

单词 病害
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕A deficiency of soil nutrients can cause the resulting crop to be disease-ridden and of very poor quality. 土壤缺少养分可导致生长的作物病害多、质量差。朗文写作活用〔citrus canker〕A destructive bacterial disease of citrus plants that attacks seedlings and mature plants and causes defoliation and death.柑橘溃疡病:柑橘的破坏性细菌病害,其侵害柑橘树树苗和成树并导致落叶和死亡美国传统〔condition〕Warm, wet weather can create ideal conditions for plant diseases.温暖潮湿的天气会给植物病害创造理想的环境。牛津搭配〔curly top〕A viral disease of many plants, such as beets, beans, and tomatoes, characterized by curled leaves and stunted growth.卷顶病:一种生于甜菜、豆类和西红柿等植物上的病毒性病害,特征为叶子卷曲且生长缓慢美国传统〔damping off〕A disease of seedlings that is caused by fungi and results in wilting and death.猝倒病,立枯病:由真菌类引起并导致幼苗枯萎和死亡的病害美国传统〔diseased〕The bush looked badly diseased, with black marks on all the leaves.看起来这片灌木已饱受病害之苦,叶子上都出现了黑斑。剑桥高阶〔epiphytotic〕Of, relating to, or characterized by a sudden or abnormally destructive outbreak of a plant disease, usually over an extended geographic area.植物流行病的:关于或以植物突然病害或反常的破坏性发作为特征的,通常发生在开阔的地域美国传统〔ergot〕The disease caused by such a fungus.麦角病:由麦角菌引起的病害美国传统〔foot rot〕A disease of plants in which the stem or trunk rots at its base.根腐病:一种植物病害,茎或干的底部腐烂美国传统〔havoc〕The disease can cause havoc in commercial orchards.这种病害会给商业果园造成巨大破坏。牛津搭配〔inspect〕The plants are regularly inspected for disease.这些植物定期检查是否有病害。牛津高阶〔leaf spot〕Any of various plant diseases resulting in well-defined necrotic areas on the leaves.叶斑病:任一种能导致在叶面上形成界限分明的坏死区域的植物病害美国传统〔mummification〕The disease mummified many fruits.这种病害使许多果实干枯。21世纪英汉〔rust mite〕Any of various mites that cause a plant disease characterized by reddish or brownish spots on leaves and fruits.锈螨:一种导致植物病害的螨虫,植物受其害后叶子和果实上有红色或褐色斑点美国传统〔rust〕Botany To develop a disease caused by a rust fungus.【植物学】 由锈菌引起的病害美国传统〔variety〕Old varieties of rose can be less resistant to diseases.老的玫瑰品种抗病害能力可能较差。牛津搭配〔vintage〕The vintage last year was harmed by disease.去年的葡萄产量受到病害的影响。英汉大词典〔worthless〕The diseased plants are worthless to the farmer.有病害的植物对农民没有价值。牛津搭配The seed catalogue featured a new variety of sweetcorn and a disease-resistant potato variety.那本种子目录特别推出了一个新品种的甜玉米和一个抗病害的马铃薯品种。剑桥国际We must cut away the diseased branches from the trees. 我们得把有病害的树枝剪除。译典通




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