

单词 磁铁
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REMOVE〕Somehow the magnets had erased the entire cassette. 不知怎么地,磁铁就把整盒磁带的内容都抹掉了。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕Children can use the magnet to perform many simple experiments. 儿童可以用磁铁来做许多简单的实验。朗文写作活用〔attract〕A magnet has the power to attract.磁铁有吸力。英汉大词典〔attract〕Magnets attract iron filings.磁铁吸铁屑。剑桥高阶〔electrodynamics〕The physics of the relationship between electric current and magnetic or mechanical phenomena.电动力学:关于电流和磁铁或机械现象的关系的物理学美国传统〔experiment〕They did some experiments with magnets.他们用磁铁做了一些实验。韦氏高阶〔experiment〕They experimented with magnets.他们用磁铁做实验。韦氏高阶〔field magnet〕A magnet used to produce a magnetic field in an electrical device such as a generator or motor.场磁铁:在电设备里用于产生磁场的磁铁,比如发电机或马达美国传统〔ion trap〕A device, such as a magnet, used to prevent ions in an electron beam from striking other apparatus.离子阀:用来防止电子束中的离子击中其它设备的一种装置,如一块磁铁美国传统〔lodestone〕A piece of magnetite that has magnetic properties and attracts iron or steel.天然磁石:有磁性的磁铁矿,能吸引铁或钢美国传统〔magnetostriction〕Deformation of a ferromagnetic material subjected to a magnetic field.磁致伸缩:由磁场决定的磁铁材料的变形美国传统〔magnet〕Lower interest rates are acting like a magnet, dragging consumers back to the shops.较低利率像磁铁一样吸引顾客又回到了商店。外研社新世纪〔magnet〕Lower interest rates are acting like a magnet, dragging consumers back to the shops.较低利率像磁铁一样吸引顾客又回到了商店。柯林斯高阶〔permanent magnet〕A piece of magnetic material that retains its magnetism after it is removed from a magnetic field.永久磁铁:从磁场移开之后仍保持其磁性的一块磁性材料美国传统〔repel〕Magnets can both repel and attract one another.磁铁既可相互排斥也可相互吸引。韦氏高阶〔repel〕Similar poles of magnets repel each other, and opposite poles attract.磁铁同极相斥,异极相吸。剑桥高阶〔repel〕The positive poles of two magnets repel each other.两块磁铁的正极互相排斥。英汉大词典〔stick〕Magnets stick to steel.磁铁吸在钢上了。韦氏高阶〔taconite〕A variety of chert containing magnetite and hematite, mined as an iron ore.铁燧岩:一种含磁铁矿和赤铁矿的燧石,做为一种铁矿石被开采美国传统A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。译典通A very powerful magnet is used to separate the steel and iron from the other scrap metal.一块磁力很强的磁铁被用来将钢和铁和其他碎金属分开。剑桥国际Magnets attract iron filings.磁铁能吸起铁屑。剑桥国际The magnets are only small, so the attraction (=pulling force) is weak.那些只是很小的磁铁,所以吸引力也不大。剑桥国际The physics teacher showed them the pattern that iron filings make when they were sprinkled over some paper covering a magnet.物理教师向他们展示了散落在纸上的铁屑受到纸下的磁铁作用而形成的图案。剑桥国际




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