

单词 用干
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chianti〕A dry table wine, usually red, originally produced in northwest Italy.勤地酒:原生产于意大利西北部地区的一种通常为红色的餐用干葡萄酒美国传统〔antimagnetic〕Impervious to the effect of a magnetic field; resistant to magnetization.防磁的:不受磁场作用干扰的;防磁的美国传统〔bake〕To cook (food) with dry heat, especially in an oven.烤:用干热量烤(食品),尤指在烤炉里美国传统〔bake〕To cook food with dry heat.烤,烘:用干热量烤食品美国传统〔bean〕If using dried beans, soak them overnight first.如果用干豆,要先泡一夜。牛津搭配〔bouquet garni〕A bunch of herbs tied together, wrapped in cheesecloth or enclosed in a small cloth sack, and immersed during cooking, as in a soup or stew.香料包,烹调混合香料:一束药草,用干酪包布包住或装在小布袋中,在烹调时浸入汤或炖品中美国传统〔brush〕Apply the paint with a clean brush.用干净的刷子涂油漆。牛津搭配〔clarify〕A much easier way of clarifying the butter is to pass it through a clean tea towel or damp cheesecloth after melting.净化黄油有一种简单得多的方法, 就是将其融化后用干净的茶巾或潮湿的干酪包布过滤。外研社新世纪〔corncob pipe〕A pipe with a bowl made of a dried, hollowed corncob.玉米棒子芯烟斗:用干的空心玉米棒子做成的烟斗美国传统〔cover〕She used dried leaves and twigs to cover up the hole.她用干树叶和小树枝盖住洞口。牛津搭配〔dry〕Polish it with a dry cloth.用干布把它擦亮。外研社新世纪〔dry〕The fountain pen ran dry.自来水笔的墨水用干了。英汉大词典〔duster〕Apply with a clean duster.用干净的抹布擦。外研社新世纪〔feed to〕Farmers feed hay to the cows.农民用干草喂牛。21世纪英汉〔feed〕The animals are fed with hay and grass.这些动物是用干草和青草喂养的。牛津搭配〔fire〕Kim had managed to kindle a little fire of dry grass.金想办法用干草生了一小堆火。牛津搭配〔fish flour〕A flour made of dried and powdered fish.鱼粉:一种用干鱼末做成的粉状物美国传统〔flush〕Flush the eye with clean cold water for at least 15 minutes.用干净冷水冲洗眼睛至少 15 分钟。柯林斯高阶〔flush〕Flush the eye with clean cold water for at least 15 minutes.用干净冷水冲洗眼睛至少15 分钟。外研社新世纪〔flush〕They flush clean water through the pipes once a day.他们每天一次用干净的水冲洗管子。朗文当代〔hay〕To feed with hay.用干草喂美国传统〔highlighter〕A usually fluorescent marker used to mark important passages of text.荧光记号笔:一种用干标出文中重要段落的带荧光的记号笔美国传统〔immunotherapy〕Immunotherapy with interferons may be used in patients with infections that are very difficult to treat.使用干扰素的免疫治疗可以用在感染难以治愈的病人身上。剑桥高阶〔inkstone〕A stone used in Chinese calligraphy and painting for grinding dry ink and mixing it with water.砚台:用在中国书法及水墨画上的石块,用干墨条与清水混和磨墨美国传统〔moist〕Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean, moist cotton flannel.用干净的湿绒布擦去多余的化妆品。柯林斯高阶〔noise〕The initial data included a lot of noise that had to be weeded out.初始数据包含有很多必须剔除的无用干扰信息。韦氏高阶〔pemmican〕A food prepared by Native Americans from lean, dried strips of meat pounded into paste, mixed with fat and berries, and pressed into small cakes.肉糜压缩饼:一种北美印第安人用干瘦肉条捣碎并拌上油脂和浆果然后压制成小饼的食品美国传统〔pitchfork〕To lift or toss with or as if with a pitchfork.用干草叉叉:用或象是用干草叉叉起或翻动美国传统〔praline〕A confection made of nut kernels, especially almonds or pecans, stirred in boiling sugar syrup until crisp and brown.干果糖:用干果仁,尤指杏仁或山核桃仁在沸腾的糖浆里搅拌直至发焦变脆而制成的蜜饯美国传统〔purification〕I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood.我每天服用干酵母片以净化血液。柯林斯高阶〔rather than〕Rather than using dried herbs, he picked fresh ones from the garden.他从花园里采了一些新鲜的香草,而不用干的。韦氏高阶〔refill〕His fountain pen ran dry, and he had to refill it.他的自来水笔墨水用干了,得重新灌满它。英汉大词典〔rinse with〕After you've washed your shirt, you have to rinse it twice with clean warm water.洗完衬衣后,你必须用干净的温水漂洗两遍。21世纪英汉〔roof〕The shed was roofed with dried straw.小屋上面用干草盖上了屋顶。21世纪英汉〔rub ... down〕You'd better rub him down with a dry towel.Otherwise he'll catch cold.你最好用干毛巾给他擦干,否则他会感冒的。21世纪英汉〔rub〕After the car was washed, they gave the windshield a quick rub with a dry cloth.洗完车后,他们迅速用干布把挡风玻璃擦干。韦氏高阶〔rub〕I rubbed myself down with a dry towel.我用干毛巾擦干全身。麦克米伦高阶〔spotter〕One employed by a dry cleaner to remove spots.去除污渍的人:被雇用使用干燥清洁器去除污渍的人美国传统〔unemotional〕She began to read in a brisk, unemotional voice.她开始用干脆利落且不带感情的声音读了起来。外研社新世纪〔wafer〕To seal or fasten together with a disk of adhesive material.用干胶纸封:用一片粘着物封口或粘住美国传统And that was my own rather pathetic attempt to paint the view from the bedroom window.那就是我自己企图用干巴巴的语言来描绘卧室窗外的风景。剑桥国际He made a fire with dry twigs. 他用干树枝生火。译典通Please wipe the table with a dry cloth. 请用干抹布擦桌子。译典通Wipe the surface with a clean sponge. 用干净海绵擦拭表面。译典通




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