

单词 缩回
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cryptorchism〕A developmental defect marked by the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum.隐睾病:一种睾丸未能缩回阴囊内的发育缺陷美国传统〔die〕The words died on my lips(= I stopped speaking).我话到嘴边又缩回去了。牛津高阶〔draw〕He drew back his foot for a kick.他缩回脚以便发力猛踢。英汉大词典〔flinch〕The baby flinched when he touched the hot radiator.那个小孩一摸到暖气便缩回了。21世纪英汉〔hold〕Julie shrank back against the wall and held her breath.朱莉缩回到墙边,屏住了呼吸。朗文当代〔recoil〕To shrink back, as in fear or repugnance.退却,后退:缩回,如因害怕或厌恶而缩回美国传统〔resile〕To draw back; recoil.缩回;退缩美国传统〔retraction〕The act of retracting or the state of being retracted.缩回:缩回的行为或正在被缩回的状态美国传统〔retraction〕The power of drawing back or of being drawn back.收缩力:缩回或被缩回的能力美国传统〔retractive〕Tending or serving to retract.缩回的;有缩回倾向的美国传统〔retract〕A snail can retract its horns.蜗牛能缩回自己的触角。牛津同义词〔retract〕The animal retracted into its shell.这只动物缩回到自己的壳里。牛津高阶〔retract〕The cat immediately retracted its claws.猫立刻缩回了它的爪子。麦克米伦高阶〔retract〕The pilot found that the undercarriage could not be retracted.驾驶员发现飞机的起落架不能缩回。21世纪英汉〔retract〕The sea otter can retract the claws on its front feet.海獭能缩回前脚上的爪子。朗文当代〔retract〕The snail retracted its horns.蜗牛缩回触角。英汉大词典〔retract〕To draw back (the tongue).缩回(舌头)美国传统〔retract〕To draw back.缩回美国传统〔retract〕To utter (a sound) with the tongue drawn back.收舌发音:用缩回的舌头发出(声音)美国传统〔shadow〕She shrank back into the shadows as the footsteps approached.脚步声逼近时,她缩回到暗处。牛津搭配〔sheathe〕To retract (a claw) into a sheath.缩回爪子:将(爪子)收缩进鞘美国传统〔shell〕The snail went back into its shell.蜗牛缩回壳里。牛津搭配〔shrink〕She suddenly shrank from him crying, “Oh!You terrify me.” 她突然从他身边抽身缩回,叫着:“嗬,你把我吓了一大跳。” 英汉大词典〔single-lens reflex〕Of or designating a form of reflex camera in which the reflecting mirror retracts when the shutter is released.单眼相机的:反光镜照相机特别形式的,此类照相机在快门开启时反射镜会缩回美国传统〔snap〕Tendons store elastic energy by stretching and then snapping back into shape like rubber bands.腱通过橡皮筋似的拉伸和迅速缩回贮存了弹力。剑桥高阶〔sunroof〕A roof on a motor vehicle, such as an automobile, having a panel that can be slid back or raised.遮阳篷灯:机动车,如汽车上的篷顶,有可缩回或升起的板栅美国传统〔throw〕He threw his head back.他很快地把头缩回。文馨英汉Cats have retractable claws.猫有可缩回的爪子。剑桥国际He knows when he's about to be hit and just cringes back in terror.他知道自己要挨打了,便惊恐地退缩回去。剑桥国际Tendons store elastic energy by stretching and then snapping back into shape like rubber bands.腱通过橡皮筋似的伸展和迅速缩回,贮藏了有弹力的能量。剑桥国际The cat retracted its claws.猫缩回了它的爪子。剑桥国际




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