

单词 百分之
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔and〕five and a quarter per cent 百分之五点二五朗文当代〔a〕a hundredth 百分之一文馨英汉〔a〕a hundredth 百分之一英汉大词典〔capital〕pay 6% interest on capital 按本金付百分之六的利息文馨英汉〔centum〕centum per centum 百分之百英汉大词典〔cent〕five per cent 百分之五(即5%)英汉大词典〔drop〕a five per cent drop 下跌百分之五牛津高阶〔drop〕a four percent drop in body weight 体重百分之四的下降韦氏高阶〔exposure〕an exposure of one-hundredth of a second 百分之一秒的曝光英汉大词典〔fifty-fifty〕a fifty-fifty chance of winning 百分之五十的胜率朗文当代〔fifty-fifty〕a fifty-fifty chance of winning 百分之五十的获胜机会文馨英汉〔fifty-fifty〕had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving. 有百分之五十的幸存机会美国传统〔grade〕a steep six percent grade 坡度为百分之六的陡坡韦氏高阶〔hundred-percent〕a hundred-percent pure wool 百分之百纯羊毛英汉大词典〔hundredth〕a hundredth part百分之一份外研社新世纪〔hundredth〕a/one hundredth of a second 百分之一秒牛津高阶〔hundredth〕the hundredth part of an estate 财产的百分之一英汉大词典〔hundredth〕two hundredths of the money 款项的百分之二英汉大词典〔minus〕plus or minus five per cent正负百分之五外研社新世纪〔out of〕in 99 cases out of 100百分之九十九的情况下外研社新世纪〔pay〕a savings account paying four percent interest 支付百分之四利息的储蓄账户韦氏高阶〔percent〕a [one] hundred percent 百分之百文馨英汉〔percent〕a five percent increase 百分之五的增加文馨英汉〔percent〕agree with sb.'s suggestion a hundred percent 百分之百地赞成某人的建议英汉大词典〔percent〕be one percent responsible for the accident 对事故负有百分之一的责任英汉大词典〔percent〕half a percent 百分之0.5英汉大词典〔percent〕pl. percentalso per cent One part in a hundred: 【复数】 percent 也作 per cent 百分之一:一百中的一份:美国传统〔projected〕a projected increase of 15% 预计百分之十五的增加文馨英汉〔redundancy〕provide 100 percent redundancy in the reception and recording of aerial photographs 在空中照相的接收和记录方面提供百分之百的冗余可靠性英汉大词典〔requirement〕a packaged food which provides 100 percent of your daily requirement of one vitamin. 能够百分之百满足人体对于一种维生素每日所需的包装食品柯林斯高阶〔rise〕a three per cent pay raise 百分之三的加薪牛津高阶〔saving〕a five-percent saving on fuel 百分之五的燃料节省文馨英汉〔scorer〕the top 2 per cent of scorers in IQ tests. 智商测试中分数在前百分之二的人柯林斯高阶〔unadulterated〕a feeling of pure unadulterated pleasure 百分之百快乐的感觉朗文当代a 7 per cent rise in price 百分之七的价格上涨牛津商务




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