

单词 疑难
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REMEMBER〕He read the text carefully, noting down the queries to be resolved later. 他仔细地阅读了课文,记下了疑难问题待以后解决。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Alzheimer's disease is one of medicine's most puzzling and feared illnesses. 阿尔茨海默病是医学界最疑难、最可怕的病症之一。朗文写作活用〔access〕Usage Problem To obtain access to (goods or information), usually by technological means.【用法疑难】 使用,接近,获取:使用科技手段取得(货物或信息)美国传统〔advise〕Usage Problem To inform; notify.【用法疑难】 通知;告知美国传统〔alibi〕Usage Problem An explanation offered to avoid blame or justify action; an excuse.【用法疑难】 借口,托辞:为逃避指责或证明行为正当而提出的解释;借口美国传统〔alternative〕Usage Problem One of a number of things from which one must be chosen.【用法疑难】 选项:一组供选择的事物中必须选出的一项的美国传统〔anxious〕Usage Problem Eagerly or earnestly desirous.【用法疑难】 急切渴望的,热切渴望的美国传统〔burgeon〕Usage Problem To grow and flourish.【用法疑难】 发展:生长和繁茂美国传统〔but〕Usage Problem Except.【用法疑难】 除了美国传统〔circle〕That is a device for squaring the circle.那是一个解决疑难的方案。英汉大词典〔crisis management〕Special measures taken under pressure to solve problems caused by a crisis.危机处理:在有压力的情况下解决由危机导致的疑难问题的特殊处理方法美国传统〔crux〕A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem.疑难:迷惑不解的或明显不能解决的问题美国传统〔dialogue〕Usage Problem To engage in an informal exchange of views.【用法疑难】 进行非正式的意见交换美国传统〔dilemma〕Usage Problem A problem that seems to defy a satisfactory solution.【用法疑难】 难题:表面看来似乎不能取得满意解决的问题美国传统〔exuberate〕Usage Problem To be exuberant.【用法疑难】 生气勃勃美国传统〔father〕Usage Problem To act or serve as a father to (a child).【用法疑难】 作为父亲对待(孩子)美国传统〔flaunt〕Usage Problem To show contempt for; scorn.【用法疑难】 表示轻蔑;蔑视美国传统〔fulsome〕Usage Problem Copious or abundant.【用法疑难】 大量的或充足的美国传统〔gift〕Usage Problem To present with a gift.【用法疑难】 赠送礼物美国传统〔graduate〕Usage Problem To receive an academic degree from.【用法疑难】 从…接受学位美国传统〔help〕If you get stuck, click on Help.如果碰到疑难,就点击“帮助”。柯林斯高阶〔idiopathy〕A disease of unknown origin or cause.疑难病症:来源或起因不明的疾病美国传统〔impact〕Usage Problem To have an effect or impact on.【用法疑难】 在…产生影响美国传统〔individual〕Usage Problem A person.【用法疑难】 人:单个人美国传统〔methodology〕Usage Problem Means, technique, or procedure; method.【用法疑难】 方法:手段、技巧或步骤;办法美国传统〔momentarily〕Usage Problem In a moment; very soon.【用法疑难】 片刻;很快美国传统〔nauseous〕Usage Problem Affected with nausea.【用法疑难】 患恶心症的美国传统〔née〕Usage Problem Formerly known as.【用法疑难】 原先被称作美国传统〔parameter〕Usage Problem A distinguishing characteristic or feature.【用法疑难】 特色,特征:区别于其它事物的特点或性质美国传统〔perplexing〕It took years to understand many perplexing diseases.许多疑难病症要耗时数年才能搞明白。外研社新世纪〔perplexing〕It took years to understand many perplexing diseases.许多疑难病症要耗时数年才能搞明白。柯林斯高阶〔protagonist〕Usage Problem A proponent; an advocate.【用法疑难】 建议者;提倡者美国传统〔quote〕Usage Problem A dictum; a saying.【用法疑难】 箴言、格言美国传统〔repulse〕Usage Problem To cause repugnance or distaste in.【用法疑难】 使厌恶:使厌恶,使产生反感美国传统〔sometime〕Usage Problem Occasional.【用法疑难】 偶尔的美国传统〔transpire〕Usage Problem To come about; happen or occur.【用法疑难】 产生;发生或出现美国传统〔wean〕Usage Problem To be raised on.【用法疑难】 被抚养美国传统〔world-class〕Usage Problem Great, as in importance, concern, or notoriety.【用法疑难】 国际水准的:伟大的,如在重要性、关系或闻名度上美国传统Sometimes difficult problems can be solved by acting intuitively rather than thinking logically about it.有时候凭直觉行事而不是凭逻辑思考能够解决疑难问题。剑桥国际




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