

单词 的光
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blind〕a radiance that blinds the sun 使太阳黯然失色的光辉英汉大词典〔blind〕be blinded by the bright light 被强烈的光照得头昏眼花英汉大词典〔blink〕to blink at the harsh lights眯着眼睛看刺目的光21世纪英汉〔bright〕bright prospects of victory 胜利的光辉前景英汉大词典〔brilliance〕the brilliance of a diamond 钻石的光芒韦氏高阶〔character recognition〕optical character recognition software that allows you to convert a scanned document to an electronic file能把扫描所得的文档转换成电子文件的光学字符识别软件外研社新世纪〔dappled〕dappled with patches of light.映着斑斑的光。牛津同义词〔dappled〕the cool dappled light under the trees 树下使人感到凉爽的斑驳的光牛津高阶〔dazzle〕the dazzle of headlights 汽车前灯耀眼的光英汉大词典〔dim〕a dim glow 昏暗微弱的光朗文当代〔fade〕the fading light of late afternoon 傍晚时逐渐变弱的光线韦氏高阶〔finite〕the finite velocity of light 非无限小的光速英汉大词典〔girdle〕the rings that girdle the planet Saturn 土星的光环韦氏高阶〔glare〕the glare of a neon sign 霓虹灯广告牌炫目的光英汉大词典〔glaring〕glaring light 刺眼的光剑桥高阶〔glint〕a mischievous glint in his eye 他眼中闪烁的调皮的光芒剑桥高阶〔glitter〕the glitter of diamonds 钻石的光泽韦氏高阶〔glory〕the glory of winning an Olympic medal.赢得奥林匹克运动会奖牌的光荣。牛津同义词〔glory〕the team's glory days in the late '80s 球队在 80 年代末的光辉岁月朗文当代〔hard〕the cold, hard light of day 白天寒冷、刺眼的光亮韦氏高阶〔harsh〕harsh light.刺目的光线。牛津同义词〔inconceivable〕inconceivable splendour 绚丽非凡的光华英汉大词典〔light〕the light from the kitchen window 自厨房窗户透出来的光牛津搭配〔luminosity〕the luminosity function of galaxies 星系的光度函数英汉大词典〔luminous〕the luminous future of a young man 年轻人的光辉前程英汉大词典〔paleness〕a circle of pale light. 淡淡的光晕柯林斯高阶〔photochemistry〕the photochemistry of vision 视觉的光化过程英汉大词典〔polish〕a lovely polish on the wood-work.木器上美丽的光泽。牛津同义词〔precede〕a grey light preceding the rising sun 太阳升起之前灰白的光线麦克米伦高阶〔protrude〕a huge round mass of smooth rock protruding from the water一块露出水面的光滑的巨型圆石外研社新世纪〔radiance〕the radiance of the rising sun 旭日的光辉韦氏高阶〔ray〕the sun's rays 太阳的光线牛津高阶〔rhythm〕the rhythms of light and shade in his drawings 他的画中所展露的光与影的和谐麦克米伦高阶〔sepulchral〕in the sepulchral gloom of the church 在教堂阴沉昏暗的光线中朗文当代〔sheen〕the sheen of old satin in candlelight. 旧缎子在烛光下的光泽美国传统〔sheen〕the sheen of silk 丝的光泽文馨英汉〔subaqueous〕a brooding, subaqueous light 阴惨微弱的光英汉大词典〔texture〕the smooth texture of silk 丝织品的光滑质地英汉大词典〔unfading〕unfading glory 不朽的光荣英汉大词典〔weak〕a weak light/signal/sound 微弱的光线╱信号╱声音牛津高阶




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