

单词 的借款
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔borrow〕Banks are encouraging new borrowers.银行在招徕新的借款人。剑桥高阶〔default〕More and more borrowers are in default.越来越多的借款人拖欠所借款项。外研社新世纪〔default〕The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.信用卡业务出现了下滑,而且越来越多的借款者都不按期还款。柯林斯高阶〔default〕The credit-card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.信用卡行业低迷, 越来越多的借款人都在拖欠贷款。外研社新世纪〔equal〕Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。外研社新世纪〔equal〕Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。柯林斯高阶〔jumble〕The bank scrambles all that money together, jumbles it all up and lends it out to hundreds and thousands of borrowers.银行匆忙地把所有的钱都杂乱地集中在一起,然后贷给成千上万的借款者。柯林斯高阶〔owe〕I still owe on the car.我还没还清买车的借款。韦氏高阶〔run〕Your note runs, with interest, to June 1st.你的借款连同利息于6月1日到期。英汉大词典A credit-rating downgrade could increase borrowing costs for the company.信用评级的下降将增加公司的借款成本。牛津商务Her bank loan is secured against some shares that she inherited from her aunt.她向银行的借款是以从姑妈那儿继承的股票为抵押的。剑桥国际If you wanted to borrow more than $5 000, the bank would only be able to offer you a secured loan.如果你的借款额超过5 000美元,那么银行只能向你提供抵押贷款。剑桥国际The bank has lost a lot of money from lending to high-risk borrowers.银行已因为将钱贷给高风险的借款人损失了大笔金钱。牛津商务The bank will lend only to the most creditworthy borrowers.银行只贷款给信誉最好的借款人。牛津商务We have been able to cut our net borrowings by $125 million.我们已经能够削减 1.25 亿元的借款净额。牛津商务We have sufficient borrowing facilities to fund the purchase.我们有充足的借款供这项采购之用。牛津商务We offer the same rates of interest to new and existing borrowers.我们向新的和现有的借款人提供相同的利率。牛津商务




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