

单词 相结合
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MIX〕a hybrid approach combining the merits of both methods 把两种方法的优点相结合的一种混合处理方法朗文写作活用〔accuracy〕the need to combine speed and accuracy 速度和精确度相结合的需要麦克米伦高阶〔combination〕a combination of practical and conceptual support实际帮助与精神扶持相结合外研社新世纪〔combination〕the combination of morality with drama and storytelling伦理道德与戏剧和故事讲述相结合外研社新世纪〔integrate〕his attempt to integrate his religious faith with evolutionary science 他将自己的宗教信仰与进化科学相结合的尝试麦克米伦高阶〔integrate〕to integrate theory with practice理论与实践相结合21世纪英汉〔interweave〕interweave truth with fiction 使真实与虚构相结合英汉大词典〔interweave〕to interweave truth with fiction真伪相结合21世纪英汉〔inventiveness〕products which are the outcome of human inventiveness and human labour人类的创造力与劳动相结合的产物外研社新世纪〔joint〕the joint influences of culture and climate 文化和气候条件相结合的影响英汉大词典〔meld〕a meld of traditional techniques with radical conceptions 传统技术与大胆创新相结合英汉大词典〔mix〕mix study and pleasure 使学习和娱乐相结合英汉大词典〔mix〕to mix business with pleasure使工作和娱乐相结合21世纪英汉




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