

单词 疗效
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DIFFERENT〕a drug that affects different people in different ways 一种对不同的人具有不同疗效的药物朗文写作活用〔combine〕the combined effects of the two drugs 两种药物的复合疗效牛津高阶〔curative〕a curative effect疗效外研社新世纪〔effect〕to effect a cure/change/recovery 产生疗效;引起变化;实现复苏牛津高阶〔extravagant〕extravagant claims about the drug's effectiveness 对药品疗效的夸张说法朗文当代〔healing〕a plant with healing properties 有治疗效用的植物麦克米伦高阶〔long-term〕the long-term effects of the drug 该药的长期疗效剑桥高阶〔mass〕the mass effect of the treatment 总的疗效英汉大词典〔medically〕a medically useful drug 有疗效的药物韦氏高阶〔potency〕drugs of high potencies 疗效好的药物韦氏高阶〔powerful〕a powerful image/drug/speech 鲜明的形象;疗效显著的药物;有力的演说牛津高阶〔property〕a herb with healing properties 有治疗效用的药草英汉大词典〔reparative〕the reparative effect of a medicine 药的疗效英汉大词典〔salutary〕a salutary diet for anaemia 对贫血症有疗效的饮食英汉大词典〔therapeutic〕a therapeutic diet 有疗效的饮食韦氏高阶〔therapeutic〕a therapeutic treatment/drug 有疗效的治疗/药物麦克米伦高阶〔therapeutic〕the therapeutic effects of radiation 放射疗法的治疗效果韦氏高阶〔therapeutic〕the therapeutic properties of herbs 草药的医疗效用牛津高阶〔therapy〕the efficacy of cognitive behavioural / behavioral therapy 认知行为疗法的疗效牛津搭配〔work〕a drug that works against some types of cancer 一种对某些癌症有疗效的药物朗文当代




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