

单词 直到最后
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Flying Dutchman〕The captain of this ship, a legendary Dutch mariner condemned to sail the seas against the wind until Judgment Day.鬼船船长:这种鬼船的船长,传说中的一个遭咒语一直要逆风驾驶直到最后审判日的荷兰水手美国传统〔UNTIL〕Right up until the last minute she had hoped that Peter would change his mind. 直到最后一分钟她还是希望彼得会改变主意。朗文写作活用〔all〕She never uttered a word all through.她直到最后也没说一句话。英汉大词典〔bombshell〕He saved his bombshell until the last.他直到最后才说出他那惊人的事情。英汉大词典〔day〕It was already late in the day, as far as that project was concerned, when we realized how we should have been organizing it all along.在那个项目上, 直到最后我们才意识到从头到尾该如何规划。外研社新世纪〔deadline〕She worked on her composition right up until the deadline.她这篇文章直到最后交稿日期才写好。韦氏高阶〔drift apart〕Jack and Mary had been married for a long time but gradually drifted apart until they separated.杰克和玛丽结婚已有很长时间,但后来渐渐地疏远了,直到最后分手。21世纪英汉〔end〕We didn't leave until the very end.我们直到最后才离开。牛津高阶〔fight〕If the polls are wrong and it's a fight to the finish, the result may not be known until all the votes have been counted.如果民调结果有误,又是一场直到最后一刻才见分晓的角逐,那么只有等到统计完所有选票才会知道结果。牛津搭配〔finally〕It wasn't finally decided until the last minute.直到最后一刻才做出最终决定。外研社新世纪〔finish〕Right up until the last minute, workers were still putting the finishing touches on the pavilions.直到最后一刻,工人们仍在对展馆进行最后的修饰。柯林斯高阶〔gain on sb/sth〕Garcia was gaining on her opponent throughout the race, but only overtook her at the very end.加西亚在整个赛跑过程中一点点逼近对手,但直到最后一刻才超过了她。剑桥高阶〔go〕I don't go on until the final act.直到最后一幕我才上场。麦克米伦高阶〔hang out〕They hung out to the last man.他们坚持作战,直到最后一个人。21世纪英汉〔hit a/the wall〕He worked late every day and took frequent business trips for several years before he finally hit the wall.他每天都工作到很晚,几年来又经常出差,直到最后他撑不下去了。韦氏高阶〔hold onto/on to sth〕Lewis held onto the lead until the final lap.直到最后一圈刘易斯还保持领先。剑桥高阶〔in the balance〕The game hung in the balance until the last minute.比赛僵持不下,直到最后一分钟才分出胜负。剑桥高阶〔last minute〕They were making changes to the show right up to the last minute.他们直到最后一刻还在对节目进行修改。韦氏高阶〔last〕They fought hard to the last.他们英勇战斗直到最后。韦氏高阶〔martyr〕She fought against racism all her life and died a martyr to the cause.她毕生都在反抗种族主义,直到最后为这一事业英勇献身。剑桥高阶〔offending〕The dentist commenced to dig, drill and finally fill the offending tooth.牙医开始在那颗有问题的牙齿上挖洞,钻孔,直到最后把它补好。柯林斯高阶〔parting〕George said no more until their final parting.直到最后分手, 乔治都没再说什么。外研社新世纪〔post〕I was ordered to remain at my post until the last customer had left.我奉命要坚守自己的岗位直到最后一名顾客离开。剑桥高阶〔prosecute〕To pursue (an undertaking, for example) until completion; follow to the very end.彻底地进行:致力于(比如一项事业)直到完成;追随直到最后美国传统〔stick〕Moore stuck close to the race leader until the last lap.穆尔紧跟着领跑者,直到最后一圈。麦克米伦高阶〔suspense account〕A temporary account in which entries of credits or charges are made until their proper disposition can be determined.暂记帐:记录贷项或借项的帐目直到最后作出适当处理前的临时帐户美国传统〔the last minute〕They only told me at the last minute that they couldn't come.他们直到最后时刻才告诉我他们不能来了。剑桥高阶〔to the last (man)〕Both sides have declared themselves ready to fight to the last man.双方都声称要战斗到底,直到最后一个人。剑桥高阶〔uncle〕Members of the gang held him down until at last he cried uncle.一帮盗贼强按住他直到最后他喊投降美国传统〔whodunnit〕It's one of those whodunnits where you don't find out who the murderer is till the very end.这是那种直到最后才能找出杀人凶手的侦探小说。剑桥高阶〔wire〕Negotiators again worked right down to the wire to reach an agreement.谈判人员又一次直到最后时刻才达成了协议。外研社新世纪〔wire〕Negotiators again worked right down to the wire to reach an agreement.谈判人员又是直到最后时刻才达成了协议。柯林斯高阶〔wire〕The game was very close and went right down to the wire.比赛竞争非常激烈,直到最后才见分晓。朗文当代〔wire〕The sharpest tangible issue in the election remains economics—right down to the wire.选举中最为尖锐的实质性争论点直到最后仍然是经济问题。英汉大词典In the course I'm taking, there's no opportunity for specialization (= limiting my studying or work to one particular area) until the final year.我所上的课中没有涉及专业知识,直到最后一年情况才有所改观。剑桥国际Sometimes two or three separate traffic jams get longer and longer until they all link up.有时候两三个交通堵塞会越来越长,直到最后连在了一起为止。剑桥国际The book/film is one of those whodunits where you don't find out who the murderer is till the very end.这本书/这部影片讲的是那样一种直到最后才能明白谁是凶手的侦探故事。剑桥国际The champion held (on to) the lead until the last lap. [T; I + on to] 这位冠军选手一直保持着领先,直到最后一圈。剑桥国际They were neck and neck until the last hundred metres when Pritchard suddenly sprinted ahead of Sanchez.他俩一直旗鼓相当 ,直到最后一百米普里查德突然冲刺超过桑切斯。剑桥国际




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