

单词 王室
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abdication〕the most serious royal crisis since the abdication of Edward VIII自爱德华八世退位以来最严重的王室危机外研社新世纪〔appertain〕privileges which appertain to members of the royal family 属于王室成员的特权英汉大词典〔box〕the royal box 王室专用包厢英汉大词典〔cavalry〕the Queen's Household Cavalry 女王的王室禁卫军麦克米伦高阶〔ceremony〕the pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding 王室婚礼的盛大场面与仪式牛津搭配〔court〕an influential member of the court of Henry VIII 亨利八世王室中一个有影响力的成员麦克米伦高阶〔court〕the courts of Renaissance Europe 文艺复兴时期的欧洲各王室剑桥高阶〔crown〕a piece of Crown land 一片王室的土地牛津搭配〔debunk〕the Frenchmen of the enlightenment who debunked the church and the crown. 揭露教会和王室真相的启蒙运动时期的法国人柯林斯高阶〔decadent〕the decadent court surrounding the king 国王身边腐朽的王室成员剑桥高阶〔embossed〕writing paper embossed with the royal insignia压印有王室徽章的信纸外研社新世纪〔erosion〕the slow erosion of royal power 王室权力的日渐被侵害文馨英汉〔fairy-tale〕a fairy-tale romance that preceded the royal wedding. 在举行王室婚礼前的神话般的罗曼史美国传统〔fascination〕the public's enduring fascination with the Royal Family 公众对王室的经久不衰的兴趣牛津高阶〔household〕the household infantry王室步兵团外研社新世纪〔house〕the House of Tudor 都铎王室韦氏高阶〔house〕the House of Windsor(= the British royal family) 温莎王室牛津高阶〔implication〕the constitutional implications of a royal divorce 王室离婚事件对宪法的影响牛津搭配〔inbred〕an extremely inbred line of royalty恪守近亲通婚的王室外研社新世纪〔majesty〕a royal wedding attended by the majesties of Europe 有欧洲各国王室参加的皇家婚礼英汉大词典〔marry〕the difficulties of marrying into the royal family 与王室联姻的重重困难牛津搭配〔member〕a member of the royal family一名王室成员外研社新世纪〔observer〕a royal observer 王室观察家牛津高阶〔pageantry〕the pageantry of a royal wedding.王室婚体的盛况。牛津同义词〔palace〕a Palace spokesman 王室发言人牛津高阶〔personage〕a royal personage 王室要人朗文当代〔pomp〕all the pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding 王室婚礼的盛大场面与仪式牛津高阶〔priceless〕the priceless treasures of the Royal Collection. 英国王室收藏的无价珍宝柯林斯高阶〔purple〕a purple airway 王室专用飞机跑道英汉大词典〔purvey〕to purvey for a royal family为一王室家庭承办伙食21世纪英汉〔regulate〕a code of conduct intended to regulate press reporting on the royal family 为管控媒体报道王室信息而订立的一套行为规范牛津搭配〔royalty〕a ceremony attended by royalty. 王室成员参加的一个庆典柯林斯高阶〔royalty〕an official visit by royalty王室的一次正式访问外研社新世纪〔royal〕a royal society of musicians. 王室音乐家聚会美国传统〔royal〕a royal wedding 王室婚礼麦克米伦高阶〔scenario〕the nightmare scenario of a divided and irrelevant Royal Family. 对于王室四分五裂、无足轻重的可怕设想柯林斯高阶〔standard〕the royal standard 王室的旗帜朗文当代〔suite〕a suite of rooms for palace guests 王室宾客套房朗文当代〔untrammelled〕the only place where the royal family could really relax and lead an untrammelled domestic life. 唯一一处王室成员可以真正放松、不受拘束地过家庭生活的地方柯林斯高阶〔untrammelled〕the only place where the royal family could really relax and lead an untrammelled domestic life王室成员可以真正放松、不受拘束地过家庭生活的唯一一处地方外研社新世纪




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