

单词 王国的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Babylonian〕A native or inhabitant of Babylon or Babylonia.巴比伦人:巴比伦城或巴比伦王国的居民或本地人美国传统〔Babylonian〕The form of Akkadian used in Babylonia.用于巴比伦王国的阿卡德体制美国传统〔Dorset〕A region of southwest England on the English Channel. Part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was used as the setting for many of Thomas Hardy's novels.多塞特:英格兰西南部地区,位于英吉利海峡之畔。盎格鲁-撒克逊王国之一韦塞克斯王国的一部分,被用作托马斯·哈代许多小说的背景美国传统〔Fife〕A region of eastern Scotland between the Firths of Forth and Tay. It was once a Pict kingdom.法夫:苏格兰东部一地区,位于福斯湾和泰湾之间。曾是皮科特王国的土地美国传统〔Israelite〕A native or inhabitant of the ancient Northern Kingdom of Israel.古以色列人:古代以色列北部王国的土著人或居民美国传统〔Mahdi〕The messiah who, it is believed, will appear at the world's end and establish a reign of peace and righteousness.马赫迪,救世主:被相信会在世界末日降临并能建立一个和平和正义王国的救世主美国传统〔Nabataean〕A subject of the kingdom of Nabataea.纳巴泰人:纳巴泰王国的臣民美国传统〔Pyramus〕A Babylonian youth who committed suicide when he mistakenly thought his lover Thisbe was dead.皮拉摩斯:巴比伦王国的一个年轻人,当他错误地认为他的爱人提斯柏已经死了时而自杀了美国传统〔Shropshire〕A historical region of western England on the Welsh border. It was part of the kingdom of Mercia during Anglo-Saxon times.什罗普郡:英格兰西部一历史地区,与威尔士接壤,在盎格鲁-撒克逊时代是麦西亚王国的一部分美国传统〔Yorkshire〕A historical region and former county of northern England. It was an important area during Roman times and later became part of the kingdom of Northumbria.约克郡:英格兰北部一历史地区及古代的郡,是罗马统治时期的重要区域,后来成为诺森布里亚王国的一部分美国传统〔bey〕A ruler of the former kingdom of Tunis.突尼斯大公:前突尼斯王国的统治者美国传统〔faithless〕It was believed in Gondor that the faithless enemy had trapped the king.刚铎王国的人们认为是背信弃义的敌人抓走了他们的国王。外研社新世纪〔kingdom〕He ruled the ancient kingdom of Kaffa.他是古卡法王国的统治者。牛津搭配〔kingdom〕The kingdom's power declined.王国的势力衰弱了。柯林斯高阶〔kingdom〕The kingdom's power declined.王国的国力衰退了。外研社新世纪〔maharajah〕A king or prince in India ranking above a rajah, especially the sovereign of one of the former native states.王公:地位在邦主之上的印度国王或贵族,尤指从前某一土著王国的君主美国传统〔maharani〕A princess in India ranking above a rani, especially the sovereign ruler of one of the former native states.女邦主:地位在王妃之上的印度公主,尤其指从前的土著王国的君王统治者美国传统〔moneran〕A member of the kingdom Monera (or Prokaryotae), comprising the prokaryotes and including all bacteria.原核生物:无核原生物(或原核生物)王国的一员,由原核生物组成,包括所有细菌美国传统〔realm〕Defence of the realm is crucial.王国的国防至关重要。柯林斯高阶〔realm〕Defence of the realm is crucial.王国的防御至关重要。外研社新世纪〔reigning〕Queen Elizabeth II is the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom.女王伊丽莎白二世是联合王国的当今君主。英汉大词典〔royal〕Of or relating to a monarch.王国的,王室的:帝王的,与帝王有关的美国传统〔royal〕Of, relating to, or in the service of a kingdom.王国的:王国的、与王国有关的或为王国服务的美国传统〔vegetable〕A member of the vegetable kingdom; a plant.一种蔬菜:蔬菜王国的一员;植物美国传统I'm a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.我是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的公民。剑桥国际I've just finished reading a book on the ancient kingdoms of Mexico.我刚读完一本关于墨西哥古代诸王国的书。剑桥国际She was queen of an ancient kingdom in northern Europe.她是北欧一个古代王国的女王。剑桥国际The countries of the United Kingdom are Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England.联合王国的国土包括威尔士、苏格兰、北爱尔兰和英格兰。剑桥国际The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king. 王国的统治者称作国王。译典通




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