

单词 磁化
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔coercivity〕The intensity of the magnetic field needed to reduce the magnetization of a ferromagnetic material to zero after it has reached saturation.矫顽力:磁场的强度,为在强磁性的物质达到饱和之后,把它的磁化作用缩小到零所必需美国传统〔electromagnet〕A magnet consisting essentially of a coil of insulated wire wrapped around a soft iron core that is magnetized only when current flows through the wire.电磁体:一种磁体,主要由绝缘线圈缠绕的一个软铁芯子组成,只有当电流通过线圈时芯子才被磁化美国传统〔growler〕Electricity An electromagnetic device with two poles, used for magnetizing, demagnetizing, and finding short-circuited coils.【电学】 短路线圈测试仪:有两个可调磁极的电磁装置,用来磁化、非磁化或测试短路线圈美国传统〔hysteresis〕The lagging of an effect behind its cause, as when the change in magnetism of a body lags behind changes in the magnetic field.滞后现象:一个结果在原因之后拖沓,比如一个物体的磁化变化要比一个磁场变化慢美国传统〔keycard〕A usually plastic card with a magnetically coded strip that is scanned in order to operate a mechanism such as a door or an automated teller machine.钥匙卡片:一种通常是塑料的卡片,有磁化的密码条,可以用来操纵某种机械,如门、自动出纳器美国传统〔machine-readable〕Easy to feed directly into a computer, as data that have been stored magnetically.计算机可读的,计算机可识别的:易于直接输入计算机的,如经过磁化后存储的数据美国传统〔magnetic card〕A card, such as a bank card for use in an automated teller machine, that has a magnetizable strip or surface on which data can be recorded.磁卡:一种用于自动取款机的卡片,如银行卡,有一个可用来记录数据的磁化条码或磁化表面美国传统〔magnetic compass〕An instrument that uses a magnetized steel bar to indicate direction relative to the earth's magnetic poles.磁罗盘:一种仪器,用一个磁化了的钢条来指示地球磁极的相对方向美国传统〔magnetic disk〕A memory device covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored by magnetization of microscopically small needles.磁盘:一种表面有磁性层的储存装置,经极微小的细针磁化后的信息储存在磁性层上美国传统〔magnetic intensity〕A quantity used in describing magnetic phenomena in terms of their magnetic fields and magnetization.磁场强度:一个描述关于磁场和磁化作用中磁性现象的矢量美国传统〔magnetic permeability〕The ability of a substance to acquire high magnetization in relatively weak magnetic fields.导磁系数,导磁率:在相对较弱磁场中获得高磁化物质的能力美国传统〔magnetic〕Capable of being magnetized or attracted by a magnet.能被磁体吸引的:能被磁化的或者被磁体吸引的美国传统〔magnetization〕The extent to which an object is magnetized.磁化强度:一件物体被磁化的程度美国传统〔magnetization〕The process of making a substance temporarily or permanently magnetic, as by insertion in a magnetic field.磁化:使一个物体具有暂时或永久性磁性的过程,例如把一个物体放入磁物中美国传统〔magnetize〕Make a Mobius strip out of a ribbon of mild steel and magnetise it.用一根软钢条做成麦比乌斯带,将其磁化。柯林斯高阶〔magnetize〕Make a Mobius strip out of a ribbon of mild steel and magnetize it.用一根软钢条做成默比乌斯带, 并将其磁化。外研社新世纪〔magnetize〕This needle has been magnetized.这根针已经磁化了。21世纪英汉〔magnetize〕To make magnetic.使磁化美国传统〔magnetize〕You can magnetize a needle by rubbing it with a magnet.将针与磁石摩擦就可以使它磁化。英汉大词典〔remanence〕The magnetic induction that remains in a material after removal of the magnetizing force.剩余磁化强度:在磁化的力量移走之后残留在物体内的磁感应强度美国传统〔saturation〕Physics A state of a ferromagnetic substance in which an increase in applied magnetic field strength does not produce an increase in magnetic intensity.【物理学】 磁性饱和:在提高使用的磁场强度时不会使磁力密度升高的一种磁化饱状态美国传统




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