

单词 王国的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔animal〕the wonders of the animal kingdom 动物王国的奇事牛津搭配〔bound〕the bounds of the kingdom. 王国的疆界美国传统〔crown〕a Minister of the Crown 王国的大臣牛津高阶〔crown〕land owned by the Crown 王国的土地牛津高阶〔kingdom〕members of the animal kingdom 动物王国的成员牛津搭配〔kingdom〕the rise of a kingdom of wheat in the northwest 西北部一个小麦王国的兴起英汉大词典〔lose〕the mistakes which lost him his kingdom (=caused him to lose his kingdom) 使他丢掉了王国的错误朗文当代〔realm〕hopes for a realm of harmony beyond politics 对建立一个超乎政治的和谐理想王国的想望英汉大词典〔realm〕the defence of the realm 王国的防务麦克米伦高阶〔realm〕the defence of the realm 王国的防衞牛津高阶〔rock〕the latest scandal to rock the monarchy. 震惊了整个王国的最新丑闻柯林斯高阶〔uncrowned〕the uncrowned king of the espionage world. 谍报王国的无冕之王美国传统〔unearth〕unearth the secrets of a forgotten kingdom 公开一个已被人遗忘的王国的秘密 英汉大词典




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