

单词 石阶
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔flight〕a flight of stone steps 一段石阶文馨英汉〔flight〕a long flight of stone steps 很长的一段石阶英汉大词典〔flight〕at the bottom of a flight of stone steps在一段石阶的底部外研社新世纪〔giddy〕stone steps of a giddy and exhausting steepness令人头晕眼花、精疲力竭的险峻石阶外研社新世纪〔greybeard〕greybeards sunning themselves on marble steps 在大理石阶梯上晒太阳的老头儿们英汉大词典〔hole〕marble steps with hollows worn by footsteps. Acavity is a hollow or hollow area within a solid body or object: 大理石阶梯有人走出的脚印。 Cavity 指固体或事物内部的凹洞: 美国传统〔lichen〕a stone stairway covered with lichen 长满青苔的石阶文馨英汉〔stone〕stone steps 石阶英汉大词典〔wear〕eventually wore hollows in the stone steps. 最终在石阶上磨出了洞美国传统〔worn〕well worn stone steps 残破的石阶朗文当代




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