

单词 相提并论
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amplitude〕The sheer amplitude of the novel invites comparisons with Tolstoy.这部小说鸿篇巨制、气势恢宏,仅此就足以和托尔斯泰的作品相提并论。剑桥高阶〔argument〕A good argument can be made for comparing the IT revolution with the invention of writing itself.有很好的理由可以把信息技术革命与文字的发明相提并论。朗文当代〔ballpark〕As a general investigative agency, they're not in the same ballpark as the FBI.作为一个普通的调查机构, 他们无法与联邦调查局相提并论。外研社新世纪〔ballpark〕As a general investigative agency, they're not in the same ballpark as the FBI.作为一个普通调查机构,他们还不足以同联邦调查局相提并论。柯林斯高阶〔bracket together〕Gossip columnists often bracket them together,so a wedding may be imminent.漫谈专栏作家常把他们相提并论,因此一个婚礼也许临近了。21世纪英汉〔bracket〕Austrian wine styles are often bracketed with those of northern Germany.人们往往把奥地利葡萄酒的风味与德国北部葡萄酒的风味相提并论。柯林斯高阶〔bracket〕Don't bracket me with your greedy relations.不要把我同你那些贪婪的亲戚相提并论。麦克米伦高阶〔bracket〕He's often bracketed with the romantic poets of this period although this does not reflect the range of his work.人们常常把他与这个时期的浪漫诗人相提并论,尽管这并不能反映出他的作品的涉猎范围。剑桥高阶〔bracket〕Most English people bracket American and Canadian accents together.大多数英国人都把美国音和加拿大音相提并论。21世纪英汉〔bracket〕The group are bracketed with Coldplay, Travis, and Starsailor.这个乐队可与酷玩乐队、特拉维斯乐队和星际水手乐队相提并论。外研社新世纪〔bracket〕Triple Masters champion Craig Parry bracketed Scott with Tiger Woods in his praise.三届大师赛冠军克雷格•帕里称赞斯科特时将他和泰格•伍兹相提并论。外研社新世纪〔breath〕I don't think you can mention his poetry in the same breath as that of Heaney or Hughes.我认为你不能把他的诗和希尼或休斯的诗相提并论。麦克米伦高阶〔candle〕Girls today can't hold a candle to the beauties of the Fifties.如今的女孩子根本不能和50年代的美女相提并论。外研社新世纪〔candle〕Girls today can't hold a candle to the beauties of the Fifties.如今的姑娘根本不能和50年代的美女相提并论。柯林斯高阶〔comparable〕His poetry is hardly comparable with Shakespeare's . 他的诗不能与莎士比亚的诗相提并论。朗文当代〔compare〕His poems have been compared to those of the English Romantics.他的诗歌被拿来与英国浪漫主义诗歌相提并论。麦克米伦高阶〔compare〕Some commentators compared his work to that of James Joyce.有些评注者把他的作品与詹姆斯·乔伊斯的作品相提并论。柯林斯高阶〔compare〕The critics compared his work to that of Martin Amis.评论家把他的作品和马丁 · 埃米斯的相提并论。牛津高阶〔compare〕The golfer Tiger Woods is often compared to Jack Nicklaus.人们常把高尔夫球手“老虎”伍兹与杰克・尼高斯相提并论。牛津搭配〔compare〕They are both great but you can't compare appl es and oranges.他们两个都很不错,但是不可相提并论。牛津高阶〔compare〕You can't compare the two cities - they're totally different.你不能把这两座城市相提并论——它们完全不同。剑桥高阶〔comparison〕He's a good writer but he doesn't bear/stand comparison with Shakespeare (= he is not nearly as good as Shakespeare).他是位好作家,但无法与莎士比亚相提并论。剑桥高阶〔comparison〕Her paintings invite comparison with those of the early Impressionists (=they remind you of them) .她的画作让人把它们与那些早期印象派作品相提并论。朗文当代〔comparison〕His powerful performances inevitably invite comparison with those of de Niro.他那富有感染力的表演不免让人把他和德尼罗相提并论。麦克米伦高阶〔comparison〕His work has been widely praised. Comparisons have been made to the great painters of past centuries.他的作品得到了广泛的好评。有人将他和过去几个世纪的伟大画家相提并论。韦氏高阶〔comparison〕I don't think comparisons of her situation and/with mine are appropriate.我认为把她和我的情况相提并论并不妥当。韦氏高阶〔comparison〕I never loved her the way I love you: there's no comparison.我从来没有像爱你那样爱过她:两者不能相提并论。麦克米伦高阶〔comparison〕Our problems don't bear comparison with those elsewhere.我们的问题与别处的问题不能相提并论。牛津搭配〔comparison〕There is no comparison between the knowledge and skill of such a player and the ordinary casual participant.临时的普通参赛者无法与这种选手所掌握的知识和技巧相提并论。柯林斯高阶〔comparison〕This theory cannot bear comparison with the Babylonian arithmetical schemes.这个理论无法与巴比伦算术体系相提并论。外研社新世纪〔compliment〕Being compared to Abba is a great compliment.和阿巴乐队相提并论是极大的荣誉。朗文当代〔compliment〕It is a compliment to be compared to her.能与她相提并论是一种称赞。麦克米伦高阶〔confound〕You cannot equate or confound communism with fascism!你不能把共产主义和法西斯主义相提并论!外研社新世纪〔contest〕When you compare the old version of the movie with the new one, it's no contest. The old one is much better.这部电影的新版与旧版不可相提并论。旧版的好看多了。韦氏高阶〔equal〕Throughout her marriage she never considered her husband as her intellectual equal.自结婚之日起,她一直就认为在才智上她丈夫根本无法和她相提并论。剑桥高阶〔equate〕The author doesn't equate liberalism and conservatism.该作者没有将自由主义和保守主义相提并论。外研社新世纪〔equate〕The author doesn't equate liberalism and conservatism.该作者没有将自由主义和保守主义相提并论。柯林斯高阶〔favourable〕American reviewers have compared him favourably with John Irving.美国评论家们赞赏地把他与约翰·欧文相提并论。麦克米伦高阶〔identify sb/sth with sth〕Many football fans are unfairly identified with violent behaviour.许多足球迷被不公正地与暴力行为相提并论。剑桥高阶〔juxtapose〕Pain has been juxtaposed to pleasure as a form of emotion.痛苦一直被作为一种感情形式与欢乐相提并论。英汉大词典〔lump together〕Don't lump me and Dave together.别把我和戴夫相提并论。外研社新世纪〔match〕No other rock band comes even close to matching their talent.论才华,任何其他的摇滚乐队都无法与他们相提并论。牛津搭配〔peer〕He wasn't a great scholar, but as a teacher he had few peers (= not as many people had the same ability as him).他算不上伟大的学者,但作为教师没有几个人能与他相提并论。剑桥高阶〔place〕Some place him on a par with Einstein.有些人认为他可与爱因斯坦相提并论。外研社新世纪〔put〕Drama critics have put her on a level/par with the great Shakespearean actresses.剧评家把她和一些伟大的莎剧女演员相提并论。剑桥高阶〔rate〕The film rates with the very best.这部影片与最佳作品相提并论。文馨英汉〔some〕Some have compared his work to Picasso's.一些人把他的作品和毕加索的相提并论。剑桥高阶〔stand〕This story cannot stand beside Tom Sawyer.这篇小说不能跟《汤姆·索耶》相提并论。英汉大词典〔stretch〕It would be stretching the truth to suggest they played well enough to rival Glasgow Rangers.把他们和格拉斯哥流浪者队相提并论就有些言过其实了。外研社新世纪〔strictly〕Their salaries are not strictly comparable (= cannot be directly compared) because of the differences in UK and US tax rates.由于英美两国的税率不同,他们的薪酬严格来讲不能相提并论。剑桥高阶〔touch〕There's no one to touch him.没有人可以和他相提并论。外研社新世纪Drama critics have put her on a level/par with the great Shakespearean actresses.剧评家把她和一些伟大的莎剧女演员们相提并论。剑桥国际He wasn't a great scholar, but as a teacher he had few peers (=people who were of the same ability as he was).他不是一个伟大的学者,但作为教师没有几个能和他相提并论的。剑桥国际Her mother shouldn't bracket him with her previous boyfriends-- this one's completely different.她母亲不应将他与她以前的男朋友相提并论----这一位是完全不同的。剑桥国际In the film he plays a young stud whose extreme success with women is matched only by his extreme lack of brains.他在电影中扮演一名年轻的情场老手,他与女人交往的极端成功只能与他的极端无知相提并论。剑桥国际




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