

单词 直接
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TELL〕to let someone know something without telling them directly 不直接地告诉而使某人知道某事朗文写作活用〔bear〕information not bearing directly on (= not directly relevant to) his argument 与他的论点无直接关系的信息牛津搭配〔cause〕attempts to identify the immediate cause of the breakdown 查明引起故障的直接原因的努力牛津搭配〔challenge〕a direct challenge to the Governor's authority 对总督的权威提出直接的质疑朗文当代〔devious〕a devious character. 不直接的个性美国传统〔directly〕directly responsible. 直接负责美国传统〔direct〕a direct hit(= a hit that is accurate and does not touch sth else first) 直接命中牛津高阶〔direct〕a direct link直接联系外研社新世纪〔direct〕the direct proof method直接证明法外研社新世纪〔dribble〕to dribble the paint straight from the tube直接从颜料管滴下颜料绘画21世纪英汉〔dumping〕companies that bring their rubbish straight to the dump. 将其废弃物直接运送至垃圾场的公司柯林斯高阶〔efficient〕an efficient cause.See Synonyms at effective 直接原因 参见 effective美国传统〔expenditure〕the total direct expenditure on training 培训的直接支出总额牛津搭配〔experience〕direct/first-hand experience of poverty 对贫穷的直接╱亲身感受牛津高阶〔face-to-face〕a face-to-face meeting 直接会面麦克米伦高阶〔final〕an act with an immediate purpose and a final purpose. 有直接和最终目的的行动美国传统〔glancing〕made glancing allusions to the scandal. 不直接地提及了这件丑事美国传统〔head to head〕big-name companies, such as Olympus, going head to head with high-tech brands, such as Sony奥林巴斯等知名公司与索尼等高科技品牌直接竞争外研社新世纪〔immediately〕met with the parties immediately involved in the suit. 直接去见诉讼的当事人美国传统〔immediate〕had immediate awareness of the scope of the crisis. 对危机的范围有直接的认识美国传统〔intervention〕direct intervention to stop abuses of the environment 为阻止对环境的破坏而进行的直接干预牛津搭配〔involvement〕have no direct involvement in politics 未直接卷入政治英汉大词典〔jurisdiction〕under the direct jurisdiction of the Crown 在国王的直接统辖之下英汉大词典〔lighting〕direct and indirect lighting 直接与间接照明文馨英汉〔link〕diseases that can be directly linked to pollution 与污染有直接关系的疾病牛津搭配〔march〕march the prisoners directly from jails to the boats 把犯人从监狱直接押送上船英汉大词典〔mint〕coins shipped directly from the mint 从铸币厂直接运出的硬币韦氏高阶〔oratorical〕an oratorical style that drew directly on the force of the Bible一种直接利用《圣经》影响力的演讲风格外研社新世纪〔participation〕direct participation in the running of the country 直接参与国家管理牛津搭配〔person-to-person〕a person-to-person interview. 直接会面美国传统〔photostatic〕a photostatic copy 直接影印件英汉大词典〔primary〕a primary source of information 消息的直接来源英汉大词典〔quotation〕a direct quotation from a recent speech by the president 直接引自总统近期讲话的一段话牛津搭配〔shirtsleeve〕shirtsleeve diplomacy 非正式的直接外交英汉大词典〔shirtsleeve〕shirtsleeve diplomacy 非正式的直接外交韦氏高阶〔soup〕drink soup (直接由杯子等)喝汤文馨英汉〔step〕characters that might have stepped straight out of Dickens 仿佛是直接从狄更斯笔下走出来的人物麦克米伦高阶〔straight〕went straight home. 直接回家美国传统〔taxation〕direct [indirect] taxation 直接[间接]课税文馨英汉〔urge〕to urge against the direct use of troops极力反对直接使用军队21世纪英汉




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