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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mysia〕An ancient region of northwest Asia Minor. It passed successively to Lydia, Persia, Macedon, Syria, Pergamum, and Rome.密细亚:小亚细亚西北的一个古代地区,它相继受吕底亚、波斯、马其顿、叙利亚、佩加马和罗马管辖美国传统〔SYMPATHIZE〕It wasn't possible not to feel sympathy for Anna -- she'd lost her husband and her son in the space of only a few weeks. 你怎么可能不同情安娜呢—前后不过几个星期的时间,她相继失去了丈夫和儿子。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Then, within a short period, his mother, father, and brother all died. 接着,在短时间内他父母和哥哥都相继去世了。朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕Amanda is no stranger to sorrow - both of her parents died this past year. 阿曼达饱受悲痛—去年她的双亲相继过世。朗文写作活用〔another〕One person after another walked out of the concert.人们相继走出音乐厅。韦氏高阶〔beta-oxidation〕The oxidative degradation of saturated fatty acids in which two-carbon units are sequentially removed from the molecule with each turn of the cycle.β-氧化作用:饱和脂肪酸的氧化降解,每个周期的转变使得两个碳单位相继从其分子中移出美国传统〔capitulation〕We have seen the capitulation of towns, of celebrated fortresses, of states.我们目睹了城镇、著名要塞以及国家一个个相继投降。外研社新世纪〔die off〕Most of the cells die off too quickly to do any good.大多数细胞还未发挥作用就很快相继死亡。外研社新世纪〔die off〕The animals died off one by one.动物一个个相继死去。韦氏高阶〔die off〕The bamboos flower and then die off.竹子开花后相继死亡。外研社新世纪〔die off〕The refugees were dying off from disease.难民们相继因病丧身。21世纪英汉〔die off〕The remaining members of her family gradually died off.她家里剩下的人相继去世了。韦氏高阶〔die off〕They expect to come into a lot more money as their elderly relatives die off.随着年长的亲戚相继去世, 他们期望继承更多的钱财。外研社新世纪〔die〕Her few remaining kinsfolk died off one by one.她仅存的几位亲属也相继去世。英汉大词典〔die〕Rabbits were dying off in that county.在那个地区的兔子相继死亡了,直至灭绝美国传统〔die〕The generation that fought in the war are all dying off.参战的那一代人都在相继死去。麦克米伦高阶〔ebb tide〕The receding or outgoing tide; the period between high water and the succeeding low water.落潮:退去或退落的潮水;高水位相继的低水位时期美国传统〔echelon〕A formation of troops in which each unit is positioned successively to the left or right of the rear unit to form an oblique or steplike line.梯队:军队的一种队形,其中每个编群都相继排列在后一编群的左边或右边,形成斜线或梯形线美国传统〔evolution〕Each of the couples, after the convolutions and evolutions, successively whirls round in a circle, till all are in motion.在回旋和动作变换都做完后, 围成圆形的每对舞伴相继旋转直到所有舞伴都旋转起来。外研社新世纪〔fall〕The enemy strongholds fell one after another.敌方据点相继被攻克。英汉大词典〔fugue〕Music A polyphonic composition in which themes or a theme stated successively by a number of voices in imitation are developed contrapuntally.【音乐】 赋格曲:一种多韵律乐曲,其一个或多个旋律为相继进入的声部所模仿对位性发展而成美国传统〔interphase〕The stage of a cell between two successive mitotic or meiotic divisions.分裂间期:两个相继的有丝分裂或减数分裂之间的一个细胞形态美国传统〔keep〕The Prime Minister keeps him on as a consultant.首相继续留用他当顾问。英汉大词典〔modulate〕To pass from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.调节:通过和谐的旋律或合弦的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调过到另一基调或音调美国传统〔modulation〕Music A passing from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.【音乐】 转调:通过和谐的旋律或和弦的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调转调到另一基调或音调美国传统〔outbreak〕In Peru, a cholera outbreak continues to spread.霍乱在秘鲁各地相继爆发。柯林斯高阶〔posterior〕Coming after in order; following.在后的,其次的:次序上较后的;相继的美国传统〔precursory〕Suggesting or indicating something to follow.预示的:表明或暗示某事将相继而来美国传统〔prehistory〕Human prehistory is divided into three successive periods: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age.人类的史前史可以分为3个相继时期:石器时代、青铜时代和铁器时代。剑桥高阶〔sideline〕He has watched from the sidelines the great developments unrolling in Eastern Europe.他一直在一旁关注东欧相继取得的重大进展。柯林斯高阶〔still〕Everyone had left, and the house was finally still.人们相继离开,房子里终于恢复了安静。韦氏高阶〔successive〕This concept has been applied successively to painting, architecture and sculpture.这一概念相继应用于绘画、建筑和雕塑中。牛津高阶〔tentacle〕Free speech is being gradually eroded year after year by new tentacles of government control.相继出现的政府管控之手使得言论自由的声音一年比一年微弱。外研社新世纪〔tidal wave〕The recession is deepening and we are now seeing a tidal wave of job losses in all sections of the economy.经济衰退的情况在加剧, 各个行业相继出现失业高峰。外研社新世纪〔tidal wave〕The recession is deepening and we are now seeing a tidal wave of job losses in all sections of the economy.经济衰退的情况在加剧,各个行业相继出现失业高峰。柯林斯高阶〔track〕A succession of ideas; a train of thought.观念,思想:相继而来的思想;一串想法美国传统〔wrap〕The line of people went out the door and wrapped around the corner.人们相继走出大门,绕拐角走去。韦氏高阶The device involves two successive detonations.该装置可引发两次相继的爆炸。剑桥国际The leaves of the tree are dying off. 树上的叶子相继枯死。译典通The managing directors have notched up 50 years with the company between them.这些常务董事在公司相继干了 50 年。牛津商务Three companies have already lined up to bid for his chemist group and a fourth may join the fray.已经有三家公司相继投标他的药商集团,还有第四家可能参加竞争。剑桥国际




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