字形图案美国传统〔leapfrog〕American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two.美国研究人员现在已经超越日本同行, 将在一两年内生产出一套数字系统。外研社新世纪〔make〕Rags make the best paper.破布能生产出最好的纸张。韦氏高阶〔mechanize〕To produce by or as if by machines.以机械制造:用机器生产或使如机器生产出来的一般美国传统〔mongrel〕An animal or a plant resulting from various interbreedings, especially a dog of mixed or undetermined breed.杂交动植物:通过杂交生产出来的动植物,尤指杂种狗或非纯种狗美国传统〔negligence〕The company was charged with negligence in the manufacturing of the defective tires.这家公司被指控疏忽大意,生产出的轮胎不合格。韦氏高阶〔nitric oxide〕A colorless, poisonous gas, NO, produced as an intermediate during the manufacture of nitric acid from ammonia or atmospheric nitrogen.氧化一氮:一种无色有毒气体NO,在用氨或大气的氮生产硝酸的过程中作为中间物生产出来美国传统〔obsolete〕So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made.这么多设备几乎一生产出来就要被淘汰。外研社新世纪〔obsolete〕So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made.这么多设备几乎一生产出来就要被淘汰。柯林斯高阶〔ordinary〕The wines produced were at best very ordinary.生产出的葡萄酒充其量就是很普通的那种。牛津搭配〔outturn〕A total amount produced during a given period; output.产量:在既定期间内生产出的产品总量;生产量美国传统〔packing〕The processing and packaging of manufactured products, especially food products.食品加工:对生产出来的产品的生产过程和包装,尤指食品产品美国传统〔piecework〕Work paid for according to the number of units turned out.计件工作:按生产出的单位数量付钱的工作美国传统〔pour〕They keep pouring out millions of trucks every year.他们每年连续生产出成百万辆卡车。英汉大词典〔pressure〕The new material allows the company to make gas pipes which withstand higher pressures.新材料使得公司可以生产出耐压力更强的输气管道。剑桥高阶〔prod.〕Produced.生产出来的美国传统〔produce〕Something produced; a product.生产品,产物:生产出来的东西;产品美国传统〔produce〕We are now producing the same quantity of goods with far fewer workers.我们现在用少得多的工人生产出数量相同的货物。麦克米伦高阶〔put out〕They need to be putting out cars that get better gas mileage.他们需要生产出油耗更低的汽车。韦氏高阶〔quality control〕A system for ensuring the maintenance of proper standards in manufactured goods, especially by periodic random inspection of the product.质量控制:一种用来确保生产出的产品保持合乎规定水平的系统,尤指通过定期对产品进行随意的检查美国传统〔quantity〕The meat is produced in quantity.肉是大批量生产出来的。外研社新世纪〔rayon〕Any of several synthetic textile fibers produced by forcing a cellulose solution through fine spinnerets and solidifying the resulting filaments.人造丝,人造纤维:一种人造纺织纤维,将原制纤维胶体强行穿过喷丝头,使生产出来的细丝得到加固美国传统〔reverse engineering〕Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.施乐公司展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂以弄清楚他们如何能生产出如此了不起的产品。柯林斯高阶〔rush ... out〕Large numbers of machine tools have been rushed out since the implementation of technological innovation.自从实行技术革新以来,大批机床迅速地生产出来。21世纪英汉〔score〕The companies brought out new products by the score.众多企业生产出了大量新产品。外研社新世纪〔secure〕Car manufacturers ought to produce vehicles that are more secure against theft.汽车制造商应该生产出防盗性能更佳的汽车。剑桥高阶〔smalt〕A deep blue paint and ceramic pigment produced by pulverizing a glass made of silica, potash, and cobalt oxide.大青,大青色:将由硅石、钾碱和氧化钴制成的玻璃捣碎而生产出来的深蓝色图画或陶瓷上的颜料美国传统〔spin〕Many new things in the home have spun off from the machinery of space travel.家庭用的许多新东西已作为宇航机械的副产品被生产出来。英汉大词典〔vat dye〕A dye, such as indigo, that produces a fast color by impregnating fiber with a reduced soluble form that is then oxidized to an insoluble form.瓮染料,还原性染料:一种染料,如靛蓝染料,通过浸渍织物生产出不褪色的颜色,这种织物先以减弱的可溶形式存在然后氧化成不可溶形式美国传统〔wheat〕The grain of any of these grasses, ground to produce flour used in breadstuffs and pasta.麦粒面粉:任何这类禾本植物的谷粒,经碾磨以生产出用于做面包原料及淀粉的面粉美国传统〔work〕Tidiness in the workshop is really essential for producing good work.工作间干净整洁对于生产出好的产品非常重要。柯林斯高阶A new car rolled off the line every 49 seconds.生产线每 49 秒生产出一辆新车。牛津商务Business opportunism has resulted in poor quality products from companies who are only motivated by short-term profits.商业机会主义导致一些只受短期利益驱使的公司生产出劣质产品。牛津商务Car manufacturers ought to produce vehicles which are more secure against theft.汽车制造商应该生产出防盗的、更为安全的汽车。剑桥国际Gasoline is produced by the refinement of petroleum. 汽油是由石油经过提炼生产出来的。译典通Genetic engineering will eventually produce plants resistant both to pests and viral disease.基因工程将最终生产出既能抵抗害虫又能抵抗病毒性疾病的植物。剑桥国际I see they've brought out (= produced for general sale) a new lap-top word processor.我得知他们已经生产出新的便携式文字处理器面市。剑桥国际Modern packaging is often excessive, and produces a lot of waste.现代包装往往过分,生产出许多垃圾。剑桥国际Most pre-Columbian cultures produced textiles and metalwork.大部分哥伦布到达美洲以前的文化都生产出了纺织品和金属制品。剑桥国际The factory churns out thousands of pairs of these shoes every week.每星期,那个工厂大批量地生产出数千双这种鞋子。剑桥国际The machines must operate to a high level of specificity, or the cars they produce will not perform well.必须严格按照说明来操作机器,否则生产出的汽车将不能良好地运行。剑桥国际The new material allows the company to make gas pipes which withstand higher pressures.新材料可以让公司生产出耐压力更强的输气管道。剑桥国际The toys were mass-produced in India.这些玩具是在印度大批生产出来的。牛津商务We are determined to get the new model out by the end of the year.我们决心在年底前生产出新型号的产品。牛津商务Workers in self-directed teams are producing record numbers of new cars.自主式团队中的工人生产出的新车数量达到创纪录的水平。牛津商务




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