

单词 相片
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔3-D〕The picture looks great because it's in 3-D 这张相片看起来很棒,因为是三维立体的。剑桥高阶〔FIRST〕The police took the unprecedented step of publishing the victim's photograph. 警方公布了被害者的相片,这是史无前例的。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕As he studied the picture of the little boy, he began to turn an idea over in his mind. 他在琢磨小男孩的相片时,脑子里开始反复思考着一个想法。朗文写作活用〔add〕Pictures add interest to plain painted walls.相片给素色的墙面增添了一抹情趣。外研社新世纪〔add〕Pictures add interest to plain painted walls.相片给素色的墙面增添了一抹情趣。柯林斯高阶〔anatomically〕I need my pictures to be anatomically correct.我要我的相片比例适当。柯林斯高阶〔auto-focus〕The enlarger is auto-focus.这台相片放大器是自动聚焦的。英汉大词典〔capture〕These photographs capture the essence of working-class life at the turn of the century.这些相片记录了世纪之交工人阶级的生活实况。朗文当代〔check〕I've been taking loads of photographs, just to check out the camera.我拍了一堆相片,只是为了检查照相机是否好用。麦克米伦高阶〔composite photograph〕A photograph made by combining two or more separate photographs.合成相片:将两个或多个独立的相片接合而成的图片美国传统〔culling〕Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home.劳拉正在分发她从家里相册中挑选出的相片。柯林斯高阶〔daguerreotype〕A photograph made by this process.盖尔银版照片:用盖尔银版照相法照的相片美国传统〔densitometer〕An apparatus for measuring the optical density of a material, such as a photographic negative.(光)密度计:测量材料,例如相片感光纸光密度的器械美国传统〔difference〕Can you spot the difference between these two photos? 你能看出这两张相片有什么不同吗 ?牛津搭配〔dock〕You can dock the camera directly to the printer and download the pictures.你可以把相机直接连接到打印机上,然后下载相片。韦氏高阶〔evocative〕His photographs are evocative of the solitude of the desert.他的那些相片使人想起了沙漠的荒凉。韦氏高阶〔evocative〕The old photographs are charmingly evocative.这些旧相片使人们产生美好的回忆。英汉大词典〔evoke〕His photographs evoke the isolation and solitude of the desert.他的那些相片使人想起了沙漠的孤独与荒凉。韦氏高阶〔exhibit〕The photographs are on exhibit in the museum's west wing.这些相片正在博物馆的西厅展出。韦氏高阶〔far〕Who is that on the far left of the photograph? 相片上最左边的那个人是谁?牛津高阶〔fat〕He looks much fatter than in his photo.他看上去比相片上胖多了。朗文当代〔flattering〕It wasn't a very flattering photograph.这张相片显得人不是十分漂亮。柯林斯高阶〔flesh〕He's nicer in the flesh than in his photographs.他本人比相片上好看。英汉大词典〔fog〕To be dimmed or obscured. Used of a photographic image.照片(模糊):被搞暗或搞模糊了。用于形容相片上的图象美国传统〔frame in〕The photographs will look nice framed in red.这些相片镶以红色相框会很好看。21世纪英汉〔fuzzy〕Moving the camera causes fuzzy photos.相机移动会导致相片图像模糊。英汉大词典〔get around to〕I've got bags of photographs and one day I'll get round to putting them in an album.我有几袋相片,哪天抽空把它们放进相册。柯林斯高阶〔glossy〕A photographic print on smooth, shiny paper.相片:印在光面纸上的照片美国传统〔grainy〕Having sharp divisions between light and dark patches; not smooth. Used of photographs and film.粒面的:在明暗区间有显著分界的;不平滑的。用于相片和电影胶片美国传统〔gum ... up〕I spent hours sticking the photographs into the family book, and my fingers got all gummed up.我用了几个小时把相片粘到家庭相册里,手指都粘满了胶水。21世纪英汉〔halation〕A blurring or spreading of light around bright areas on a photographic image.光晕:从相片中影像中比较明亮的部份蔓延出的虚影或光美国传统〔halftone〕A picture made by such a process.由这种工艺制成的相片美国传统〔heart〕She clasped the photo to her heart.她把相片紧紧地抱在怀里。牛津高阶〔in place〕Tape held/kept the photo in place.这张相片被用胶带贴在合适的位置。韦氏高阶〔inscribe〕To sign one's name or write a brief message in or on (a gift book or photograph, for example).题写,题字:签名或简短留言于(如礼品簿或相片)里面或上面美国传统〔likeness〕A pictorial, graphic, or sculptured representation of something; an image.相片,肖像:模仿某物的绘画、图片或雕像;肖像美国传统〔look〕She looked longingly at the photograph.她看着这张相片,充满了渴望。韦氏高阶〔matt〕Prints are available on matt or glossy paper.相片可洗印在亚光相纸或亮光相纸上。牛津高阶〔microfilm〕The museum microfilmed all the drawings we required and provided us with microfilm prints.博物馆把我们需要的所有绘画都拍摄在缩微胶卷上, 并提供给我们缩微胶卷的冲印相片。外研社新世纪〔mount〕She mounted the photograph to a piece of cardboard.她把相片贴在纸板上。韦氏高阶〔number〕She numbers and arranges the photographs according to when they were taken.她按照拍照时间将相片编号整理。韦氏高阶〔opaque〕Something that is opaque, especially an opaque pigment used to darken parts of a photographic print or negative.不透明颜料:不透明涂料,尤指用在摄影的相片或负影像的暗面的一种不透明涂料美国传统〔pass〕If you pass the new photographs in the collection, you'll miss some outstanding ones.如果你不注意这一影集中的新相片,你就错过了一些杰作美国传统〔peer〕He peered closely at the photograph.他聚精会神地端详着相片。牛津高阶〔photographic〕Of, relating to, or consisting of photography or a photograph.相片的,摄影的:摄影的或相片的;与之有关的;由摄影或相片组成的美国传统〔photograph〕An image, especially a positive print, recorded by a camera and reproduced on a photosensitive surface.照片,相片:由照相机摄下并在一感光表面复制出来的影像,尤指正片印出的影像美国传统〔photograph〕Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself.请附寄一张近照,大小同护照用相片。牛津高阶〔platinotype〕A print produced by platinotype.铂盐印像法印制的相片美国传统〔portfolio〕A portable case for holding material, such as loose papers, photographs, or drawings.公事包:用来装材料,如零散纸张、相片或图片的手提式箱子美国传统〔positive〕Having the areas of light and dark in their original and normal relationship, as in a photographic print made from a negative.正片的:使明暗区处于它们原本及正常的关系中的,如位于从底片印出的相片上美国传统〔poster〕An artistic work, often a reproduction of an original painting or photograph, printed on a large sheet of paper.招贴画:印于一大张纸上的艺术作品,通常是原创画或相片的复制品美国传统〔print〕How many copies shall we print from the negative?用这张底片我们要印多少张相片?21世纪英汉〔ragged〕The old photograph looked a little ragged at the edges.这张旧相片的边缘有点磨破了。朗文当代〔respect〕She respected her father's last wishes and burned all his photos.她遵从父亲的遗愿,将他的相片统统烧掉。21世纪英汉〔retouch〕To improve or change (a photographic negative or print), as by adding details or removing flaws.修整(负片):通过添加细节或除去瑕疵来改进或改变(照相的负片或相片)美国传统〔rip in half (或two)〕She ripped his photo in half and threw the halves in the fire.她把他的相片撕成两半投入火中。21世纪英汉〔shadow〕A shaded area in a picture or photograph.阴暗区:图画或相片的阴影区美国传统〔shot〕A developed photographic image.一张冲洗好的相片美国传统〔spectroheliograph〕An instrument used to make spectroheliograms.太阳单色光照相仪:用来拍摄太阳单色光相片的仪器美国传统〔spectrum〕A graphic or photographic representation of such a distribution.光谱相片:上述分布之图解或拍摄的相片美国传统〔squeegee〕Printing A similar implement or a rubber roller used in printing and photography.【印刷术】 (压去相片水分的)橡皮辊:一种用于印刷和摄影中的类似的工具或一种橡胶滚筒美国传统〔stick in〕He stuck her photos in the album.他把她的相片全都贴在了相册里。21世纪英汉〔stripper〕One that strips, as one that strips photographic negatives or positives.分离相片负像或正像的人美国传统〔take〕Our new camera takes beautiful pictures.我们的新相机拍出来的相片很美。韦氏高阶〔webcam〕A camera designed to take digital photographs and transmit them over the Internet or other network.网络摄影机:用来处理数字相片以及将其传送到因特网上或其它网络的摄影机美国传统〔wraith〕We looked on the pictures of the thin, frail wraith that he had become.我们望着一张张他已瘦弱得不成样子的相片。英汉大词典A Polaroid picture/snapshot of their baby was stuck on the door.他们小孩的一次成像照片/快照相片被贴在门上。剑桥国际For photographs requiring long exposure times, your camera should be mounted on a tripod.因为相片需要长时间曝光,你的相机应该架在三脚架上。剑桥国际He took a picture of me with the pavilion in the background. 他以那个亭子为背景给我照了一张相片。译典通I spent the evening sticking photographs in the album.我花了一个晚上把相片嵌入影集。剑桥国际The camera clicked and their picture was taken. 照相机"卡嗒"一声照下了他们的相片。译典通The editor lets you cut and paste text, photos and graphics into pages.编辑允许你剪切和向页面粘贴文本、相片和图形。牛津商务This photograph lacks definition. 这张相片不清晰。译典通We could hang this picture on the wall next to the door.我们可以把这张相片挂在门旁的墙上。剑桥国际




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