

单词 相符
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accommodate〕accommodate a statement to facts 使陈述与事实相符英汉大词典〔adapt〕conforming her life to accord with her moral principles; 调整她的生活使之与她的道德标准相符;美国传统〔adapt〕made the punishment fit the crime; 使刑罚与罪状相符;美国传统〔answer〕answer to a description 与描述相符英汉大词典〔answer〕cable TV's answer to the commercial networks' sportscasts. 有线电视的节目同商业电视网的体育节目相符美国传统〔character〕behavior that was totally in character. 与特性完全相符的行为美国传统〔coincident〕testimony that was coincident with the actual facts. 与事实相符合的证据美国传统〔comport〕a system that comports with the realities of the present marketplace与当前市场现状相符合的体系外研社新世纪〔conformity〕the building's conformity to state specifications 这座建筑物与州规范相符韦氏高阶〔consistency〕questioned the consistency of the administration's actions with its stated policy. 询问管理部门的行动是否与其宣称的政策相符合美国传统〔consistent〕injuries consistent with a fall from an upper storey(= similar to those such a fall would have caused) 和从楼上摔下来的情形相符合的伤处牛津高阶〔consistent〕the fastest rate of growth consistent with economic stability与经济稳定相符的最快增速外研社新世纪〔factual〕factually correct 与事实相符牛津高阶〔fittingly〕the four-storeyed, and fittingly named, High House. 名实相符的被称为“高屋”的四层建筑柯林斯高阶〔fittingly〕the four-storeyed, and fittingly named, High House名实相符的四层“高屋”外研社新世纪〔fit〕observations that fit the theory nicely. 与理论完全相符的观测美国传统〔fit〕the punishment should fit the crime惩罚应与罪行相符。外研社新世纪〔known〕a theory that fits the known facts 与已知事实相符的理论麦克米伦高阶〔match〕match one's actions to one's words 使言行相符文馨英汉〔recommendation〕to develop a plan in line with the recommendations of national policy 制订与国家政策事项相符的计划牛津搭配〔register〕ways of reconciling bank statements with check registers 使银行对账单与支票登记簿账目相符的方法牛津搭配




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