

单词 碎语
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RECENTLY〕The girls spent the evening catching up on the latest gossip. 女孩子们整个晚上都在聊一些最近流传的闲言碎语。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕I don't believe Liz had an affair with him. That's just malicious gossip. 我不相信莉兹和他有染。那只是恶毒的闲言碎语。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕The conversation began to drift towards gossip about their colleagues. 他们的谈话开始转到对同事的闲言碎语上去了。朗文写作活用〔consist〕Their conversation consisted almost entirely of gossip.他们的谈话几乎全是些闲言碎语。牛津搭配〔descend〕Other people may gossip, but don't descend to their level.别人可能会有闲言碎语,但不要和他们一般见识。朗文当代〔discredit〕They discredited her good name with ugly gossip.他们用难听的闲言碎语来破坏她的好名声。21世纪英汉〔gossip〕Have you heard the (latest) gossip? 你听到(最近流传的)那些闲言碎语了吗?剑桥高阶〔gossip〕Her letter was full of gossip.她信里讲的都是些闲言碎语。剑桥高阶〔head〕She managed to hold her head high and ignore what people were saying.她勉力昂首挺胸,不理会人家的闲言碎语。牛津高阶〔pawn〕The tabloids often pawn off gossip and trivia as real news.通俗小报经常把闲言碎语和鸡毛蒜皮之事当成真正的新闻刊登出来。朗文当代〔petty〕Village life is full of gossip and petty jealousies.乡村生活中满是闲言碎语和微不足道的争风吃醋。麦克米伦高阶〔tongues wagging〕They tried to keep their affair secret, but it wasn't long before tongues began to wag.他们试图不让别人知道他们的暧昧关系,但是不久就有了闲言碎语。剑桥高阶〔tongue〕Angela's divorce will certainly set tongues wagging.安杰拉的离婚肯定会招来闲言碎语。朗文当代〔town crier〕Informal A gossip.【非正式用语】 闲言碎语美国传统I think it was their dancing together that really started tongues wagging.我觉得是从他们在一起跳舞才开始真正引起了人们的闲言碎语。剑桥国际There has even been talk of resignations within the party which the Prime Minister has dismissed as ‘idle tittle-tattle’.党内甚至传出了有人辞职的流言,首相把它当作闲言碎语予以否定。剑桥国际




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