

单词 矿物学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔asterism〕Mineralogy A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light.【矿物学】 星彩,星芒:某些水晶体经反光或光线穿透所产生的六棱形星状图象美国传统〔cleavage〕Mineralogy The splitting or tendency to split of a crystallized substance along definite crystalline planes, yielding smooth surfaces.【矿物学】 解理,裂纹:结晶物质沿一定结晶面产生光滑面的分裂或分裂倾向美国传统〔cleave〕Mineralogy To split or separate, especially along a natural line of division.【矿物学】 裂开:劈开或分离,尤指沿天然纹理美国传统〔hardness〕Mineralogy The relative resistance of a mineral to scratching, as measured by the Mohs scale.【矿物学】 相对硬度:用莫氏硬度标测量的某种矿物质的相对硬度美国传统〔intergrowth〕Mineralogy The growing together of crystals from two or more minerals.【矿物学】 交生:由超过两种以上的矿物所共同生成的晶体美国传统〔massive〕Mineralogy Lacking internal crystalline structure; amorphous.【矿物学】 非晶质的;均匀构造的美国传统〔min.〕Mineralogical.矿物学的美国传统〔mineralogy〕A book or treatise on mineralogy.矿物学书籍或论文:有关矿物学的书籍或论文美国传统〔mineralogy〕The study of minerals, including their distribution, identification, and properties.矿物学:对矿物质的研究,包括其分布、鉴定及特征美国传统〔neogenesis〕Mineralogy The formation of new minerals.【矿物学】 新矿物的形成美国传统〔nodule〕Mineralogy A small rounded lump of a mineral or mixture of minerals, usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment.【矿物学】 矿的结核:一种矿物或矿物混合物的小圆块,通常比表层岩石或矿渣坚硬美国传统〔pseudomorph〕Mineralogy A mineral that has the crystalline form of another mineral rather than the form normally characteristic of its own composition.【矿物学】 假晶:一种矿石具有另一种矿石结晶形式而不是正常情况下有自己构成特征的形式美国传统〔rock hound〕One who collects rocks and minerals, especially gemstones, as a hobby.岩石迷,矿石迷,业余矿物学家:以收集尤其是宝石等岩石和矿石为业余爱好的人美国传统〔streak〕Mineralogy The color of the fine powder produced when a mineral is rubbed against a hard surface. Used as a distinguishing characteristic.【矿物学】 矿物粉色:当矿物与硬表面相摩擦时产生细矿粉的颜色。作为其区分的特点美国传统〔twinned〕Mineralogy Formed by the process of twinning. Used of crystals.【矿物学】 孪晶:由孪晶过程形成的。用于晶体美国传统〔twinning〕Mineralogy The formation of twin crystals.【矿物学】 孪晶:孪晶的形成美国传统〔vicinal〕Mineralogy Approximating, resembling, or taking the place of a fundamental crystalline form or face.【矿物学】 邻晶的:接近、相似或者替代水晶似的形状或表面的美国传统




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