

单词 王朝
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Achaemenid〕A member or subject of this dynasty.阿开民王朝时的成员,阿开民王朝的臣民美国传统〔Achaemenid〕Of or relating to the dynasty that ruled the Persian Empire.阿契美尼德的,阿开民王朝的:统治波斯帝国的王朝的,或与该王朝有关的美国传统〔Arsacid〕A member or subject of this dynasty.安息王朝的人或物美国传统〔Azeglio〕Italian politician and writer who headed the government under Victor Emmanuel II and later served as a diplomat to France and England.阿泽利奥:意大利政治家和作家,在维克多·埃马努埃尔二世王朝领导政府,后成为法国和英国的外交官美国传统〔Capetian〕A member of this dynasty.卡佩王朝成员:这一王室的成员美国传统〔Capetian〕Of or relating to the French dynasty founded by Hugh Capet.卡佩王朝的:由雨果·卡佩所建立的法兰西王朝的或与之相关的美国传统〔Carolingian〕A member of the Carolingian dynasty.加洛林王朝的王室成员之一美国传统〔Cheops〕Second king of the IV Dynasty of Egypt, renowned as the builder of the Great Pyramid at Giza.基奥普斯:埃及第四王朝第二代国王,因下令建造吉萨的大金字塔而著名美国传统〔Georgian〕Georgian England乔治王朝时期的英格兰外研社新世纪〔Georgian〕Georgian architecture [houses] 乔治王朝式的建筑[房子]文馨英汉〔Georgian〕Georgian furniture/architecture 乔治王朝时期的家具/建筑剑桥高阶〔Georgian〕Georgian townhouse 乔治王朝时期风格的城市住宅朗文当代〔Manco Capac〕Legendary founder of the Inca dynasty who established Cuzco as the center of what would later become the Inca empire.曼柯卡佩克一世:印加王朝的传奇建立者,他建立了后来成为印加帝国中心的库斯科美国传统〔Menes〕King of Egypt who founded the first dynasty uniting Upper and Lower Egypt.美尼斯:埃及之王,统一上埃及和下埃及而建立埃及第一王朝美国传统〔Pahlavi〕An Iranian language used in Persia during the reign of the Sassanids.巴列维语:在萨珊王朝统治期间波斯人用的一种伊朗语言美国传统〔Ptolemaic〕Of or relating to the Ptolemies or to Egypt during their rule.托勒密王朝的,托勒密王朝统治时期的:托勒密王朝的和由托勒密王朝统治的埃及的或与它们有关的美国传统〔SERIES〕A new TV series called ‘The Hamilton Dynasty’ will be starting next autumn. 一个新的电视连续剧《汉密尔顿王朝》将于明年秋天开播。朗文写作活用〔STORY〕The novel is a historical saga, set in Tudor times. 这是一部历史长篇小说,以都铎王朝时代为背景。朗文写作活用〔Sassanid〕Sassanid metalwork 萨桑王朝时代的金属制品英汉大词典〔Saïs〕A city of ancient Egypt in the west-central region of the Nile delta. It served as a royal residence during the XXVI Dynasty.赛斯:古埃及的城市,位于尼罗河三角洲中西部,第二十六王朝期间是皇家居住地美国传统〔Tudor〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of an architectural style derived from this period, having exposed beams as a typical feature.都铎式的:都铎王朝式建筑风格的,典型特征是外露的横梁美国传统〔Tudor〕Tudor England 都铎王朝时代的英格兰韦氏高阶〔Tudor〕Tudor houses/architecture 都铎王朝时期的房子/建筑麦克米伦高阶〔Tudor〕Tudor times都铎王朝时期外研社新世纪〔celestial〕Celestial Of or relating to the Chinese people or to the former Chinese Empire. Celestial 中国人(王朝)的:中国人的、与中国人有关的或与前中国朝廷有关的美国传统〔colonial〕Colonial architecture was a modification of English Georgian.殖民地时期流行的建筑和英国乔治王朝式建筑大同小异。英汉大词典〔concentrate〕In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles's reign.这一节课我将着重讲查理王朝的早期统治时期。牛津高阶〔conquer〕Tughril conquered the Ghaznavids of Afghanistan.托格洛尔打败了阿富汗伽色尼王朝。外研社新世纪〔crumble〕States had disappeared, dynasties crumbled, but the village community had persisted.虽然诸侯国灭亡了, 王朝瓦解了, 但是这个村落却存留了下来。外研社新世纪〔descent〕He traces his line of descent from the Stuart kings.他的家族可追溯到斯图亚特王朝。牛津高阶〔dynastic〕Bonaparte's dynastic ambitions波拿巴的王朝野心外研社新世纪〔dynasty〕The Mogul dynasty ruled over India for centuries.莫卧儿王朝统治印度数世纪。剑桥高阶〔dynasty〕The Seljuk dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094.叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝始建于 1094 年。柯林斯高阶〔dynasty〕The Seljuk dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094.叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝建于1094年。外研社新世纪〔dynasty〕The civil service was established under the previous dynasty.文官体制是在前一王朝统治期间建立的。牛津搭配〔emblazoned〕The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty.共和国新国旗上醒目地印着希腊马其顿王朝的古老标志。柯林斯高阶〔geld〕A tax paid to the crown by English landholders under Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings.捐税:盎格鲁-撒克逊和诺尔曼王朝时期英国地主向君王交纳的捐税美国传统〔heir〕The guest of honour was the Romanov heir to the throne of all Russia.这位贵客是统治全俄罗斯的罗曼诺夫王朝的王位继承人。剑桥高阶〔intendant〕An administrative official serving a French, Spanish, or Portuguese monarch.地方行政长官:法国、西班牙或葡萄牙封建王朝的行政官员美国传统〔interruption〕The dynasty lasted several hundred years, with only a few interruptions.这个王朝延续了几百年,其间仅有几次中断。韦氏高阶〔line〕Elizabeth I was the last ruler of the Tudor line.伊丽莎白一世是(英国)都铎王朝的末代君主。英汉大词典〔line〕Henry the Eighth wanted a male heir to ensure the Tudor line of succession.亨利八世想要一个男性继承人来确保都铎王朝的延续。朗文当代〔plush〕They own a plush, four-storey, Georgian house in Mayfair.他们在伦敦上流住宅区梅费尔有一幢乔治王朝时代风格的四层豪宅。外研社新世纪〔portend〕It was a deeply superstitious country, where earthquakes were commonly believed to portend the end of dynasties.这是一个很迷信的国家,地震被普遍认为预示着王朝的终结。剑桥高阶〔rule〕A dynasty ruled over this region during the 11th century.有个王朝在11世纪统治过这一地区。韦氏高阶〔transplant〕Under the Tudors many English people were transplanted to Ireland.许多英格兰人在都铎王朝时代被移居爱尔兰。英汉大词典Dublin is famed for its beautiful Georgian doors and fanlights.都柏林以它的乔治王朝的门和扇形窗而闻名。剑桥国际It's a deeply superstitious country, where earthquakes are commonly believed to portend the end of dynasties.这是一个很迷信的国家,地震被认为预示着王朝的终结。剑桥国际The Mogul dynasty was founded by Babur and ruled over India for centuries.由巴布建立的莫卧儿王朝在印度统治了几个世纪。剑桥国际The dynastic union of Norway, Denmark and Sweden was built on shaky foundations.挪威、丹麦及瑞典的王朝联合基础并不稳固。剑桥国际The guest of honour was the Romanoff heir to the throne of all Russia.贵宾是全俄罗曼诺夫王朝的王位继承人。剑桥国际The tourist guide described it as a well-preserved Georgian residence.导游将它描述成一座保存完好的乔治王朝时期的住宅。剑桥国际There's an exhibition on the history of portraiture from Tudor times to the present day.有一个从都铎王朝到现代的肖像画法历史展。剑桥国际Under the Tudors many English people were transplanted to Ireland. 在都铎王朝时代许多英格兰人被迫移居爱尔兰。译典通




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