

单词 磐石
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cement〕The administration's position on taxes was set in cement despite the unfavorable public response.尽管公众舆论反对,政府在税收上的立场仍是坚如磐石美国传统〔inviolate〕We believed our love was inviolate.我们相信我们的爱情坚如磐石。柯林斯高阶〔inviolate〕We believed our love was inviolate.我相信我们的爱坚如磐石。外研社新世纪〔rocky〕Resembling or suggesting rock; firm or hard.岩石似的,坚如磐石的:象岩石或使人联想到岩石的;坚固或坚硬的美国传统〔solid〕Support for the plan remained rock solid.对这个计划的支持仍坚如磐石。牛津搭配〔solid〕The Irish team were solid as a rock in defence.爱尔兰队的防守坚如磐石。牛津高阶〔unassailable〕Liverpool football club are still looking unassailable.利物浦足球俱乐部显得依然坚如磐石。柯林斯高阶His purpose remains as firm as a rock. 他的意志仍坚如磐石。译典通Their marriage is solid as a rock (= very strong).他们的婚姻坚如磐石。剑桥国际




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