

单词 玉石
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mogul〕Mogul jade 莫卧儿玉石英汉大词典〔deceive into〕She was deceived into buying a jade ornament.她受骗买下了一件玉石饰物。21世纪英汉〔jade〕Either of two distinct minerals, nephrite and jadeite, that are generally pale green or white and are used mainly as gemstones or in carving.玉石:两种主要用作装饰或用于雕刻的淡绿色或白色矿石(软玉和硬玉)之一美国传统〔jewel〕A precious stone; a gem.玉石:珍贵的石头;宝石美国传统〔lapidarian〕Of or relating to the working of stone or gems; lapidary.刻在石头上的:石头或玉石雕刻的或与其有关的;玉石雕刻的美国传统〔lapidary〕A dealer in precious or semiprecious stones.玉石商:做珍贵的宝石或准宝石生意的人美国传统〔lapidary〕One who cuts, polishes, or engraves gems.玉石匠:开凿、磨光或雕刻玉石的人美国传统〔rough-hew〕He rough-hewed a statue out of a block of jade rapidly but then polished it slowly over a long period.他用一块玉石很快地凿出塑像的毛坯,然后花很长一段时间慢慢加以修饰。21世纪英汉Jade and turquoise are semi-precious stones.玉石和绿松石是半宝石。剑桥国际




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