

单词 的元素
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mingus〕American jazz bassist and composer of complex works that knitted together elements of jazz, classical, and gospel.敏格斯,查尔斯:将爵士、古典及福音的元素融合成复杂的音乐作品的美国爵士低音贝斯手及作词作曲家美国传统〔boride〕A binary compound of boron with a more electropositive element or radical.硼化物:硼和带正电荷的元素或原子团形成的二元化合物美国传统〔carbide〕A binary compound consisting of carbon and a more electropositive element, especially calcium.碳化物:一种二元化合物,由碳和一个电正性的元素,尤指钙,组成美国传统〔colinear〕Containing elements that correspond to one another and that are arranged in the same linear sequence.线性对应:包含相互对应并以同样的线性序列排列的元素美国传统〔composite〕His style is a composite of elements drawn from several different traditions.他的风格糅合了从几种不同传统吸收的元素。外研社新世纪〔dark comedy〕A comedy having gloomy or disturbing elements, especially one in which a character suffers an irreparable loss.黑色喜剧:有忧郁或有令人不安的元素的喜剧,特别是一出其中角色会遭遇无法挽回的丧失的戏剧美国传统〔dexterously〕The various elements of the book have been dexterously combined.书中不同的元素被巧妙地结合在一起。韦氏高阶〔donor〕Electronics An element introduced into a semiconductor with a negative valence greater than that of the pure semiconductor.【电子学】 施主:放进半导体中的元素,其负价大于纯半导体美国传统〔ether〕The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.天体要素:在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素美国传统〔featherweight〕This featherweight comedy fuses office politics with sexual politics.这部浅薄的喜剧糅合了办公室政治和性别政治的元素。外研社新世纪〔field〕An element of a database record in which one piece of information is stored.信息组,符号组:存储了一条信息的数据库记录的元素美国传统〔film〕The script has plenty of what film people call 'bankability'.这个剧本有很多电影人称之为“可赚钱”的元素。牛津搭配〔fuse〕His compositions fuse jazz and rhythm and blues elements.他的作品结合了爵士乐和节奏布鲁斯音乐的元素。韦氏高阶〔graft〕New elements are being grafted onto our traditional form of government.在我们传统的政府模式中又加入了新的元素。朗文当代〔homogeneous〕Mathematics Consisting of terms of the same degree or elements of the same dimension.【数学】 齐性,均匀:含有相同次幂的项或相同量的元素的美国传统〔homology〕The relation of the elements of a periodic family or group.同周期:同一周期族或组的元素的关系美国传统〔hydride〕A compound of hydrogen with another, more electropositive element or group.氢化物:氢与另一种电正性较大的元素或基组成的二元化合物美国传统〔infuse〕These new designers are infusing fresh interest into the New York fashion scene.这些新的设计者把有创意的元素带入了纽约时装界。朗文当代〔ingredient〕She hopes the change of career will supply the missing ingredient in her life- excitement.她希望换工作能给她带来生活中一直缺失的元素 - 刺激。牛津搭配〔inject〕Traditional handbag makers are injecting more fun into their designs.传统的手袋制作者在他们的设计中注入了更多有趣的元素。朗文当代〔iodide〕A compound of iodine with a more electropositive element or group.碘化物:碘与带更多正电的元素或原子团生成的化合物美国传统〔marriage〕His music is a marriage of jazz, blues, and pop.他的音乐里融合了爵士、布鲁斯以及流行乐的元素。剑桥高阶〔mix up〕This is music from a different era. I've taken those sounds from childhood and mixed them up with other things.这是另一个时代的音乐。我从儿时听到的音乐取材, 然后再加入别的元素。外研社新世纪〔mix〕Their musical style mixes elements of Eastern culture and Western pop.他们的音乐风格融合了东方文化和西方流行音乐中的元素。朗文当代〔momentum〕Philosophy An essential or constituent element; a moment.【哲学】 必要的或构成的元素;契机美国传统〔opsin〕A protein of the retina, especially the protein constituent of rhodopsin, that makes up one of the visual pigments.视蛋白:视蛋白,尤指由视黄醛蛋白组成的元素,它是组成视色素的元素之一美国传统〔order〕The number of elements in a finite group.次数:一个有限群中的元素个数美国传统〔organization〕Something made up of elements with varied functions that contribute to the whole and to collective functions; an organism.组织:由作用不同的但却合而为一共同发挥作用的元素组成的事物;有机体美国传统〔overlap〕Mathematics To have one or more elements in common. Used of sets.【数学】 有与…共同的某物:有一个或更多相同的元素,用于指集合美国传统〔parton〕A hypothetical elementary particle believed to be a constituent of hadrons.部分子:一种假定的元素粒子,被认为是强子的组成部分美国传统〔periodic table〕A tabular arrangement of the elements according to their atomic numbers so that elements with similar properties are in the same column.周期表:元素根据原子数安排的表,使有相似特性的元素在同一行中美国传统〔phosphide〕A compound of phosphorus and a more electropositive element or radical.磷化物:由磷和电正的元素或基因组成的一种化合物美国传统〔synthesis〕The combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole.综合:把分别的元素或物质连接成连贯的一个整体美国传统〔system〕A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.系统:组成一个复杂的整体的一组互相作用、互相联系或互相依存的元素美国传统〔tragedy〕The story has elements of tragedy and farce.这个故事兼有悲剧与闹剧的元素。柯林斯高阶〔vector〕An element of a vector space.向量元素:向量空间的元素美国传统




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