

单词 百个
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BECAUSE〕Hundreds of working days have been lost this year through illness. 今年因为员工生病损失了数百个工作日。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕Billie Holiday or Bessie Smith had more personality than a hundred of today's pop singers. 不管是比利·霍利迪也好,贝茜·史密斯也好,都比当今一百个流行乐歌手加起来还要有个性。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕At the end of the fair, the school let go of hundreds of balloons. 游园会结束之时,学校里放飞了几百个气球。朗文写作活用〔RARE/RARELY〕They're pretty rare. Only about a hundred were made. 这些东西很稀少,只制作了大约一百个。朗文写作活用〔Typhon〕A monster with one hundred heads, thrown by Zeus into Tartarus.堤丰:有一百个头的怪物,被宙斯扔进了塔尔塔罗斯美国传统〔baby〕Dr Coleman has delivered hundreds of babies .科尔曼医生接生过几百个婴儿。朗文当代〔besiege〕The company's offices were besieged by hundreds of people who had holidays planned.公司的办公室被几百个已经计划好度假的人团团围住。麦克米伦高阶〔brainstorming〕Hundreds of ideas had been tried and discarded during two years of brainstorming.在进行集思广益的两年时间里, 数百个设想被一一尝试过又放弃。外研社新世纪〔called〕I've had hundreds of calls from other victims.我已经接到了其他受害人打来的上百个电话。柯林斯高阶〔call〕I've had hundreds of calls from other victims.我已接到其他受害者打来的数百个电话。外研社新世纪〔cramped〕There are hundreds of families living in cramped conditions on the floor of the airport lounge.数百个家庭住在机场候机室拥挤的地板上。柯林斯高阶〔cramped〕There are hundreds of families living in cramped conditions on the floor of the airport lounge.数百个家庭住在机场候机室这个狭小的场地里。外研社新世纪〔despite〕Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。牛津高阶〔go〕A hundred jobs are expected to go following the merger.合并之后一百个职位将要没有了。朗文当代〔hundredth〕He was the hundredth person to sign up.他是第一百个签名的人。外研社新世纪〔incumbency〕Hundreds of new jobs were created during her incumbency.她任职期间新增了数百个就业岗位。韦氏高阶〔knock〕Over 100 people are knocked over on Britain's roads every day.在英国的公路上,每天被车撞倒的人有上百个。麦克米伦高阶〔lustre〕The opera house formed an immense hall with a hundred streaming lustres.从枝形吊灯上垂下的一百个刻花玻璃垂饰将歌剧院装点得富丽堂皇。外研社新世纪〔middle management〕He cut hundreds of jobs in middle management.他裁减了数百个中层管理职位。剑桥高阶〔mill〕There were hundreds of boys and girls milling around [about] on the lawn.几百个男女孩子在草坪上乱挤乱转。文馨英汉〔pot〕Hundreds of jam pots lined her scrubbed shelves.她那擦得干干净净的架子上排列着几百个果酱罐。柯林斯高阶〔pot〕Hundreds of jam pots lined her scrubbed shelves.数百个果酱罐摆放在她那擦得干干净净的架子上。外研社新世纪〔pour into〕Mixers poured cement into hundreds of blue barrels.搅拌机将水泥倒进上百个蓝色桶里。外研社新世纪〔receive〕With a satellite dish you can receive hundreds of channels.有了碟形卫星电视天线,你就可以接收到上百个台的电视节目。麦克米伦高阶〔relief〕What a relief! 噢,这才放下一百个心!文馨英汉〔research〕The reporter made hundreds of telephone calls while researching the story.这名记者在调查那则报道时打了上百个电话。韦氏高阶〔screen〕The Secret Service screens several hundred people every week.特工机关每星期甄别几百个人。英汉大词典〔seed〕The catalogue has hundreds of different varieties of seeds.目录中列出了数百个品种的种子。牛津搭配〔set apart〕What sets it apart from hundreds of similar small French towns is the huge factory.与其他数百个法国小镇不同的是它拥有巨大的工厂。柯林斯高阶〔sit-up〕Jerry says he does two hundred sit-ups a day.杰里说他每天做两百个仰卧起坐。朗文当代〔switchboard〕Hundreds of callers jammed the switchboard trying to win the tickets (=there were too many calls for the switchboard to deal with) .几百个电话打进来想赢取门票,总机应接不暇。朗文当代〔switchboard〕Hundreds of fans jammed the switchboard for over an hour.在一个多小时里,好几百个崇拜者打去电话,交换台应接不暇。牛津高阶〔telegraph〕Waugh's local TAB sent him a congratulatory telegraph when he scored his first hundred.沃尔赢得他第一百个进球时, 当地的赌金计算器代理局发来了贺电。外研社新世纪〔umbrella〕Socialist International, an umbrella group comprising almost a hundred Social Democrat parties.社会党国际,一个包括近百个社会民主党的综合团体柯林斯高阶〔unmask〕Mr Burkett has unmasked several hundred impostors.伯克特先生已经揭穿了数百个冒名顶替者。柯林斯高阶〔up for grabs〕There are hundreds of prizes up for grabs.有几百个奖品等着大家去拿。剑桥高阶〔variety〕There are hundreds of different varieties of apple.苹果有数百个不同品种。牛津搭配〔vocabulary〕By the age of two a child will have a vocabulary of about two hundred words.孩子到两岁时掌握的词汇大约有两百个。剑桥高阶After paging through hundreds of sites, we chose six.浏览了几百个网站之后,我们选择了六个。牛津商务After the concert hundreds of wine bottles and beer cans were left scattered on the grass.音乐会结束后成百个酒瓶和啤酒罐散落在草地上。剑桥国际He has a hundred men under his command. 他指挥一百个人。译典通He used an electric tool, which had hundreds of strong metal teeth on a rotating shaft, to clear the soil of weeds.他用一台旋转轴上有数百个金属齿的电动工具来清除地里的野草。剑桥国际Hundreds of jobs are at stake if the firm doesn't win this contract.如果那家公司不能赢得这份合同,数百个工作岗位就有丧失的危险。牛津商务Hundreds of kids are sleeping rough in the capital.首都有数百个孩子露宿街头。剑桥国际Our direct response ads generated hundreds of enquiries.我们的直效广告带来了数百个查询。牛津商务Sara's party was quite an occasion --there were hundreds of people there.萨拉的晚会可真是一次盛会----有数百个人在那儿。剑桥国际Several hundred people were crammed into the stifling room.几百个人挤进了令人喘不了气的房间。剑桥国际The opening of the superstore will toll the death knell for (= cause the failure of) hundreds of small independent shops.超市的兴起将使数百个小型的独立商店倒闭。剑桥国际There are almost two hundred foxhunts (=organizations of hunters in particular areas) in Great Britain.在英国差不多有二百个猎狐组织。剑桥国际There are hundreds of prizes up for grabs (= ready to be won or taken) in our competition.我们的竞赛有几百个奖项等着被摘取。剑桥国际They received hundreds of requests (asking) for more information.他们接到几百个索取更多信息的请求。剑桥国际We collected hundreds of signatures in support of not allowing cars into the city centre.我们收集了数百个支持禁止汽车进入市中心的签名。剑桥国际




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