

单词 短期
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔boom〕a short-term economic boom 短期的经济繁荣文馨英汉〔brief〕a brief holiday (visit) 短期休假(访问)英汉大词典〔charter〕an oil tanker on short-term charter 短期包租的油轮英汉大词典〔cost〕training days for charity staff on how to draw up contracts and cost out proposals. 指导慈善机构员工如何起草合同和为提案估价的短期培训柯林斯高阶〔externship〕an externship in a law firm 在律师事务所的短期实习朗文当代〔fast〕a fast trip across the English Channel一次横跨英吉利海峡的短期旅行外研社新世纪〔forecast〕a short-term forecast of the economy 对经济的短期预测牛津搭配〔letting〕short-term holiday lettings 短期出租的度假房屋朗文当代〔let〕a long-term/short-term let 长期╱短期出租牛津高阶〔liquid〕a liquid investment 短期投资英汉大词典〔liquid〕liquid funds/investments 流动资金;短期投资韦氏高阶〔memory〕short-term/long-term memory 短期/长期记忆韦氏高阶〔must-see〕a brief sightseeing tour hitting the must-sees; a movie that's a must-see. 只看主要景点的短期观光旅行;必看的一个电影美国传统〔near-term〕the near-term prospects 短期的展望文馨英汉〔note〕in short-term notes 以短期票据英汉大词典〔palliative〕short-term palliative measures 短期的权宜之计牛津高阶〔respite care〕respite care for their very ill child for short periods. 对他们病重的孩子的短期护理柯林斯高阶〔respite〕respite care(= temporary care arranged for old, mentally ill, etc. people so that the people who usually care for them can have a rest) 暂时托管(为老人或病人提供短期照料以使长期照顾者获得短暂休息)牛津高阶〔secondment〕return after a short secondment 短期调职后返回英汉大词典〔sessional〕sessional work 短期工作英汉大词典〔short-range〕a short-range forecast 短期预测文馨英汉〔short-range〕a short-range plan 短期计划文馨英汉〔short-range〕a short-range weather forecast 短期天气预报牛津高阶〔short-run〕a short-run corrective measure 短期的纠偏措施英汉大词典〔short-termism〕plans to combat short-termism among investors in British industry 打击英国工业中投资者的短期效益主义的计划朗文当代〔short-term〕a short-term loan 短期贷款文馨英汉〔short-term〕a short-term loan. 短期贷款美国传统〔short-term〕a short-term solution to the problem 解决这个问题的短期措施牛津高阶〔short-term〕a short-term solution.短期的解决办法。牛津同义词〔short-term〕short-term capital gains 短期资产生成的资本收益英汉大词典〔short-term〕short-term capital gains. 短期资产生成的资本收益美国传统〔short-term〕short-term memory 短期记忆剑桥高阶〔short-term〕short-term training 短期训练英汉大词典a $100 million short-term bank facility 1 亿元的短期银行融资额牛津商务a four-week period of block release 四周的短期在职进修牛津商务a short-term solution to a problem 问题的短期解决方案牛津商务extremely liquid assets such as money at call 流动性极高的资产,如短期通知放款牛津商务investors looking for a safe haven to park their cash 寻求安全地点短期存放资金的投资者牛津商务near-term financial targets 短期财务目标牛津商务short-term, self-liquidating financing 短期自偿性融资牛津商务




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