

单词 疏松
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕The weakening of bone tissue has a considerable effect on an elderly person's mobility. 骨质疏松对老年人的活动能力会产生很大的影响。朗文写作活用〔aerate〕Earthworms help to aerate the soil.蚯蚓帮助土壤疏松透气。剑桥高阶〔channel〕The river has channel(l)ed its way through the soft rock.这条河流已在质地疏松的岩石上冲成一条水道。英汉大词典〔compression fracture〕The most common cause of compression fracture is osteoporosis, a thinning of the bone with age.压缩性骨折最常见的原因是随年龄增长而造成的骨质疏松剑桥高阶〔cuppy〕A loose, cuppy track slowed the horses.马在疏松的、坑坑洼洼的小径上放慢了速度美国传统〔deterioration〕He had trouble with bone deterioration and walked with a cane.他为骨质疏松老化所苦,因而拄着手杖走路。英汉大词典〔detritus〕Loose fragments or grains that have been worn away from rock.岩屑:从岩石上磨损下来的疏松的石粒或碎屑美国传统〔dig〕To loosen, turn over, or remove earth or other material.挖掘,松土:疏松、挖、翻或运走泥土或其它的材料美国传统〔drain away〕The water slowly drained away, down through the porous soil.水渐渐流尽, 渗入疏松的土壤。外研社新世纪〔drained〕The water slowly drained away, down through the porous soil.水慢慢流走了,渗入了疏松的土壤。柯林斯高阶〔estrogen replacement therapy〕The administration of estrogen, especially in postmenopausal women, to relieve menopausal symptoms and to protect against osteoporosis and heart disease.雌激素替代疗法:服用雌激素,尤其是指更年期妇女的服用,其作用在于缓和更年期的各种症状并预防骨质疏松及心脏疾病美国传统〔gazar〕A loosely woven silk with a crisp finish.透明丝织物:一种纺织疏松的丝织品,有脆的涂饰美国传统〔hormone replacement therapy〕The administration of estrogen and progestin to women to relieve the symptoms of menopause, prevent osteoporosis, and reduce the risk of heart disease.贺尔蒙替代疗法:对女性雌激素及黄体素的调整以减缓停经期症状、预防骨质疏松症、并减低心脏病发生的危险美国传统〔loosely〕She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers.她捧起疏松的泥土,任其缓缓地从指间漏下。柯林斯高阶〔loose〕She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers.她捧起疏松的泥土, 任其缓缓地从指间漏下。外研社新世纪〔mold〕Loose, friable soil, rich in humus and fit for planting.松软沃土:疏松,易碎的土壤,富含腐殖质并适宜种植美国传统〔oakum〕Loose hemp or jute fiber, sometimes treated with tar, creosote, or asphalt, used chiefly for caulking seams in wooden ships and packing pipe joints.麻絮,埋絮:疏松的大麻或黄麻纤维,有时涂上焦油、杂酚或沥青作保护层,主要用于木船上捻缝和填塞管子接头美国传统〔osteoporosis〕Osteoporosis afflicts many older women.许多老年妇女深受骨质疏松之苦。剑桥高阶〔pothole〕A deep, round hole worn in rock by loose stones whirling in strong rapids or waterfalls.锅穴,壶穴:岩石上深深的圆洞,由于急流或瀑布的水涡带动疏松的石块旋转而成美国传统〔rake〕A long-handled implement with a row of projecting teeth at its head, used especially to gather leaves or to loosen or smooth earth.耙子,耙机:顶部有一排凸出的齿的长柄工具,尤指用于收集树叶或疏松土壤的美国传统〔sand〕The loose, granular, gritty particles in an hourglass.砂粒:砂漏中的疏松的、微小的、粒状的颗粒美国传统〔scramble〕Gaining the summit requires a scramble over loose rocks.到达山顶需要爬过一些疏松的岩石。外研社新世纪〔slice bar〕An iron tool with a broad flat end, used to loosen and clear out clinkers from furnace grates.长柄头铲,拨火棒:一种铁制工具,端部宽阔扁平,用于疏松炉渣和从炉栅中清除炉渣美国传统〔unravel〕Scientists continue to unravel the puzzle of osteoporosis.科学家继续揭开骨质疏松症之谜。外研社新世纪〔weakly〕Swimming is helpful for bones that are porous and weak.游泳有助于改善骨质疏松和骨骼脆弱。柯林斯高阶〔weak〕Swimming is helpful for bones that are porous and weak.游泳有助于改善骨质疏松和骨骼脆弱。外研社新世纪Osteoporosis afflicts many older women because of the loss of calcium and estrogen that commonly occurs in women after menopause.一般在妇女绝经以后,由于失钙和雌性激素,许多老年妇女深受骨质疏松症的折磨。剑桥国际Sow the seeds in pots or in/on the open ground.把种子播种在花盆里/疏松的土地里。剑桥国际




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