

单词 百分
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADULT〕Over 30% of the adult population were illiterate. 百分之三十以上的成年人不识字。朗文写作活用〔APR〕Annual percentage rate.年百分率美国传统〔PAIN〕Nineteen percent of women will still use a beauty product, even if it irritates their skin. 百分之十九的女性使用一种化妆品后,即使皮肤刺痛还会继续使用。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Rather than roll prices back, the company negotiated pay increases that ranged between 10 and 15 percent. 该公司协商要加薪百分之十到十五,而不是降低价格。朗文写作活用〔advance〕The stock advanced five points.股票上升了5个百分点。21世纪英汉〔another〕He believes prices will not rise by more than another 4 per cent.他认为物价涨幅不会再超过4个百分点。柯林斯高阶〔another〕Inflation has risen by another 4 per cent.通货膨胀率又上涨了4个百分点。外研社新世纪〔approximate〕These percentages are only approximate.这些百分比仅仅是近似值。朗文当代〔birthcontrol〕No birth-control method is 100% effective.任何节育方法都不是百分之百有效。牛津搭配〔calibrate〕The thermometer is calibrated by centigrade.温度计是用摄氏百分度标定的。英汉大词典〔carry〕One percent of the population now carries the virus, and one in three will suffer symptoms of the disease.目前有百分之一的人口携带这种病毒,每三名携带者中就会有一人发病。韦氏高阶〔centesimal〕Relating to or divided into hundredths.百分之一的:关于或分成一百份的美国传统〔collection〕Ten percent of the collection goes to the city's shelters for homeless people.筹集款的百分之十用于为城市无家可归的人提供庇护所。韦氏高阶〔commitment〕A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment.干演员这一行需要百分之百的投入。牛津高阶〔cut〕The economy needs an immediate 2 per cent cut in interest rates.当前经济状况需要立即将利率下调两个百分点。柯林斯高阶〔damn〕As it turned out, I was damn right.结果证明我百分百正确。柯林斯高阶〔dearness allowance〕Giving relief to its employees and pensioners from inflation, the central government announced a seven percentage point increase in dearness allowance.为了减轻通货膨胀对雇员和退休人员的影响,中央政府宣布把物价津贴提高7个百分点。剑桥高阶〔decrease〕Sales decreased by five percent this year.今年的销售额减少了百分之五。韦氏高阶〔definitely〕Have you definitely decided to go to Costa Rica? 你百分之百决定去哥斯达黎加了吗?剑桥高阶〔embolization〕Unlike hysterectomies, uterine artery embolization is not 100 percent effective for treating fibroids.与子宫切除术不同,子宫动脉栓塞对治疗纤维瘤并不是百分之百有效。剑桥高阶〔expressly〕It is expressed as a percentage.它是以百分比的形式表示的。柯林斯高阶〔express〕The results can be expressed as a percentage.各项结果可以用百分比来表示。韦氏高阶〔foreign exchange〕On the foreign exchanges, the US dollar is up point forty-five.在外汇交易中,美元上涨了 0.45 个百分点。柯林斯高阶〔fraction〕The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.学生们掌握了小数、百分数和分数。柯林斯高阶〔get〕I got 98% in my last maths test.上一次数学考试我得了(百分制的)98 分。朗文当代〔growth〕Their profits have averaged five percent growth in the last four years.在过去四年里,他们的利润平均每年增长百分之五。韦氏高阶〔half-heartedly〕I can't do anything half-heartedly. I have to do everything 100 per cent.我从不敷衍了事。做任何事我都要百分百投入。外研社新世纪〔hundred-percent〕Are you a hundred-percent sure it's your umbrella? 你百分之百确定那是你的伞吗?文馨英汉〔hundred〕I'm a hundred per cent sure.我百分之百地确信。外研社新世纪〔industrial〕Industrials were up 1.2 percent at the close of trading.在交易结束的时候工业股票上升了1.2个百分点。剑桥高阶〔interest〕A charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned.利息:使用贷款的费用,通常以贷款数量的百分比计息美国传统〔interest〕We pay six percent interest on the loan.我们付百分之六的贷款利息。韦氏高阶〔less〕The illness affects less than one percent of the population.感染这种疾病的人不到总人口的百分之一。韦氏高阶〔literate〕What percentage of the population is literate? 有读写能力的人口的百分比是多少?韦氏高阶〔loss〕The stock market had a loss of four percent yesterday.股市昨天跌了四个百分点。韦氏高阶〔make ... up〕This made up 15%of their total income.这是他们总收入的百分之十五。21世纪英汉〔make〕A hundred cents make a dollar.一百分等于一元。文馨英汉〔malnourished〕About thirty per cent of the country's children were malnourished.这个国家大约有百分之三十的儿童营养不良。外研社新世纪〔margin〕The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.这次调查有3.4个百分点的正负误差范围。外研社新世纪〔multicar〕The number of multicar families jumped from 13% to 29%.拥有多部汽车的家庭数目由百分之十一遽升至百分之二十九。文馨英汉〔nylon〕These covers are 100 percent nylon.这些套子是百分之百尼龙的。剑桥高阶〔payout〕A percentage of corporate earnings that is paid as dividends to shareholders.分红:法人团体收入中付给股东的红利百分数美国传统〔per cent〕Eighty per cent of the work force is/are against the strike.百分之八十的劳动者都反对这次罢工。牛津高阶〔per cent〕What per cent of the population is/are overweight? 体重超重的人占人口多大的百分比?牛津高阶〔percentage〕The result obtained by multiplying a quantity by a percent.成数:通过增加一个百分比的数而得到的结果美国传统〔percentage〕Unemployment has fallen by two percentage points this month.本月失业率下降了两个百分点。牛津搭配〔percentage〕What percentage of women own a car? 有车的女性占百分之多少?牛津搭配〔percent〕I agree with you a hundred percent.我百分之百同意你的看法。朗文当代〔percent〕I am 100 percent satisfied with the outcome.我对那结果感到百分之百地满意。文馨英汉〔per〕The real income per person rose by about 10 per cent in the last two years.每人在过去二年里的实际收入增长了约百分之十。21世纪英汉〔point〕Interest rates have risen by two percentage points (= two percent).利率上涨了两个百分点。剑桥高阶〔point〕One percent of the total principal of a loan, paid up front to the lender and considered separately from the interest.贴息:一笔贷款的总本金的百分之一,预先支付给借出一方,并和利息分开考虑美国传统〔proof〕The alcoholic strength of a liquor, expressed by a number that is twice the percentage by volume of alcohol present.强度标准:某种酒的酒精强度,用现存酒精体积的两倍百分比数来表示美国传统〔range〕Her scores ranged from 23% up as high as 88%.她的分数在百分制的 23 分至 88 分之间浮动。牛津搭配〔rebel〕The rebels want another 1% cut in interest rates.反对派希望利率再降一个百分点。外研社新世纪〔reduce〕Consumption is being reduced by 25 per cent.消费下降了25个百分点。柯林斯高阶〔refund〕We will refund your money in full if you are not completely satisfied.如果您不是百分之百满意,我们将全额退款。麦克米伦高阶〔reserve〕She trusted him without reserve (= completely).她百分之百地信任他。牛津搭配〔set-aside〕Something, such as land or a certain percentage of profits, that is set aside for a specific purpose.留出,拨出:作特殊用途而被保留的东西,如土地或利润的特定百分比美国传统〔shrink〕The rate of inflation has shrunk to 3%.通货膨胀率已缩小到百分之三。文馨英汉〔sight〕The company has raised/lowered its sights for annual sales by five percent.公司将年度销售目标提高/降低了百分之五。韦氏高阶〔single-digit〕The government predicts single-digit inflation for this year, compared with 15 percent last year.和去年的百分之十五相比之下,政府预测今年将有个位数的通货膨胀。文馨英汉〔spirit〕A: I'm absolutely certain I'll be completely vindicated. B: That's the spirit! 甲:我百分之百地确信我将获得彻底的昭雪。乙:那样想才对! 英汉大词典〔spot-on〕The altimeter is not one hundred per cent spot-on.这个测高计不是百分之百的准确。英汉大词典〔stay〕The unemployment rate stayed below 4 per cent.失业率维持在百分之四以下。外研社新世纪〔suffer〕I can not tolerate to suffer the loss of 1% of the profit.我不能容忍把百分之一的利润损失掉。21世纪英汉〔swell〕The economy is swelling at an annual rate of five percent.经济以每年百分之五的速度增长。韦氏高阶〔thereabouts〕Inflation is down to 2 per cent or thereabouts.通胀率下降到了百分之二左右。外研社新世纪〔trail〕The polls showed the Tories trailing behind the Government by 17 per cent.民调显示,保守党落后于政府 17 个百分点。柯林斯高阶〔unadulterated〕For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure.对我来说,这个假期是百分之百的赏心乐事。牛津高阶〔unassailable〕The president looked unassailable with over 60 percent of the vote.总统以高于百分之六十的选票获得绝对优势。剑桥高阶〔unemployment rate〕The current unemployment rate is six percent.目前的失业率是百分之六。韦氏高阶About 2% of fast-food packaging ends up as roadside litter.大概有百分之二的快餐盒最终成为街道两旁的垃圾。剑桥国际According to US government figures 60 per cent of murder weapons are firearms.美国政府的数据表明,百分之六十的谋杀器械是枪支。剑桥国际An estimated twenty per cent of the population are unemployed.估计有百分之二十的人口失业。牛津商务At the end of the Vietnam war, women composed only 1.6% of the US forces, but the percentage is much higher now.越战结束时,美军中的女性只占1.6%的比例,而现在女性百分比已经大大提高了。剑桥国际He only scored nine hundred marks. 他只得九百分。译典通I've managed to negotiate (= obtain by discussion) a five per cent pay increase with my boss.经与老板协商,我的工资将提高百分之五。剑桥国际In a quarter of the families in the study at least 10 per cent of the income was spent on drink, gambling and tobacco.受到调查的家庭中有四分之一是把至少百分之十的收入用于喝酒、赌博和吸烟。剑桥国际Interest rates are expected to rise by one percentage point (= 1%).预计利率将上升一个百分点。牛津商务Only 10 percent of the land was under cultivation. 只有百分之十的土地用作耕地。译典通Pareto's principle tells you that 80 per cent of your sales will come from 20 per cent of your sales staff.帕累托原则告诉我们,百分之八十的销售额将来自百分之二十的销售员工。牛津商务Passenger traffic has gone up by 20 per cent. 客流量已增长百分之二十。译典通Rates were cut by a half point.利率削减了半个百分点。牛津商务Shares tumbled 8 per cent to 460 yen.股价骤降百分之八,跌到 460 日元。牛津商务Ten per cent of the population lived in poverty.百分之十的人口生活在贫困之中。剑桥国际The Bank of England has cut interest rates by half a percentage point.英格兰银行已削减半个百分点的利率。牛津商务The authorities devalued the peso against the US dollar by nine per cent.当局将比索兑美元贬值了百分之九。牛津商务The company's shares fell 3 per cent yesterday.昨天公司的股票下跌百分之三。牛津商务The cost-of-living index rose by more than six per cent between May and July.五月和七月之间的生活费用指数上升超过百分之六。牛津商务The figure is expressed as a percentage.这个数值以百分比表示。牛津商务The interest rate on Caroline's mortgage is fixed at two percent above the base rate for five years.卡罗琳抵押贷款的利率比五年贷款的基本利率高出两个百分点。剑桥国际The population of this country rose by 10 percent. 这个国家的人口增长了百分之十。译典通The rate of overall industrial growth was above eight percent. 工业总增长率超过百分之八。译典通There is a high percentage of part-time workers within Britain's lowest income group.英国低收入群中兼职工人的百分比相当高。牛津商务They own a 16 per cent stake in the business.他们拥有企业百分之十六的股权。牛津商务Thirty percent of the farmland has been planted to oil crops. 百分之三十的农田已种上油料作物。译典通This new drug has every chance/prospect of success.这种新药有百分之百的机会/希望成功。剑桥国际Twenty per cent of the tax is put towards local environmental schemes.百分之二十的税收用于资助当地的环境计划。牛津商务Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month. 上个月失业率降至百分之四。译典通




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