

单词 电影的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FILM/MOVIE〕types of film 电影的种类朗文写作活用〔campiness〕the campiness of the movie 这部电影的夸张形式韦氏高阶〔cinematic〕the most cinematic material 最适宜于拍电影的题材英汉大词典〔cinema〕one of the classic works of Hollywood cinema好莱坞电影的经典之作之一外研社新世纪〔climactic〕the climactic scene of the film, where Joan is burned at the stake电影的高潮场面, 贞德被绑在火刑柱上烧死外研社新世纪〔clip〕a clip from a film.电影的一段。牛津同义词〔column〕a weekly column on movies showing in the capital 评论在首都上映的电影的每周专栏牛津搭配〔comment〕a casual observation about the movie; 关于电影的偶然观察;美国传统〔controversy〕the controversy surrounding his latest movie 围绕他最近一部电影的争论牛津高阶〔cream〕the cream of the crop of this season's movies 本季电影的最佳影片牛津高阶〔escapism〕the pure escapism of adventure movies 惊险电影的纯娱乐性牛津高阶〔exclusive〕an exclusive right to film the novel 把小说拍成电影的专有权英汉大词典〔extended〕an extended analysis of the film 对这部电影的详尽分析朗文当代〔fad〕the current fad for all things Bollywood当前对一切宝莱坞电影的狂热外研社新世纪〔filmable〕a filmable novel 一部适于拍成电影的小说英汉大词典〔filmable〕a filmable novel 可拍成电影的小说文馨英汉〔filmic〕the filmic potential of the landscape. 有可能拍入电影的风景柯林斯高阶〔final〕the final scene of a film. 电影的最后场面美国传统〔fuss〕the fuss surrounding the controversial movie 围绕那部有争议的电影的骚动牛津搭配〔goer〕a moviegoer 常去看电影的人牛津高阶〔goer〕cinema-goers 常去看电影的人朗文当代〔golden age〕the golden age of cinema 电影的鼎盛时期牛津高阶〔lead〕the lead in a play or film.一齣戏或电影的主角。牛津同义词〔low life〕the sort of low-life characters who populate this film. 充斥这部电影的那种地痞流氓角色柯林斯高阶〔makeup〕the make-up effects for the film 电影的化妆效果牛津搭配〔make〕a director who has made some classic films 执导过几部经典电影的导演韦氏高阶〔miscalculate〕to miscalculate the time of the film错误估计这部电影的时间21世纪英汉〔moral〕the movie's moral 这部电影的教益韦氏高阶〔of〕the last scene of the movie 电影的最后一个场景朗文当代〔parody〕a parody of a horror film 一部恐怖电影的仿作牛津高阶〔plotline〕the movie's main plotline 这部电影的主要情节韦氏高阶〔premiere〕the movie's premiere party 这部电影的首映式聚会牛津搭配〔reception〕critical reception to a movie 对一部电影的批评牛津搭配〔reminiscent〕a style reminiscent of a Hitchcock film 酷似希区柯克电影的风格麦克米伦高阶〔rip-off〕a rip-off of a hit movie 一部热门电影的翻版朗文当代〔snoozer〕a snoozer of a film 电影的无聊内容韦氏高阶〔thread〕a thread running through the film 贯穿电影的一条主线朗文当代〔visual〕the movie's visual effects 电影的视觉效果韦氏高阶〔widescreen〕the complications of shooting an animated film in widescreen拍摄宽银幕动画电影的各种复杂因素外研社新世纪tie-in products to help market the movies 帮助推广电影的相关产品牛津商务




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