

单词 疏散
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔decentralize〕to decentralize the nation's industry使该国的工业疏散分布21世纪英汉〔dehydrated〕the dehydrated evacuees 口渴得要命的被疏散的人英汉大词典〔dispersal〕police trained in crowd dispersal 在疏散人群方面受过训练的警察牛津高阶〔dispersion〕the dispersion of the local population 当地人口的疏散英汉大词典〔earthquake〕the evacuation of coastlines within 600 miles of the earthquake's epicentre / epicenter 距离震中 600 英里内的海岸线地带的疏散牛津搭配〔evacuate〕the emergency evacuation of thousands of people after the earthquake 地震后数千人的紧急疏散牛津高阶〔evacuate〕to evacuate people from a building or an area.疏散大厦或某地区的居民。牛津同义词〔evacuate〕to provide aircraft to help evacuate refugees 提供飞机帮助疏散难民牛津搭配〔evacuation〕a fire evacuation drill 火灾疏散演练牛津搭配〔evacuation〕evacuation procedures/plans 疏散步骤/计划麦克米伦高阶〔evacuation〕the evacuation of civilians from the area 从该地区疏散平民牛津搭配〔evacuee〕a child evacuee被疏散的儿童外研社新世纪




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