

单词 疗效
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD〕Many studies reported excellent results with the drug. 许多研究报告了该药物的显著疗效。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Alternative therapies have been successful with a whole gamut of health problems. 替代疗法对各种健康问题都有疗效。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The drug affects different people in different ways. 这种药的疗效因人而异。朗文写作活用〔all-heal〕Any of several plants, such as the self-heal or the valerian, once thought to have broad healing powers.万灵药草:一种植物,如缬草、夏枯草,曾一度被认为有广泛的治愈疗效美国传统〔answer〕The patient began to answer to medical treatment.病人身上开始显现疗效。英汉大词典〔avail〕The medicine did not avail against the disease.这药对这种病没有产生疗效。英汉大词典〔better〕This medicine is better for bronchitis.这种药治支气管炎疗效更好。英汉大词典〔bloodletting〕The removal of blood, usually from a vein, as a therapeutic measure.放血:放血,静脉切开放血,作为测量治疗效果的一个方法美国传统〔cult〕A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.拜神驱病法:通常为一种非科学的方法或疗法,其创始人宣称该法对治愈某一特殊疾病具有唯一的或独特的疗效美国传统〔curative〕Serving or tending to cure.有疗效的:治疗起作用的或有疗效的美国传统〔curative〕The technique has definite curative possibilities.这方法确有疗效。英汉大词典〔cure〕The new treatment effected a miraculous cure.这种新疗法产生了奇迹般的疗效。朗文当代〔cure〕These drugs can sometimes effect miraculous cures.这些药有时有神奇的疗效。牛津搭配〔digitalize〕To administer digitalis in a dosage sufficient to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect without producing toxic symptoms.服最大的量:供给足够的毛地黄属以得到最大疗效且不会出现有毒症状美国传统〔dismay〕Brady made no secret of his dismay over his treatment.布雷迪毫不掩饰对自己治疗效果的灰心。牛津搭配〔effectiveness〕The effectiveness of the drug was questioned.这种药的疗效受到质疑。韦氏高阶〔effectiveness〕You may need to increase the dose to achieve maximum effectiveness.你可能需要加大剂量才能取得最大疗效。牛津搭配〔empirically〕Empirically, it is now widely accepted that acupuncture techniques can achieve spectacular medical results.经过实证, 现在人们普遍认为, 针灸法能带来惊人的医疗效果。外研社新世纪〔evaluate〕Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.我们的研究试图对不同药物的疗效进行评估。牛津高阶〔experiment〕Scientists are conducting/carrying out/doing experiments to test the effectiveness of the new drug.科学家们正在做实验来检验这种新药的疗效。剑桥高阶〔extravagant〕The company has been making extravagant claims/promises about the drug's effectiveness.这家公司一直在为这种药的疗效做夸大其词的声明/承诺。韦氏高阶〔factor sth in〕The age of the patients and their overall health must be factored into the results.在评价治疗效果时,必须将患者的年龄和他们的整体健康状况等因素考虑进去。剑桥高阶〔feverweed〕Any of various plants considered to have medicinal properties.刺芹属植物:被认为有医疗效用的各种植物中任何一种美国传统〔heliotherapy〕Medical therapy involving exposure to sunlight.日光(浴)疗法:一种通过暴露在阳光里达到治疗效果的治疗方法美国传统〔identify〕The researchers hope to identify ways to improve the treatment.研究人员希望找到提高治疗效果的方法。牛津搭配〔inhibit〕In 1943, streptomycin was discovered and found to be effective in inhibiting TB.链霉素在1943年为人所发现,而且证实在抑制结核病方面确有疗效。英汉大词典〔irresponsive〕The patient was irresponsive to treatment.在这个病人身上未见有明显疗效。英汉大词典〔irresponsive〕The patient was irresponsive to treatment.在这病人身上未见疗效。文馨英汉〔lecture〕Wendy Rigby was recently invited to lecture a group of doctors on the benefits of aromatherapy.温迪·里格比最近应邀给一帮医生讲芳香疗法的疗效。柯林斯高阶〔long-term〕The long-term effects of the medication are not known.这种药的长期疗效还不清楚。韦氏高阶〔marvellous〕We've achieved some marvellous results with this new drug.我们已用这种新药取得了极好的疗效。剑桥高阶〔misuse〕The effectiveness of this class of drug has led to its misuse.这类药物因为疗效好而被滥用。外研社新世纪〔misuse〕The effectiveness of this class of drug has, however, led to their misuse.不过,此类药品的显著疗效已经导致对其的滥用。柯林斯高阶〔moderately〕The medicine is only moderately effective against coughs.这个药对咳嗽的疗效很一般。韦氏高阶〔most〕The aim is to help patients to obtain most benefit from their treatment.目的是要帮助病人取得最大的疗效。朗文当代〔news〕Drug companies tend to bury news of drug failures.药品公司一般会隐瞒药物无疗效的信息。牛津搭配〔other〕Some medicines work better than others.某些药的疗效比其他药好。韦氏高阶〔penicillin V〕A semisynthetic penicillin that is stable even in high humidity, resists destruction by gastric juice, and is therefore effective when taken orally.青霉素V:在高湿度环境中能呈稳定状的半合成青霉素,能抵抗胃液破坏,因此口服也能达到疗效美国传统〔pharmacology〕The characteristics or properties of a drug, especially those that make it medically effective.药性,药效:药品的特点成性质,尤指那些使具有医疗效用的物品美国传统〔pharmacy〕Research is bringing more effective new drugs to pharmacy shelves.研究可使更有疗效的新药登上药房的货架。牛津搭配〔placebo〕The therapeutic effect of visiting a spa is not just a placebo, nor the power of suggestion.水疗的疗效并不只有安慰作用, 也不是心理暗示。外研社新世纪〔positively〕She is responding positively to the treatment.她的治疗效果很好。外研社新世纪〔potential〕Doctors are excited about the new drug's potential benefits.这种新药的潜在疗效令医生们兴奋不已。韦氏高阶〔potentiate〕The effects of morphine on the stomach are potentiated by cholinergic drugs.由于胆碱的作用,吗啡对胃的药物疗效增加了。21世纪英汉〔prescription〕The prescription Ackerman gave me isn't doing any good.阿克曼给我开的药没有任何疗效。柯林斯高阶〔protocol〕They tried those drugs in dozens of combinations and protocols to determine their curative effects.他们用几十种配方和治疗方案试验那些药物,以确定其疗效。英汉大词典〔psychotherapy〕For milder depressions, certain forms of psychotherapy do work well.对较轻微的抑郁症, 有些形式的心理治疗效果的确不错。外研社新世纪〔psychotherapy〕For milder depressions, certain forms of psychotherapy do work well.对较轻微的抑郁症,某些形式的心理治疗效果的确不错。柯林斯高阶〔repeat〕It may be necessary to repeat the dose several times to effect a cure.为确保疗效,有必要多服几剂。牛津搭配〔researcher〕Medical researchers say that the drug is useless.医学研究人员表示这种药物没有疗效。韦氏高阶〔respond〕The infection should respond to antibiotics.抗生素应该对这种感染有疗效。麦克米伦高阶〔respond〕Their son is responding well to the treatment.他们儿子的治疗效果还不错。牛津搭配〔result〕Researchers have found conflicting results on the effects of the drug.对该药的疗效,研究人员得出了相互矛盾的结果。牛津搭配〔significantly〕It is the first drug that seems to have a very significant effect on this disease.这是第一种似乎对该病有显著疗效的药物。柯林斯高阶〔specific〕Having a remedial influence or effect on a particular disease.对某种疾病有特殊疗效或效果的美国传统〔take〕The medicine didn't take.这种药没有疗效。21世纪英汉〔therapeutic〕Heat has therapeutic value.热有疗效。英汉大词典〔therapeutic〕Scientists want to investigate the therapeutic effects of acupuncture.科学家们想研究针灸的治疗效果。麦克米伦高阶〔therapeutic〕Some claim that the herb has therapeutic value for treating pain.有些人称这种草药具有止痛的疗效。朗文当代〔therapeutic〕When I was sad, music had a therapeutic effect.我悲伤的时候,音乐有治疗效力。牛津同义词〔thermal〕It was the Romans who first recognized the medicinal benefits of Hungary's thermal springs (= ones which produce hot water).首先认识到匈牙利温泉的医疗效用的是罗马人。剑桥高阶〔tout〕The company is running advertisements touting the drug's effectiveness.那家公司正在打广告吹捧这种药的疗效。韦氏高阶〔tout〕The company is touting the drug as a miracle cure.那家公司在吹捧这种药具有神奇的疗效。韦氏高阶〔transfigure〕They are transfigured by the healing powers of art.他们因艺术的治疗效力而面貌一新。柯林斯高阶〔treatment〕He responded well to treatment and is now walking again.治疗效果不错,他现在又能走路了。牛津搭配〔useless〕This drug is useless in the treatment of patients with AIDS.这种药对艾滋病患者毫无疗效。牛津搭配〔vehicle〕A substance of no therapeutic value used to convey an active medicine for administration.赋形药,赋形剂:一种无疗效的物质,用以传送某种起作用的药的施用美国传统〔work〕The drug works by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain.这种药物通过提高大脑中血清素的含量来产生疗效。柯林斯高阶Doctors are becoming interested in the healing properties of sugar ointments on wounds.医生对涂于伤口上的软糖膏的治疗效用十分感兴趣。剑桥国际The medicine was an effective purge. 这是疗效很好的泻药。译典通The scientific investigation of the effects of alternative medicine, such as acupuncture, raises a number of methodological issues/problems.对另类医学,比如针灸疗效的科学调查提出了许多方法论的问题。剑桥国际There are doubts about the effectiveness of the new drug in treating the disease.这种新药对此种疾病的疗效还存在疑问。剑桥国际These pills I've been taking have done nothing for me.我吃的那些药对我没有疗效。剑桥国际




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