

单词 确认
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AROUND/ROUND〕The team confirmed the discovery of a planet orbiting the star 51 Pegasi. 该小组确认发现了一颗环绕飞马座51这颗恒星运行的行星。朗文写作活用〔CHECK〕Let me just confirm that the money has arrived in your account. 我来确认一下钱已汇入您的账户。朗文写作活用〔CHECK〕The pathologist ascertained that the victim had died from a gunshot wound. 病理学家确认受害者死于枪伤。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕Before you accept the loan you'd better make sure that there are no strings attached. 接受贷款以前,你最好确认一下贷款没有任何附加条件。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The murder victim has not yet been identified. 这起谋杀案的受害者身份尚未确认。朗文写作活用〔MENTION〕Now that you mention it, I did think she was behaving a little strangely last night. 你既然提到这件事,我也的确认为昨晚她的举止有些怪异。朗文写作活用〔NO〕When asked to confirm whether all the missing soldiers were accounted for, the Lieutenant answered in the negative. 中尉被要求确认失踪的士兵是否都有下落的时候,他的回答是否定的。朗文写作活用〔Post Office〕The Post Office has confirmed that up to a thousand jobs could be lost in sorting offices.邮政已经确认邮件分拣处可能会裁掉一千个岗位。外研社新世纪〔RSVP〕I got a party invitation in the post, and I called to RSVP.我收到一封聚会邀请信,已经打电话确认会参加了。剑桥高阶〔THINK〕I suppose we can pay by credit card but we'd better check first. 我估计我们可以用信用卡来支付,但要先确认一下。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕So you want to talk to them, identify that they are a candidate, and then give them the test all at the same time? 那么你是想和他们谈谈,确认他们是候选人,然后对他们同时进行测试?朗文写作活用〔absorption〕Reports confirmed the absorption of Kode's operations into DCM's offices.有报道确认Kode的业务已被并入DCM公司。剑桥高阶〔accredit〕The university accredits a number of educational programmes in the area.这所大学确认该地区的几项教育课程为合格。麦克米伦高阶〔acknowledge〕To recognize as being valid or having force or power.确认有效,承认权威:确认有效或有权力或权威美国传统〔acknowledge〕To report the receipt of.告知收到,确认收悉美国传统〔admit〕The fact is admitted.事实被确认了。21世纪英汉〔affirmation〕The ceremony was an affirmation of their religious beliefs.这个仪式是对他们宗教信仰的确认。韦氏高阶〔affirm〕He was affirmed as a candidate.他被确认为候选人。英汉大词典〔applet〕The user confirms their order and downloads an applet which asks them for their personal and payment details.用户对其订购进行确认,然后下载一个小应用程序,它便会询问用户的详细个人信息及具体付款事宜。剑桥高阶〔avouch〕To accept responsibility for (an action, for example); acknowledge.承担:为(如某一行为)承担责任;确认美国传统〔booking〕I'm calling to confirm my booking (=say definitely that I want to travel etc) .我打电话是想确认一下我的预订。朗文当代〔carry〕Check that any medication you're taking carries no risk for your developing baby.请确认你现在服用的任何药物都不会给胎儿的发育带来危险。外研社新世纪〔check〕I'll check the dates.我会确认一下日期。麦克米伦高阶〔clean〕We need a systematic plan for identifying and cleaning up waste sites.我们需要一个系统的计划来确认并清理堆放废料的场所。麦克米伦高阶〔clue〕The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer.警方认为那盘录像带可能录有能确认凶手身分的一些重要线索。牛津高阶〔confirmation〕Travel arrangements are subject to confirmation by State Tourist Organisations.行程安排有待国家旅游局的确认。外研社新世纪〔confirmation〕We will send you written confirmation of our offer shortly.我们很快会给您寄去我们的报价确认函。剑桥高阶〔confirmation〕Written confirmation came three days later.3 天后获得了书面确认。牛津搭配〔confirm〕I am writing to confirm a booking for a single room for the night of 6 June.我写此信是想确认为 6 月 6 日晚上预订的一个单人房。朗文当代〔confirm〕I neither confirmed nor denied the rumours.我既没有确认也没有否定谣言。外研社新世纪〔confirm〕This letter is to confirm your appointment.此信是为了进一步确认你的预约。英汉大词典〔constitution〕These rights are established in the federal constitution.这些权利已经在联邦宪法中得到确认。牛津搭配〔correct〕Make sure you use the correct address.确认一下你用的地址是否正确。麦克米伦高阶〔countersign〕To sign (a previously signed document), as for authentication.会签,确认:签(一个已签文件),如为了使之生效美国传统〔determine〕It was determined that she had died of natural causes.已确认她是自然死亡。牛津高阶〔dial〕She looked at the dial to check her speed.她看了看仪表盘以确认自己的速度。朗文当代〔do〕I do think she's behaved badly.我的确认为她的行为很糟糕。朗文当代〔election〕All counties have now certified their election returns.所有的县都已确认了各自的选举结果。牛津搭配〔endeavour〕Further inquiries will be conducted in an endeavour to identify the person.将进行深入的调查以确认此人的身份。外研社新世纪〔erupt〕Seconds after all were safe, the hillside erupted in flame.刚确认完一切安全, 山坡就起火了。外研社新世纪〔establish〕Police are still trying to establish the identity of the dead man.警方仍然在尽力确认死者的身份。牛津搭配〔estimate〕Flight times in the brochure are based on our best estimate, and will be confirmed as soon as possible.小册子里的航班时间是尽可能准确的估计,会尽快得到确认。牛津搭配〔excellence〕The hospital is recognized as a centre of excellence in research and teaching.这所医院已被确认为成就卓著的教学和研究中心。牛津高阶〔family values〕The moral and social values traditionally maintained and affirmed within a family.家庭价值观念:在一个家庭中传统维系且经确认的道德及社会价值观念美国传统〔footing〕She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing.她扭头看了看后面以确认自己是否站稳了。牛津搭配〔formality〕An established form, rule, or custom, especially one followed merely for the sake of procedure or decorum.礼节,俗套:被确认的形式、规则或习俗,尤指仅仅是因为程序或礼仪需要而遵循的美国传统〔further〕Further to our recent telephone conversation, I am writing to confirm our meeting.还有为了对我们最近的电话会谈作进一步的说明,我写信来确认我们的会面事宜。麦克米伦高阶〔further〕Further to your letter of February 5th, we can confirm your order.关于贵方 2 月 5 日来函,我们确认贵方之订单。朗文当代〔identification〕A member of the family was brought in for identification of the body.一位家人被带来确认尸体。韦氏高阶〔identify〕Someone has to formally identify the body.必须有人出面正式确认死者的身份。牛津搭配〔identify〕The police took fingerprints and identified the body .警方采集了指纹,对尸体作了身份确认。朗文当代〔identity〕It is crucial that she reclaim her identity and confirm where she belongs.找回身份并确认自己的归属地对她来说至关重要。牛津搭配〔immigration〕Immigration officials at the airport have confirmed that she entered the country yesterday.机场的移民局官员确认她是在昨天入境的。外研社新世纪〔it doesn't hurt/never hurts to do sth〕It never hurts to check the flight departure time before you leave for the airport.在动身去机场前查看确认一下航班的起飞时间不会有什么坏处的。剑桥高阶〔job〕I know it's not my job to tell you how to run your life, but I do think you've made a mistake.我知道不该由我来告诉你如何生活,但我的确认为你犯了错。剑桥高阶〔make〕I think I locked the door but I'll go back and check just to make sure.我想我把门锁上了,但还是要回去检查确认一下。剑桥高阶〔microscopically〕The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.利用显微镜检查组织,以排除或确认癌变。柯林斯高阶〔microscopically〕The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.对这一组织进行显微检查, 以排除或确认癌症。外研社新世纪〔morgue〕A place in which the bodies of persons found dead are kept until identified and claimed or until arrangements for burial have been made.停尸房:保存人的尸体的场所,直到身份被确认并被认领或直至埋葬的安排做好以后美国传统〔move〕I move to approve the minutes as read.我提议确认宣读的会议记录。朗文当代〔name〕One of the victims of the weekend's snowstorm has been named as twenty-year-old John Barr.周末暴风雪中的一名罹难者已确认是20岁的约翰·巴尔。柯林斯高阶〔name〕The missing man has been named as James Kelly.失踪者已被确认为詹姆斯 · 凯利。牛津高阶〔number cruncher〕Even if the recovery is under way, it may be some time before the official number crunchers confirm it.即便经济已经开始复苏,仍要过一段时间官方统计数字才能确认这一点。柯林斯高阶〔pending〕The identity of the four people was not made public, pending (the) notification of relatives.四名受害者的身份要等到家属确认之后才能公开。剑桥高阶〔ping〕A protocol that sends a message to another computer and waits for acknowledgment, often used to check if another computer on a network is reachable.因特网封包探索:将信息传送至另一计算机并等待确认的协议,通常用于检查网络上的另一台计算机是否可用美国传统〔pinpoint〕It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.几乎不可能确认死因。柯林斯高阶〔pinpoint〕To locate or identify with precision.精确地定位或确认美国传统〔poke around/about〕When dentists poke about in your mouth they check for signs of oral cancer.牙医对口腔各处进行检查, 以确认是否有患口腔癌的迹象。外研社新世纪〔positively〕He has positively identified the body as that of his wife.他已确认那是他妻子的尸体。外研社新世纪〔proceed〕The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions.在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。柯林斯高阶〔reconfirm〕You have to reconfirm your flight 24 hours before travelling.你必须在乘飞机之前 24 小时再次确认你的航班。牛津高阶〔report〕They could neither confirm nor deny reports that the chairperson was to be replaced.他们不能确认也不能否认主席将被替换的传闻。牛津搭配〔risk〕Before providing the cash, they will have to decide whether you are a good or bad risk.在提供资金之前, 他们得确认你是不是信誉良好的贷款对象。外研社新世纪〔rogues' gallery〕A collection of pictures of known and suspected criminals maintained in police files and used for making identifications.罪犯照片集:由警察部门归档用于确认身份的罪犯和嫌疑犯的照片集美国传统〔speech community〕A group of speakers, whether located in one area or scattered, who recognize the same language or dialect of a language as a standard.言语社团,言语集团:确认具有同一种语言或方言为标准语的一群人,他们集中于某一地区或是分散居住美国传统〔stick〕They stick everything with spears to make sure there's nothing hidden there.他们用矛把所有东西都戳了一遍, 以确认没东西藏在里面。外研社新世纪〔symbolize〕To represent or identify by a symbol.用符号代表或确认美国传统〔unforeseen〕Ring regularly to check that no unforeseen problems have arisen.定期打个电话,确认一下有没有意外情况。柯林斯高阶〔unforeseen〕Ring regularly to check that no unforeseen problems have arisen.定期通电话, 确认一下有没有未预见到的问题发生。外研社新世纪〔unobserved〕Looking round to make sure he was unobserved, he slipped through the door.他环顾四周确认没人看见, 便从那扇门溜走了。外研社新世纪〔verification〕He received verification of the deposit from the bank.他收到了银行的存款确认函。韦氏高阶〔verify〕A clerk simply verifies that the payment and invoice amount match.书记员只是确认付款额和发票上的数额相符。外研社新世纪〔verify〕She verified her flight number.她确认了自己的航班号。韦氏高阶〔wise〕Consumers need to wise up to the effect that advertising has on them.消费者应当正确认识广告对自己产生的影响。朗文当代〔writing〕This agreement has to be confirmed in writing.这个协议必须书面确认。牛津搭配〔written〕We're waiting for written confirmation from the Americans.我们在等美国人的书面确认。柯林斯高阶He made sure that he stuck up for his rights.他确认他维护了自己的权利。剑桥国际He may well wonder why no-one was there--he forgot to confirm the date.他也许会感到奇怪为什么那里没有人----他忘了确认日期。剑桥国际I am writing to confirm that your rent falls due (= must be paid) on the first of the month.兹去函确认你的租金本月一号到期。剑桥国际I don't want to trivialise the problem, but I do think there are more important matters to discuss.我不想轻描淡写这个问题,但是我的确认为有更重要的事项要讨论。剑桥国际In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document.在这部电影里,他扮演一个间谍,任务是确认一份秘密军事文件的真实性。剑桥国际It's not that I'm prejudiced against older people, but I do think younger people should get better opportunities at work.我并不是对年龄大一些的人有偏见,但我的确认为年轻人应该得到更好的工作机会。剑桥国际She was affirmed as a candidate. 她被确认为候选人。译典通Some toothpaste tubes carry a logo indicating that the manufacturers’claims have been validated by a medical association.一些牙膏壳上有一个标记,表明该生产厂商的声明已经为一家医药协会所确认。剑桥国际Students must list/acknowledge their sources (= say which books they have used) at the end of their essays.学生必须在他们论文的最后列出/确认参考书目的出处。剑桥国际The airline has placed firm orders for 10 new planes.这家航空公司已确认订购 10 架新飞机。牛津商务The data is entered on to a computer which validates it.这数据被输入了一台能确认其有效的电脑中去。剑桥国际The government affirmed its commitment to equal rights.政府确认了自己对权利平等的承诺。剑桥国际We have had no acknowledgement of our letter. 我们没有收到过确认去信已收到的回音。译典通Will you confirm your reservation in writing by Friday, please.请你在周五之前用书面形式确认一下你的预订。剑桥国际




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