

单词 碍事
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔block〕Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career.缺乏训练会妨碍事业的发展。牛津高阶〔career-limiting〕Career-limiting habits you should avoid include unreliability and resistance to change.你需要避免的妨碍事业成功的习惯,包括不可信赖和不愿改变。剑桥高阶〔cuss〕People heard the boy cussing his father for getting in his way.人们听到这个男孩嫌父亲碍事而骂他父亲。外研社新世纪〔help〕She was more of a hindrance than a help.她非但没帮上忙,反而碍事。牛津高阶〔hindrance〕Is my presence here a help or a hindrance? 我来这儿能帮上忙,还是碍事?韦氏高阶〔hindrance〕You would be more of a hindrance than a help.你帮不上忙,反倒会碍事。柯林斯高阶〔iota〕It won't matter one iota(=it will not matter at all).一点儿也不碍事。麦克米伦高阶〔sting〕A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious.被黄蜂或蜜蜂蜇一下疼是疼,但未必碍事。牛津高阶〔take down〕They put up the bird table, but it got in everyone else's way so Les tried to take it down.他们支起鸟食台,可是人人都嫌它碍事,所以莱斯就想把它拆了。柯林斯高阶〔top-hamper〕Cumbersome, unnecessary matter.多余碍事的东西;无用之物美国传统〔way〕In such a position as not to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.不挡道:处在不挡道、不碍事或不干涉的位置之上美国传统〔way〕When Mac was safely out of the way , Peter came round.当马克绝对不再碍事的时候,彼得又出现了。朗文当代〔way〕Why don't you tie your hair back, out of the way? 你为什么不把头发扎到后面去,省得碍事?朗文当代We had to deal with a lot of stifling bureaucracy.我们必须对付大量碍事的官僚作风。剑桥国际




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