

单词 用字
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Roman numeral〕Any of the numerals formed with the characters I, V, X, L, C, D, and M in the ancient system of numeration.罗马数字:古代计算系统中用字母I、V、X、L、C、D和M组成的数字美国传统〔alphabetical〕Of, relating to, or expressed by an alphabet.字母表的:字母表的,用字母表示的或与之相关的美国传统〔alphabetize〕To supply with an alphabet.用字母表示美国传统〔ascending〕The batteries were lettered in ascending order of size.电池按照从小到大的顺序用字母标示。外研社新世纪〔charactery〕A system of characters or symbols used to express or convey thought and meaning.字符:用字符表达或传递思想和意义的体系美国传统〔crossword puzzle〕A puzzle in which an arrangement of numbered squares is to be filled with words running both across and down in answer to correspondingly numbered clues.填字游戏:一种填字游戏,用字填进一些纵横排列的有编号的方格,所填的字母要按相应编号的提示填出美国传统〔denote〕We're using 'R' to denote the function.我们用字母R表示该函数。外研社新世纪〔designate〕The different types are designated by the letters A, B and C.不同的类型分别用字母 A、B 和 C 标明。牛津高阶〔have a horror of〕Some students seem to have a horror of using the dictionary.有的学生似乎很讨厌用字典。韦氏高阶〔logogriph〕A word puzzle, such as an anagram or one in which clues are given in a set of verses.字谜:用字出的谜语,如变位字或通过一系例诗句给出线索的谜美国传统〔number〕The rows of seats in the hall are numbered with letters.大厅里一排排座位均用字母编号。英汉大词典〔pangram〕A sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet.全字母短句:使用字母表中所有字母的句子美国传统〔point〕A numerical unit of academic achievement equal to a letter grade.分数:学业成绩的数字形式的单位,等于用字母表示的等级美国传统〔provincialism〕A regional word, phrase, pronunciation, or usage.方言,土腔:地方性的用字、词组、发音或是习惯用语美国传统〔speedwriting〕A form of shorthand that uses letters of the alphabet instead of symbols.速记法:不使用符号而使用字母的一种速记形式美国传统〔spell〕To form words by means of letters.用字母组成单词美国传统〔tablature〕Music An early system of notation that used letters and symbols to indicate playing directions rather than tones.【音乐】 符号谱:一种早期的音乐符号系统,使用字母和符号而非音调来指示演奏的说明美国传统〔telegraphic〕He writes with telegraphic economy of words.他写文章用字极为简练。英汉大词典He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary. 他应当能够不用字典就读懂这个。译典通He used words too loosely. 他用字太不严谨。译典通The incorporation of corrections is easy with a word processor.用字处理机来修改错误是很方便的。剑桥国际




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