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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Holy See〕The authority, jurisdiction, and governmental functions associated with the papacy.教廷权利,教廷判决,教廷功能:和教廷相联系的权利、判决及政府功能美国传统〔Third Order〕A confraternity of laypersons associated with a religious order.第三教团:与宗教教规相联系的一种信徒团体美国传统〔adnate〕United to a part or organ of a different kind, as stamens attached to petals.贴生的,并生的,连生的:与不同种类的部分或器官相联的,如贴生在花瓣上的雄蕊美国传统〔attach〕Many major issues are attached to this legislation. They gained influence by attaching themselves to prominent city institutions.许多重要事务同这项立法相联系。他们通过与卓著的城市机构之间的联系而获得威望美国传统〔battery〕Two or more connected cells that produce a direct current by converting chemical energy to electrical energy.电池组:两个或更多的相联电池组,它能把化学能转变化电能并产生直流电美国传统〔beauty〕A delightful quality associated with harmony of form or color, excellence of craftsmanship, truthfulness, originality, or another property.美好:一种与形式和颜色的和谐、高超的技巧、真实、新颖或其它特性相联系的令人愉快的性质美国传统〔bigeminy〕An association in pairs.二联:成对相联美国传统〔communicate〕They communicate with each other via email.他们通过电子邮件互相联系。麦克米伦高阶〔connected〕Related; associated.有关的;相联的美国传统〔discrete〕The organisms can be divided into discrete categories.有机体可分为许多互不相联的种类。牛津高阶〔duplex apartment〕An apartment having rooms on two adjoining floors connected by an inner staircase.二联式公寓:占两层楼,楼层间由内部楼梯相联的公寓美国传统〔dysphasia〕Impairment of speech and verbal comprehension, especially when associated with brain injury.难语症,诵读困难症:语言或文字理解能力受损,尤指那些与大脑受损伤相联系的美国传统〔entwine〕Her destiny was entwined with his.她与他的命运紧密相联。牛津高阶〔geography〕The geography of poverty and the geography of voting are connected.贫穷人口的地理分布与选票的地理分布是相联系的。牛津高阶〔graphic arts〕The fine or applied visual arts and associated techniques in which images are produced from blocks, plates, or type, as in engraving and lithography.版画:精美的或应用的视觉艺术及与其相联系的技术,其中图象由印版、铅版或印模制得,如在雕刻和石版印刷术中那样美国传统〔graphic arts〕The fine or applied visual arts and associated techniques involving the application of lines and strokes to a two-dimensional surface.平面造型艺术,美术,印刷术:精美的或实用的视觉艺术以及与其相联系的包括使用线条和条纹来形成二维表面的技术美国传统〔heterotypic〕Biology Of, relating to, or being the reduction division of meiosis.【生物学】 变型的:处于成熟分裂时期的减数分裂部分的或与之相联系的美国传统〔iconography〕A set of specified or traditional symbolic forms associated with the subject or theme of a stylized work of art.与某一风格固定的艺术作品的主题或描述对象相联系的特殊或传统的一系列象征形式美国传统〔interactive terminal〕A computer or data-processing terminal capable of providing a two-way communication with the system to which it is connected.交互式终端,人机对话终端:一种计算机或数据处理终端,它可以通过与之相联的系统提供双向交流美国传统〔interact〕All things are interrelated and interact on each other.一切事物都互相联系并相互作用。21世纪英汉〔interact〕All things are interrelated and interact on each other.一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。英汉大词典〔intercommunicate〕The ships of the convoy intercommunicated by radio.船队的船只之间通过无线电互相联系。英汉大词典〔interconnect〕The problems of poverty and unemployment are all interconnected.贫穷与失业问题是互相联系的。剑桥高阶〔intertwine〕Three major narratives intertwine within Foucault's text, 'Madness and Civilisation'.3个主要故事在福柯的《疯癫与文明》一书当中密切相联。柯林斯高阶〔key〕Selection, training, and pay systems are often keyed to job-classification systems.择业、培训和薪酬体系经常与职业分类体系相联系。外研社新世纪〔knit〕To join closely; unite securely.使紧密相联;牢固地联结美国传统〔lineal〕Derived from or relating to a particular line of descent; hereditary.遗传性的:从一特定的直系后代获得的或相联系的;遗传性的美国传统〔lost〕They are links to a lost age.它们是与一个已经逝去的时代相联系的纽带。外研社新世纪〔lost〕They are links to a lost age.它们是与一个逝去的年代相联系的纽带。柯林斯高阶〔martial〕Relating to or connected with the armed forces or the profession of arms.军事的:与军队或兵器行业有关的或相联系的美国传统〔moralist〕One who is unduly concerned with the morals of others.说教者:过分把道德与其它事物相联系的人美国传统〔national bank〕A bank associated with national finances and usually owned or controlled by a government.中央银行:和国家财政相联系的银行,通常由政府拥有并控制美国传统〔officiary〕Attached to or resulting from an office held. Used of a title.与职务相联的:与职务相联系或由职务而来的。用于头衔美国传统〔organic〕Having properties associated with living organisms.有机的:拥有同活的有机体相联系的性质的美国传统〔pin〕Electronics A lead on a device that plugs into a socket to connect the device to a system.【电子学】 插头:一种设备的头部,插入插座中可使该设备与一系统相联美国传统〔prescientific〕Of, relating to, or occurring at a time before the advent of modern science and the application of its methods.科学发展以前的:在现代科学产生和现代科学方法应用之前的,与这个阶段相联系的,发生在这个阶段里的美国传统〔relate〕Many Christians today feel the need to relate their experience to that of the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Muslim.如今,许多基督徒感到有必要把自身的体验与印度教徒、佛教徒和伊斯兰教徒的体验相联系。柯林斯高阶〔relevant〕Education should be relevant to real life.教育应该与真实生活相联系。外研社新世纪〔robotics〕The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots.机器人学:与机器人的设计、制造、原理和应用相联系的科学或技术研究美国传统〔sib〕Related by blood; kindred.有血亲关系的:由血缘相联系的;亲属的美国传统〔sidereal〕Of, relating to, or concerned with the stars or constellations; stellar.星的,恒星的:恒星或星座的、与之相关的或与之相联系的;星的美国传统〔sternoclavicular〕Of, relating to, or connecting the sternum and the clavicle.胸锁骨的:胸骨和锁骨的、与之有关的或与之相联系的美国传统〔sunder〕These two points are related and cannot be sundered.这两点是互相联系的,是不能分割的。21世纪英汉〔supersymmetry〕A hypothetical symmetry that relates fermions to bosons and gravitational force to forces that operate on the subatomic level.超对称性:将费密子与玻子相联系以及将万有引力与亚原子作用的力相联系的假想对称性美国传统〔sympatric〕Occupying the same or overlapping geographic areas without interbreeding. Used of populations of closely related species.分布区重叠的,同域的:其分布的地理区域相同或部分重叠,但相互间并不杂交的用于紧密相联的物种群体美国传统〔system〕A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.系统:组成一个复杂的整体的一组互相作用、互相联系或互相依存的元素美国传统〔teleprinter〕They are connected with their London offices by teleprinters.他们与伦敦营业所有电传打字机相联系。英汉大词典〔thyroid〕An artery, a vein, a nerve, or another part associated with the thyroid gland or thyroid cartilage.甲状物:与甲状腺或甲状软骨相联系的动脉、静脉、神经或其它部分美国传统〔triptych〕A work consisting of three painted or carved panels that are hinged together.三幅相联的图画或雕刻画:通常描或刻在三块画板上,用绞链联结的作品美国传统〔variation〕Mathematics A function that relates the values of one variable to those of other variables.【数学】 变分;变差:把某变量的值与其它变量的值相联系的功能美国传统A medieval triptych hung above the altar.一幅中世纪三幅相联的图画挂在祭坛上方。剑桥国际A neurotransmitter is a chemical that nerve cells use to communicate with each other and with muscles.神经传递素是神经细胞用来互相联系及与肌肉联系的化学物质。剑桥国际A red wire is often attached to the anode which is also marked with the positive sign (+).红色电线通常与阳极相联,阳极也用正符(+)标示。剑桥国际At present the steel rods screw together, but in future they will have hinged connections.这些钢条现在是拧在一起的,将来它们是要用铰链来互相联接。剑桥国际Being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached to it.做演员就有一些与之相联的名誉。剑桥国际Everything in the world interconnects somehow.世界上一切事物都以某种方式互相联系。剑桥国际It isn't easy to understand your objectives and map them against possible jobs.理解你的目标并与可从事的工作相联系并不容易。牛津商务Psychologists have been studying perception in rats in an attempt to discover more about human mental processes connected with sight.心理学家们为了进一步揭示人类于视觉相联系的心理过程,一直在研究老鼠的知感。剑桥国际The MacDonald and Stewart tartans are famous tartan patterns associated with different Scottish family groups or clans.麦克唐纳和斯图尔特是与不同苏格兰家族或宗派相联系的有名的方格图案。剑桥国际The problems of poverty, homelessness and unemployment are all interconnected.贫穷、无家可归、失业等问题都是互相联系的。剑桥国际




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