

单词 碳酸
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Lexan〕A trademark used for polycarbonate.聚碳酸酯的商标美国传统〔Seidlitz powder〕A mixture of tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium sodium tartrate, used as a mild cathartic by dissolving in water and drinking.赛德利茨粉,起泡粉:一种酒酸、碳酸氢纳和罗谢尔盐的混和物,用作一种温和的泻药,溶于水中饮用美国传统〔Solvay process〕A process used to produce large quantities of sodium carbonate from sodium chloride, ammonia, and carbon dioxide.索尔维法:一种从氯化钠、阿摩尼亚(氨)及二氧化碳中大量制取碳酸钠的方法美国传统〔Tom Collins〕A drink consisting of gin, lemon or lime juice, carbonated water, and sugar.汤姆·柯林斯酒:一种含金酒、柠檬汁或酸橙汁、碳酸水和糖的饮料美国传统〔acapnia〕A condition marked by the presence of less than the normal amount of carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues.缺碳酸血症:血液或组织中出现少于二氧化碳正常含量的状况美国传统〔acidosis〕An abnormal increase in the acidity of the body's fluids, caused either by accumulation of acids or by depletion of bicarbonates.酸中毒:人体的体液中酸度的不正常增高,经常是由于酸的积累或是碳酸氢盐的缺乏引起美国传统〔alkali〕A carbonate or hydroxide of an alkali metal, the aqueous solution of which is bitter, slippery, caustic, and characteristically basic in reactions.碱:碱金属的碳酸盐或氢氧化物,其水解溶液味苦、滑腻、有腐蚀性且在反应中呈碱性美国传统〔antacid〕A substance, such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate, that neutralizes acid.解酸剂,抗酸剂,防酸剂:一种中和酸的物质,如氧化镁或碳酸氢钠美国传统〔barilla〕The crude sodium carbonate ash obtained from these plants.苏打灰:从这些植物中获得的粗碳酸钠灰美国传统〔birch beer〕A carbonated soft drink flavored with herb extracts, traditionally of birch tree bark.桦啤酒:碳酸软饮料,加入传统上从桦树皮中提取的植物精华美国传统〔bug juice〕A sweet flavored drink, such as punch, that is usually not carbonated.巴格果汁:一种有香味的甜饮料,通常不含碳酸,如潘趣酒美国传统〔calc-tufa〕Calcareous tufa, a porous or spongy deposit of calcium carbonate found in calcareous mineral springs.多孔状凝灰岩:石灰质的凝灰岩,碳酸钙多孔或有吸收性的沉淀物,出现在石灰性矿物泉中美国传统〔calcareous〕Composed of, containing, or characteristic of calcium carbonate, calcium, or limestone; chalky.碳酸钙的:由碳酸钙、钙或石灰石组成的、包含此类物质的或具有其性质的;白垩的美国传统〔calciferous〕Of, forming, or containing calcium or calcium carbonate.含碳酸钙的:属于、形成于或包含钙或碳酸钙的美国传统〔calcification〕Impregnation with calcium or calcium salts, as with calcium carbonate.钙化:掺入钙或钙盐,如用碳酸钙美国传统〔carbolated〕Containing or treated with carbolic acid.含在石碳酸的或用碳酸处理的美国传统〔carbonate〕A salt or ester of carbonic acid.碳酸的盐类或酯类美国传统〔carbonate〕Carbon dioxide is used to carbonate beverages.二氧化碳用于饮料的碳酸化。外研社新世纪〔carbonate〕The alternative approach is to allow the base coat to dry out slowly and start to carbonate.另一种方法是让底漆慢慢变干并开始转化为碳酸酯。外研社新世纪〔carbonate〕To change into a carbonate.使…碳酸盐化美国传统〔cementitious〕Of or relating to a chemical precipitate, especially of carbonates, having the characteristics of cement.水泥质的:一种具有水泥特性的化学沉淀物的或与之相关的,尤指碳酸盐美国传统〔cola〕Coke and Pepsi are types of cola.可口可乐和百事可乐都是碳酸类饮料。剑桥高阶〔cream soda〕A sweet carbonated drink with a vanilla flavor.香草饮料:一种香草味碳酸甜饮料美国传统〔cystolith〕Botany A mineral concretion, usually of calcium carbonate, occurring in the epidermal cells of certain plants, such as figs.【植物学】 钟乳体:一种矿石凝结物,通常为碳酸钙,在某些植物的表皮细胞中产生,如无花果美国传统〔decarbonate〕To remove carbon dioxide or carbonic acid from.脱去…的二氧化碳或碳酸美国传统〔dripstone〕Calcium carbonate in the form of stalactites or stalagmites.钟乳石:形成乳石或石笋的碳酸钙美国传统〔effervesce〕To emit small bubbles of gas, as a carbonated or fermenting liquid.冒泡:冒出小气泡,如碳酸液体或发酵液体美国传统〔flake white〕A pigment made of flakes of white lead.铅白,碳酸铅白:用白矿制成的一种颜料美国传统〔gelignite〕An explosive mixture composed of nitroglycerine, guncotton, wood pulp, and potassium nitrate.葛里炸药,炸胶:一种炸药混合物,由碳酸甘油、棉火药、木浆和钾硝酸盐组成美国传统〔highball〕A cocktail served in a tall glass and consisting of liquor, such as whiskey, mixed with water or a carbonated beverage.高杯酒:一种置于高玻璃杯中的鸡尾酒,在烈性酒(如威士忌)中加入水或碳酸饮料美国传统〔hypochlorite〕A salt or ester of hypochlorous acid.次碳酸盐:一种次碳酸的盐或酯美国传统〔limeade〕A sweetened beverage of lime juice and plain or carbonated water.莱檬汽水:加纯净水或碳酸水的莱檬汁甜饮料美国传统〔marlstone〕A rock containing clay materials and calcium and magnesium carbonates, with approximately the same composition as marl.泥灰岩:一种含粘土物质、钙和镁碳酸盐的岩石,其成分与泥灰土大体一致美国传统〔marl〕A crumbly mixture of clays, calcium and magnesium carbonates, and remnants of shells, used as fertilizer for lime-deficient soils.泥灰土:一种由粘土、钙、镁碇酸盐和贝壳碎片构成的易碎混合物,用作缺乏碳酸钙土壤的肥料美国传统〔mofette〕An opening in the earth from which carbon dioxide and other gases escape, usually marking the last stage of volcanic activity.碳酸喷气孔:地面上从中冒出二氧化碳和其它气体的孔道,通常标志火山活动末期美国传统〔pearl ash〕An impure form of potassium carbonate.珍珠灰:一种不纯净的碳酸钾制品美国传统〔pedalfer〕Soil rich in alumina and iron and deficient in carbonates, found in and characteristic of humid regions.铁铝土:一种在湿润的地区可找到并以此为特征的含丰富铝和铁但缺少碳酸盐的土壤美国传统〔pedocal〕A soil of semiarid and arid regions that is rich in calcium carbonate and lime.钙层土:半干燥和干燥地区含丰富碳酸钙和氧化钙的土壤美国传统〔phosphate〕Chicago A soda fountain drink made by blending carbonated water with flavored syrup.【芝加哥】 磷酸果汁汽水:将碳酸水和调味果子露混合而成的一种桶装汽水饮料美国传统〔polycarbonate〕Any of a family of thermoplastics characterized by a high-impact strength, used in making unbreakable windows.聚碳酸脂:一种热塑性物质,具有很强的抗冲击力的特点,被用来制造不易击碎的窗户美国传统〔punch〕A beverage of fruit juices and sometimes carbonated water or soda, often spiced and mixed with a wine or liquor base.潘趣洒:一种果汁饮料,有时加碳酸水或苏打水,通常调味后在底部混有葡萄酒或蒸馏酒美国传统〔quinine water〕A carbonated beverage flavored with quinine.奎宁水:一种奎宁口味的碳酸饮料美国传统〔root beer〕A carbonated soft drink made from extracts of certain plant roots and herbs.根汁汽水:从某些植物的根部和草本植物中提取汁液制成的碳酸饮料美国传统〔sal soda〕A hydrated sodium carbonate used as a general cleanser.苏打,洗涤碱:一种期不个氢氧碳酸钠,用作洗涤剂美国传统〔sal volatile〕A solution of ammonium carbonate in alcohol or ammonia water, used in smelling salts.挥发盐:碳酸氨在酒精或氢氧化铵中的溶液,用于嗅盐美国传统〔saleratus〕Sodium or potassium bicarbonate used as a leavening agent; baking soda.发酵粉,小苏打:作为发酵剂的钠或碳酸氢钾;烘焙苏打美国传统〔smelling salts〕Any of various preparations of ammonium carbonate and perfume, sniffed as a restorative or stimulant especially to relieve faintness and headache.嗅盐:由碳酸铵和香料配制而成的一种药物,给人闻后有恢复或刺激作用,特别用来减轻昏迷或头痛美国传统〔soda ash〕Sodium carbonate in powdery white form, used especially as an industrial chemical.苏打灰:以白粉形式存在的碳酸钠,尤其是作为工业化学品使用美国传统〔soda water〕A solution of water, sodium bicarbonate, and acid.苏打水:水、碳酸氢钠和酸的溶液美国传统〔soda〕A refreshment made from carbonated water, ice cream, and usually a flavoring.苏打点心:一种用碳酸水、冰淇淋和调料制成的新鲜糕点美国传统〔soda〕Any of various forms of sodium carbonate.苏打:一种碳酸钠的形式美国传统〔soda〕Carbonated water.碳酸水美国传统〔solution〕She made a solution of baking soda and water.她做了碳酸氢钠溶液。韦氏高阶〔split〕A bottle of an alcoholic or carbonated beverage half the usual size.小瓶酒,小瓶碳酸饮料,半杯酒,半杯碳酸饮料美国传统〔spritzer〕A drink made of wine and carbonated water.汔洒:由酒和碳酸水制成的饮料美国传统〔spritz〕A quick squirt or spray, as of carbonated water.快的喷流或洒,如碳酸水美国传统〔tartar〕Dentistry A hard, yellowish deposit on the teeth, consisting of organic secretions and food particles deposited in various salts, such as calcium carbonate.【牙科学】 牙垢,牙结石:一种牙齿上的坚硬的浅黄色沉淀物,包含有机分泌物和各种以盐(如,碳酸钙)的形式沉淀下来的食物微粒美国传统〔travertine〕A compact calcium carbonate used as a facing material in construction.钙华:一种在建筑中用作饰面的压缩碳酸钙美国传统〔ultramarine〕A similar pigment made synthetically by heating clay, sodium carbonate, and sulfur together.佛青,群青:用把粘土、碳酸钠和硫放在一起加热的方法合成的相似的颜料美国传统〔verditer〕Either of two basic carbonates of copper, used as a blue or green pigment.铜盐颜料:铜的两种盐碱性的碳酸盐之一,用作蓝色或绿色颜料美国传统〔washing soda〕A hydrated sodium carbonate used as a general cleanser.洗涤碱:用作普通清洗剂的碳酸氢氧化钠美国传统〔white lead〕A heavy white poisonous powder, essentially basic lead carbonate, used in paint pigments.铅白:一种白色有毒重粉末,用于制造绘画颜料必不可少的基本碳酸铅美国传统All colas taste pretty much the same to me.所有的碳酸饮料我尝起来味道都差不多。剑桥国际Coke and Pepsi are types of cola.可口可乐和百事可乐都是碳酸类饮料。剑桥国际Fur consists mainly of calcium carbonate.水垢的主要成分是碳酸钙。剑桥国际Scale consists mainly of calcium carbonate.水垢主要是由碳酸钙组成的。剑桥国际




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