

单词 玩笑
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SERIOUS〕to look serious when you are joking 开着玩笑但看上去很严肃朗文写作活用〔banter〕thought you were kidding me; 我以为你是在和我开玩笑;美国传统〔blue〕make a blue joke 开下流的玩笑英汉大词典〔broad〕a broad joke. 庸俗的玩笑美国传统〔carry〕carried the line to the edge of the page; carry a joke too far. 划线延伸至书页的边缘;开玩笑过了头美国传统〔carry〕carry a joke too far 开玩笑开得太过分 英汉大词典〔come〕come a trick over sb. 开某人的玩笑英汉大词典〔cornball〕a kid's cornball humor. 一个儿童的幼稚玩笑美国传统〔drollery〕sb.'s talent for drollery 某人开玩笑的才能英汉大词典〔extemporaneous〕an ad-lib joke; 随口开的玩笑;美国传统〔ghastly〕grisly jokes about cadavers and worms; 关于尸体和蛆的吓人的玩笑;美国传统〔harmless〕a harmless joke 无恶意的玩笑 英汉大词典〔ill-timed〕an ill-timed joke 不合时宜的玩笑英汉大词典〔incisive〕crisp banter. 轻松简短的玩笑。美国传统〔incongruous〕a joke that was incongruous with polite conversation. 一个与礼貌谈话不相协调的玩笑美国传统〔infantile〕infantile jokes 幼稚的玩笑朗文当代〔jest〕jest about a serious matter 就严肃的事情开玩笑英汉大词典〔jest〕speak half in jest, half in earnest 半开玩笑半认真地说英汉大词典〔kid〕to kid around with someone与某人开玩笑21世纪英汉〔light〕a light jest 轻妙的笑话[玩笑]文馨英汉〔off-colour〕off-color jokes 下流玩笑朗文当代〔playful〕a playful exchange of insults 开玩笑的相互讥讽剑桥高阶〔playful〕a playful mood 开玩笑的心情英汉大词典〔playful〕a playful remark 开玩笑的话英汉大词典〔playful〕playful teasing.开玩笑的嘲弄。牛津同义词〔play〕play a joke on sb. 对某人开玩笑 英汉大词典〔politically incorrect〕politically incorrect jokes 有歧视之嫌的玩笑朗文当代〔prepend〕to make jokes with malice prepended怀着恶意开玩笑21世纪英汉〔puerile〕a puerile joke 幼稚的玩笑朗文当代〔rugged〕rugged manners and ribald wit. 粗鲁的方式和下流的玩笑美国传统〔salacious〕a salacious book/joke/comment 淫秽书籍/玩笑/评论剑桥高阶〔scatological〕scatological jokes 粗俗的玩笑麦克米伦高阶〔sly〕a sly jest 俏皮的玩笑英汉大词典〔sophomoric〕a sophomoric joke 幼稚的玩笑韦氏高阶〔spoof〕a spoof on Hollywood life. 拿好莱坞生活开玩笑的作品柯林斯高阶〔sport〕to make sport of(= to joke about)sb/sth 开某人╱某事的玩笑牛津高阶〔time〕a poorly timed joke一个不合时宜的玩笑外研社新世纪〔tongue-in-cheek〕a tongue-in-cheek answer 玩笑性的回答麦克米伦高阶〔treat〕to treat a mistake as a joke把错误视为玩笑21世纪英汉〔wicked〕a wicked prank; a critic's wicked wit. 一个戏谑的玩笑;批评家善于戏谑人的才思美国传统




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